Creating a Commonwealth Banner

On Tuesday 18th March Keills Primary 5 -7 made a Commonwealth Banner. Sian McQueen, an artist from the mainland, helped us make it. First we discussed what things made Scotland unique. Once we had enough ideas we organised ourselves into groups – a border group, an iconic images group, and a slogan group. We then planned what we were going to do. After lots of discussion the class had to pick the pictures that stood out the most. Continue reading Creating a Commonwealth Banner

‘The Viking’s Apprentice’ ~ AUTHOR VISIT

Kevin McLeod, author of The Viking’s Apprentice, paid a visit to Strath of Appin Primary School last week. The children have been reading his novel in class and were delighted when he agreed to visit the school to talk about his work. The children enjoyed a question and answer session with Kevin who then read some more of his story to the children. Three lucky pupils received special art work from Kevin’s second book and he kindly donated two copies of his book to the school library. The children are now eager to read the sequeal to The Viking’s Apprentice and find out how the plot develops in this fast-moving adventure story. Continue reading ‘The Viking’s Apprentice’ ~ AUTHOR VISIT

Band news from Islay……

Members of Islay High School Band and the Primary Schools Band travelled to Glasgow last Thursday 20th March. While we were in Glasgow the children heard and worked with world class professional musicians, and had a fantastic tour of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Both Bands also competed at the Mid Argyll Music Festival and played very well indeed, and as an added bonus the Primary Band was awarded the” Helen & Hugh Smith Trophy”. The photo was taken on the steps of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Earth Hour!

The pupils of Park Primary dressed in bright and shiny clothes on Friday 28th March in support of WWF’s Earth Hour. We also switched off all the lights in the school from 12noon until 1pm. We hope the children will get their parents to join in the Global Earth Hour from 8.30-9.30pm on Saturday 29th March by switching off their lights at home.

‘Sport Relief Mile’ and ‘Sport Your Trainers’ at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS recently supported two ‘sporty’ events. P6 and P7 pupils completed a one mile run for ‘Sport Relief’ and all pupils donned their sports’ shoes for ‘Sport Your Trainers Day 2014’ for Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games – participating in a range of sports and activities. Continue reading ‘Sport Relief Mile’ and ‘Sport Your Trainers’ at Dalintober PS

Gymnastics Festival

P5-7 travelled to Oban High School to take part in this years gymnastics festival. With guidance from Mrs Liz Clunie our PE specialist, all pupils in P5-7 have been working hard to create fantastic routines, supporting one another and giving constructive feedback. Three groups from Easdale performed on the day and one of our groups were awarded 1st place in the rural schools category. All three groups performed very well. The children also enjoyed watching performances from Oban High School pupils.

Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day

Primary 3 in Park Primary School have been learning all about the Ancient Greeks this term! They found out where and when they lived, what their lives were like and how they have influenced our lives today. As a final outcome the children planned and hosted an Ancient Greek Day on Tuesday 25th March to share their learning with their families. There was an excellent attendance on the day and everyone had a great time!! Continue reading Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day

Park Church Easter Visit 2014

On the 19th March 2014, Colgrain’s Primary 7 pupils spent the day at Park Church learning all about the Easter Story. When we arrived Andy Lang had made an Easter quiz for us to participate in. There were five different workshops held by several volunteers. The workshops included designing our own crucifixion cross to decorate the school hall with, getting our feet washed to represent Jesus cleaning his disciples’ feet, watching an Easter video which taught us about the sentence Jesus was given and lastly about the last supper.

Continue reading Park Church Easter Visit 2014

Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day!

Primary 3 in Park Primary School have been learning all about the Ancient Greeks this term! They found out where and when they lived, what their lives were like and how they have influenced our lives today. As a final outcome the children planned and hosted an Ancient Greek Day on Tuesday 25th March to share their learning with their families. There was an excellent attendance on the day and everyone had a great time!!

Continue reading Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day!

Colgrain are triumphant at Lomond School

On the evening of Friday 14th March , Colgrain Primary School competed in the Lomond Netball Tournament. The tournament took place at Lomond Sports Hall. Everyone displayed excellent team spirit and gave 100%! We came an astounding 1st place, after competing against very strong teams. Thank you to Mrs Cormack and Mrs Jack for helping us to achieve this!

