Bright Sparks at Small Isles Primary

This term the P5-7 children in all the primary schools on Islay and Jura are learning about science and technology. We have been learning about electrical circuits, creating electronic devices, simple programming and discussing the links to real life technologies.

The P5-7s from Keills came to Jura on the 4th March for a technology challenge day, where we shared what we had been learning and had lots of fun! Here’s a few thoughts about the day.

We made circuits, tried to put together football robots and used a robotic arm that Keills had bought. My favourite thing was the football robots, but it was very complicated to put them together. Finlay P5

First we sat in a circle to find out what we were going to do. My group learnt about Scratch first. At playtime I made lots of friends. After playtime we made lego models using WeDo, which is like normal lego but it can move. It is amazing! Isla K P5

There were five activities; designing real life circuits, building football robots, programming the robotic arm, creating circuits using circuit world and Scratch (another programming activity). The team work was good as everyone communicated well and took turns to talk and stay objective. Andrew P6

Lots of people made new friends and some caught up with friends they had already met. We cooperated well in our group, building team strengths and evaluating our team. Every single pupil from Small Isles and Keills had a very positive attitude and worked well within their groups. Everyone got involved. I loved the day – it was really educational. Heather P6

We worked in teams and went around the activities together. It was fun finding out what we knew and what others knew. It meant we learnt more new things. The football robots were really hard to put together – you had to have two or three people helping because it was so fiddly. The hardest part was doing the wiring. Molly P7

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