Category Archives: Literacy

Sleeping Beauty at Castlehill Primary

Last Thursday Castlehill’s P1 and P2 children thoroughly enjoyed entertaining a very large gathering of parents and friends with a musical production of Sleeping Beauty. Cooks, maids, guards, gardeners, thorns, village people, fairies – both good and bad, members of the royal family and a handsome prince all took to the stage to tell the well-known fairy story.

Achaleven & Ardchattan join forces for Nativity

Achaleven and Ardchattan Primaries joined forces this year for their nativity play – The Very Hopeless Camel on Friday 13th December. It’s been great fun rehearsing for it at our schools over the past few weeks, and we’ve enjoyed getting together as well to practice. With the help of Mrs Barlow there have also been lots of wonderful songs to learn.

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Wonderful Baboushka

Dunoon Primary School Choir performed ‘Baboushka’ at St Johns Church on Sunday 15th December. The busy church were treated to a stupendous performance as the children sang so sweetly and confidently under the direction of our superb Choirmaster Heather Hamlet. The solos were simply marvellous and all the pupils are a credit to their parents and to our school.

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Rockfield Primary School Gets Talking!

An exciting new initiative for P1 pupils and their families in Rockfield Primary School, Oban has got everyone talking!
Talk Bags – a series of themed bags full of fun resources – are now going home weekly to be played with by P1 pupils and family members. Talk Bags are designed to encourage children to develop their verbal literacy skills in order to support them as they learn to read and write. The need for children to be able to ‘say it before they read it or write it’ is a fundamental element of language development. Continue reading Rockfield Primary School Gets Talking!

Scottish Children’s Book Awards at Kirn Primary

As part of Book Week Scotland, all the children took part in reading or listening to the three ‘Bookbug’ shortlisted titles.

The three stories, ‘Jumblebum’ by Chae Strathie, ‘Paper Dolls’ by Julia Donaldson and ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ by Debi Gliori were read by P4, P5, P6 and P7 children, who visited the classrooms of Pre-5, P1, P2 and P3 to do the readings.

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Chae Strathie Comes to Kirn Primary for Book Week Scotland

We were so excited when Chae Strathie, the children’s author who is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Award with his book ‘Jumblebum’ visited Kirn Primary School for Book Week Scotland!

Pre-5, P1 and P2 classes all listened as Chae read his new book (one of the three books in the running to win the Scottish Children’s Book Award), joined him in creating a monster and joining in with Chae’s songs.

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“We Are Writers!” at Kirn Primary School

Book Week Scotland ran from 25th November until 1st of December. At Kirn, we thought what better way to get involved in Book Week than for every child at Kirn Primary to be part of publishing our very own book, full of stories written by our very own pupils?
In conjunction with Scholastic’s ‘We Are Writers’ service, an amazing story by every child from Kirn Primary School has been included in a real paperback book, available for parents to buy.

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Port Ellen Panto

Port Ellen Primary hosted their annual Christmas fair on Saturday, a chance to have fun, meet friends, buy home made goods and meet Santa. Despite being in the middle of panto fever the school produced a great showing of goods and prizes for visiting friends and family.

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Star Winners at Dunoon Primary!

Dunoon Primary pupils did exceedingly well at this year’s final between various local schools at the Annual Speech Contest in St Johns Church Hall.
The competition is organized every year by the Association of Speakers Club, Dunoon and is an excellent way for children to get involved in public speaking. The pupils learn to speak at their own pace as their confidence grows. Few skills impact on your life more positively than learning to speak in public. Continue reading Star Winners at Dunoon Primary!

Keills Primary Celebrates Book Week Scotland

The week started with a very engaging Book Bug session presented by Lynda Cooper. Our Pre 5 children and parents thoroughly enjoyed participating in story telling, singing and sharing their favourite books.

On Tuesday Ann Pilley organised and supplied us with a great selection of books kindly loaned for the day by C&E Roys. This gave the children the opportunity to enjoy the experience of browsing and reading a range of genre.

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Philosophy News from Oban High School

Pupils from Oban High School’s Philosophy Club appeared at the town’s sheriff court yesterday. But thankfully the bright young things were only staging a mock trial, as they looked deeper into their studies on right and wrong.

The trial was fictitious, but was based on real Scottish law.
The case was of a woman accused of driving dangerously by knocking down a high school pupil and breaking both her legs.

Big Book Bash at Dalintober

To celebrate Scottish Book Week Dalintober Primary 1 children held a Big Book Bash. The children decorated biscuits and served these to their parents and grandparents along with some juice. The parents and grandparents enjoyed reading the books and looking at the activities the children had been working on. The children voted “Jumblebum the Monster who loves mess!” as their favourite book.

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Kilmartin Early Level Class Meet the Bookbug!

Everybody loves the Bookbug and the children in the early level class at Kilmartin P.S. had the opportunity to meet the fellow himself at a special event organised by Argyll & Bute Early Years Team. The children travelled to Lochgilphead Joint Campus in the yellow school minibus, an exciting event in itself, to take part in the singing and storytelling session.

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Dunoon Primary Christmas Fayre

Dunoon Primary School PTA held a magnificent Christmas Fayre on Thursday 28th November 2013. The hall was packed with parents, pupils and shoppers as the crowd awaited the choir coming on to do a selection of Christmas songs. Santa was busy in his grotto and the teachers and staff were busy in the tearoom serving up a selection of home baked goodies.

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Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

Dear Readers,
Dunoon Primary’s Eco School’s Commitee 2012/2013 were delighted to receive their second Green Flag Award in the summer of 2013. Our Eco School’s assessor, Paul Love was delighted with all the Eco School improvements our school had made for e.g. further improvements to our Fairy Garden and was delighted to witness a real life mum and dad Coal Tit fly out of the newly designed bird house made by one of our P6 pupils and their grandfather last year. Continue reading Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

Scottish Hydro Christmas Card Design Winner for Dalintober PS

The Scottish Hydro shop, Campbeltown recently held a Christmas Card design competition for Primary 1 pupils and Gregor’s design was chosen as the winning entry, judged by Miss Mary McMillan. As well as receiving his own prize, Gregor also won a new CD system for his class, and all entrants also received a small treat for their efforts. Thank you to Anne and the team at Scottish Hydro from Dalintober!

St Joseph’s Charlie Part of The ‘Visit Scotland’ Campaign

This year we have a number of children achieving accolades outside of school and Charlie in P5 is just one such example. After having taken the lead role in the school’s Peter Pan production in June, Charlie’s mum helped source an agent for him and his career has gone from strength to strength. This year you will see Charlie be a part of the ‘Visit Scotland’ campaign and we are delighted for him. Recently he travelled to Gleneagles to film the ad which will soon be on our screens.

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Bowmore Primary School News

Thursday 14th November 2013
Internet Safety Caption
Nervously, on Friday 1st November 2013, we waited for Sergeant Rae to come in to teach us about the dangers of the internet.
First we learned about file sharing then cautiously we talked openly about e-mail. Crazily, most of us use e-mail often and it is very popular, although Facebook and Twitter are very well known and used as well.

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