Category Archives: Events

Digital Leader Labs – 18th November 2016 (Event Full)

img_20161026_155611The senior pupils’ digital leader training event will take place in Inveraray Primary School on Friday 18th November 2016 from 10:00 till 15:30.  The event is aimed at pupils from P5/6/7 and will include training for pupils on computational thinking, troubleshooting and introduction to computer programming using Drones and Sphero’s.  There will also be a CPD session for staff. Continue reading Digital Leader Labs – 18th November 2016 (Event Full)

Carradale Primary – Golf Sessions

carradale-golf-sessionsThis is an article written by Catriona Newman, P7

The P4-7s from Carradale Primary School have recently attended a 4 week golf session run by Dr Abernethy and Mrs Margaret Campbell. They were split into two groups, the ones that hadn’t played golf before and the ones that head. They had great fun playing on the field, chipping and putting.

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Strachur P1-4 ‘Trees’ Topic

strachur-tree-topic-1Wow! Primary 1-4 have been learning everything there is to know about TREES! We went a big walk into the forest to collect conkers recently. We also made collages in the playground with various other interesting things we found, for example pine cones and strange shaped twigs!

We made crowns decorated with different shaped leave and petals from wild flowers. Our teacher, Mrs Leyland, told us what trees the leaves had come from.
Continue reading Strachur P1-4 ‘Trees’ Topic

Sock Puppet Shakespeare at Clachan Primary

clachan-shakespear-sock-puppetThis term Clachan Primary have been learning about William Shakespeare. We looked up the meaning of Shakespearian words, wrote our own sonnets, acted out scenes from Romeo and Juliet, then took ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ and re wrote it using our own words.

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Strachur Primary raises £348.10 for MacMillan

strachur-ps-macmillan-fundraiser-sept-2016-1On Friday 30th September Strachur Primary held a MacMillan coffee morning. Primary 1-4 baked fruit loaf that week and Primary 5-7, fairy cakes. These were sold alongside many donations of cakes and home baking from staff and the wider school community. Primary 5-7 served all morning and were delighted with the final total of £348.10 for this very worthwhile cause.

Thank you to all the people who contributed.

Continue reading Strachur Primary raises £348.10 for MacMillan

Early Level Activities at Park

park-ps-forest-schools-2Park Primary 1 and Early Learning and Childcare Centre share learning experiences in Early Level activities. This term the activities took the children to Dunollie woods where they chose to learn about trees. Each group made friends with a tree and got to know their new friend really well(its name, shape of leaves, type of seeds, parts of a tree, bark pattern).

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Prints of Play! at Cove Park

cove-park-prints-of-play-lauraspringThe Hands-On Cove Park Holiday Art Club offers a blast of creativity every day!
Prints of Play! is for children aged 8-11 interested in art, experimenting with colour, shape, texture and pattern. During a course of four daily sessions, 09:30-11:30 from Monday 17 – Thursday 20 October 2016, children will experiment with ideas around the theme of ‘play’ to create a series of quick, inspirational paper collages that will be used to inform a stencil design to print one or more t-shirt designs that they can go on to wear.
Continue reading Prints of Play! at Cove Park

JLB Harvest the Seeds of Success

jlb-harvest-the-seeds-of-successChildren at John Logie Baird Primary School have been working with Waitrose to develop Enterprise and business skills across the school. Following the pupils planning, measuring building and filling their own raised beds, Waitrose donated seeds to the school. Each class divided them up and planted them. Over the summer term, each class tended to their crop, and to their astonishment, after returning in August, a huge crop was ripe and ready to harvest.

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North Bute Primary are Wild about Scotland.

wild-about-scotland-1North Bute Primary School had a roaring time when the Wild about Scotland Bus came to Port Bannatyne. The RZSS experts taught our pupils about the skull structure of our native wildlife. We all learnt about conservation that is happening here in Scotland and the children were able to have all of their scientific questions answered. Thanks to the bus we now have so much to investigate ourselves. The children have been inspired to be biologists. Our school quiz was amazing with everyone involved using their new knowledge to gain team points, and win the game. Well done Team Wolves, who won by a whisker!

£255.00 raised to support MacMillan Cancer Support!

coffee-morning-and-harvest-003Oban Primary Campus staff held a Big Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. A huge big thank you to Mrs Joanie Garvin, for organising our wonderful event and to everyone who donated and baked the delicious cakes and treats on offer in our staffroom. It provided a fantastic opportunity for all of the staff to get together and catch up over a cuppa and a slice of something delicious for a great cause! Thank you once again, it was a great success! Continue reading £255.00 raised to support MacMillan Cancer Support!

MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Afternoon

img_0942-copyPrimary 6 and 7 of Southend Primary School organised and held a Coffee Afternoon on Friday 30th September to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support where the terrific sum of £436.20 was raised. A huge thank you to Mrs Galbraith who helped organise this, and to all who gave so generously and came to support this very worthwhile cause. It is very much appreciated.

4th Green Flag for Furnace

sept%20gardens%20031On Sunday 25th September 2016 the pupils, parents and staff of Furnace Primary celebrated being awarded our 4th Eco-Schools Green Flag. Our celebration morning started early on Sunday with a garden taskforce made up of parents and pupils setting about clearing our wildlife garden and pond, cutting back bushes, making bottle sides for our plastic bottle greenhouse and generally tidying up our school grounds and gardens. We found some interesting marine life in our pond in the process. Our volunteers were rewarded for all their hard work with a picnic lunch and a fantastic “Green Flag” cake made by Mrs Baird. Continue reading 4th Green Flag for Furnace

Dalintober P7 MacMillan Success

img_3166The Primary 7 pupils of Dalintober Primary always host a Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer and this year was no exception. The pupils made great preparations for the event beforehand, organising stalls and competitions, writing to local companies and planning roles for everyone on the day. They demonstrated fantastic organisation skills and teamwork and raised a grand total of £643! They were extremely grateful to the adult helpers who came in to lend a hand as well. Continue reading Dalintober P7 MacMillan Success