Chae Strathie Comes to Kirn Primary for Book Week Scotland

We were so excited when Chae Strathie, the children’s author who is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Award with his book ‘Jumblebum’ visited Kirn Primary School for Book Week Scotland!

Pre-5, P1 and P2 classes all listened as Chae read his new book (one of the three books in the running to win the Scottish Children’s Book Award), joined him in creating a monster and joining in with Chae’s songs.

Everyone knew the story of ‘Jumblebum’ as the book had been read to them by P5, P6 or P7 children as part of our Book Week, so they were more than ready to join Chae with the story of Johnny McNess, the vile monster who grows out of his ‘eye-popping mess’, and to join in with Chae’s songs.

Thanks Chae for coming to Kirn!

(Many thanks to Kirn’s PTA and Scottish Book Trust who made this visit possible)

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