Continue reading Colgrain are triumphant at Lomond School

Mud, Glorious Mud!

Early Level children and staff at Rhunahaorine have embraced the wet weather this spring and created a marvellous mud kitchen.
Children have been making mud cakes, pies and ice cream… exploring volume, capacity, texture and much more in a multi sensory way.
When they have finished they have to do the washing up of course- outside!

Continue reading Mud, Glorious Mud!

CGS Commonwealth lesson

Three pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School visited Dalintober Primary Five to teach them about the Commonwealth country they will be representing at a mini Commonwealth games in June. The class heard interesting facts about New Zealand and a quiz at the end showed that they had been taught well by their new, enthusiastic teachers.

Bright Sparks at Small Isles Primary

This term the P5-7 children in all the primary schools on Islay and Jura are learning about science and technology. We have been learning about electrical circuits, creating electronic devices, simple programming and discussing the links to real life technologies.

The P5-7s from Keills came to Jura on the 4th March for a technology challenge day, where we shared what we had been learning and had lots of fun! Here’s a few thoughts about the day. Continue reading Bright Sparks at Small Isles Primary

Together Again!

On Wednesday 5th of March Keills and Small Isles Primary travelled down to Port Charlotte School to do some team building challenges.

First we were put into teams and it was good because the groups had children from different schools. This meant we could make new friends. The first challenge we did was a dragon game. I liked it because you had to communicate with lots of different children. We had to try and catch the other teams’ dragon tails. It was great fun.

Continue reading Together Again!

Grandparents Tea Party at Kirn Primary

The P1 children were so excited to welcome Grannies and Grandas to their classrooms for a wonderful Tea Party this afternoon as part of their ‘Katie Morag’ topic.

Over 50 Grandparents were treated to some fabulous singing of well known Scottish Songs, including Ally Bally, Katie Bairdie and Ma Maw’s a Millionaire.

Continue reading Grandparents Tea Party at Kirn Primary

Barcaldine go back in time!

Barcaldine Primary School’s interdisciplinary topic for this term is The Victorians.
After all our research into the Victorian era it seemed a good idea to go long to visit the Victorian School in Scotland Street, Glasgow. The children got a chance to walk around the museum and see where the children went to class, where they played and even noticed the outside loo – thank goodness we had modern ones inside the museum! However, they did find it strange that the boys went in one door whilst the girls went through another but also that the infants had their own entrance as well/ Continue reading Barcaldine go back in time!

Small Isles Primary nominated for Community Archives Award

In Spring 2012, Small Isles children became involved in the Crofting Connections Project. During the summer term they invited the community to be involved too by hosting four Crofting Community Cafes in school. Each cafe had a crofting theme (Crofting the land, Life as a child, Crofting Culture and Crofting at Home) and a panel of ‘experts’ from the community were invited to come and share their memories and experiences of the theme by answering questions from the children, leading discussions and having drinks and home-cooked treats.

Continue reading Small Isles Primary nominated for Community Archives Award

Lochgilphead Primary 1 pupils invade S4 classroom.

Pupils of Lochgilphead High School Princes Trust 4xl group held a ‘show and tell ‘day for 40 pupils of primary 1 as part of their WW 1 project. The group spent months researching into their specific topic and as much time perfecting their timings and the best activity to entertain the children. Ashley spoke all about the airplanes of WW1 and had three Lego models on show and lots of colouring sheets for the children to show off their artistic talents. Continue reading Lochgilphead Primary 1 pupils invade S4 classroom.

Sandbank’s Great Exhibition

Gaelic unit P6/7 from Sandbank Primary (Bunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich) were learning about the history of the Holy Loch area over the past two hundred years. The work was organised by Fiona Lochhead from Kilmun Mausoleum who arranged for a weaver called Fiona MacDougall and a heritage worker called Robin Patel to come in and work with us.
We got a lot of information from the gravestones at Kilmun, including occupations, infant mortality and the gristly work of resurrectionists. Continue reading Sandbank’s Great Exhibition