Keills Primary Celebrates Book Week Scotland

The week started with a very engaging Book Bug session presented by Lynda Cooper. Our Pre 5 children and parents thoroughly enjoyed participating in story telling, singing and sharing their favourite books.

On Tuesday Ann Pilley organised and supplied us with a great selection of books kindly loaned for the day by C&E Roys. This gave the children the opportunity to enjoy the experience of browsing and reading a range of genre.

In addition to this the children were presented with their delivery of books, which they had requested previously for our Lending Library, managed by Irene Stitchell. With such a range of books on offer the children spent the whole afternoon enjoying the pleasures of reading, sharing favourite authors, recommending books and discussing text.

The week ended with the children making a start on reorganising our story sacks with the assistance of Irene. Great fun was had revisiting old favourites and matching soft toys to our books!
The week’s activities have inspired our children to read and engage more with books. Some children very kindly donated their own personal books to our library, which we are most grateful for. In addition to this the children have decided that they would like to develop their school library further – an exciting project lies ahead!
Below are responses from some of our children …

“We enjoyed singing action songs with Bookbug. We loved it when Bookbug was floating on the waves. He jumped really high! We enjoyed a well earned snack with our friends and parents.”

“I’m not a big fan of reading but on Tuesday afternoon I read some books that I really enjoyed. I started a book called Amazing and it is amazing! Every time the Teacher says read your book I think YES!”

“I found a quiet corner to read my book page by page, word by word – it was a delight! It was the best afternoon this term.”

“All day I wanted to read the books. I felt very excited. It was an amazing experience and I hope that Book Week comes round again quickly!”

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