Barcaldine go back in time!

Barcaldine Primary School’s interdisciplinary topic for this term is The Victorians.
After all our research into the Victorian era it seemed a good idea to go long to visit the Victorian School in Scotland Street, Glasgow. The children got a chance to walk around the museum and see where the children went to class, where they played and even noticed the outside loo – thank goodness we had modern ones inside the museum! However, they did find it strange that the boys went in one door whilst the girls went through another but also that the infants had their own entrance as well/

In the afternoon the children got to enjoy a class re-enactment! The Victorian class teacher was very strict and we had to do everything exactly as she said. There were some very scary moments when the teacher got angry and took the belt out but we did enjoy getting to write the way Victorians did.

We had a fantastic day and really brought to life the learning we had been doing in school!

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