‘The Viking’s Apprentice’ ~ AUTHOR VISIT

Kevin McLeod, author of The Viking’s Apprentice, paid a visit to Strath of Appin Primary School last week. The children have been reading his novel in class and were delighted when he agreed to visit the school to talk about his work. The children enjoyed a question and answer session with Kevin who then read some more of his story to the children. Three lucky pupils received special art work from Kevin’s second book and he kindly donated two copies of his book to the school library. The children are now eager to read the sequeal to The Viking’s Apprentice and find out how the plot develops in this fast-moving adventure story.

One thought on “‘The Viking’s Apprentice’ ~ AUTHOR VISIT

  1. Glad the children enjoyed the visit. I had a great time. Always love seeing how the children picture my characters. Some excellent drawings, and some good imaginations on display. It was my pleasure to leave copies of the books for your library, I hope they are well read!

    I’m always interested in coming to visit schools so any other schools out there that might be interested please get in touch via my email address.

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