Lismore Goes European for Week

For the week of 4th – 8th February, the children of Lismore Primary School held a EuropeWeek where they learned about all things European.
The children honed their research skills using both computers and books to find out a myriad of facts about their home continent – from the European Union to the different countries; from the highest mountain to the deepest lake and from the variety of languages to the national anthems! Continue reading Lismore Goes European for Week

Barcaldine Bookbug Visit

P2 and 3 children of Barcaldine Primary School went along to Oban High School yesterday morning to participate in a Bookbug song and storytelling session. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and even managed to get a picture taken with Bookbug!! Many thanks to Oban High School, Early Years Team, Oban Library and CAST for such an entertaining day – even the adults sang along!!

Road Safety Challenges at North Bute

Our whole school have just finished a Dark Days Challenge Week of road safety activities and events organised in conjunction with Towards Zero Carbon Bute, a local environmental organisation. We worked in our eco groups – Healthy Living Group, Pupil Council and Eco Group – to plan and run a week’s programme of events based on keeping ourselves safe on the roads during winter – dark days! Continue reading Road Safety Challenges at North Bute

St Joseph’s P7 Trip to Ardlui

P7 of St Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh arrived safely at Loch Lomond Outdoor Centre on Monday for their residential week of ‘outdoor learning’. After some refreshments, they were on course for a full day of activities. On offer for groups the first day was archery, hill walking and compass work. The children were enthralled by the hill-walking in particular as they were lead up the hills and passed by a waterfall, with one of the children describing the experience as ‘Epic’. One other child commented that he hadn’t understood the term ‘hill-walking’ until he was involved in it himself! Continue reading St Joseph’s P7 Trip to Ardlui

LHS S3 Skills For Work Enterprising events

Lochgilphead High School S3 Skills for Work pupils have taken part in a range of enterprising events. The following events have been organised and run by the pupils in the class. There was a quiz, treasure hunt, coffee morning and a demonstration from the things we are currently learning at College.
The events ran over a couple of weeks during January and February. The first event was the quiz for the S3 pupils organised and run by Kelly Crawford, Ashley Gorrie, David MacDonald and Lorne Harvey. This took place on Thursday the 24th of January 2013. Continue reading LHS S3 Skills For Work Enterprising events


We are thrilled to announce that one of our Primary 7 pupils – Stewart Peden – gained first place in the age 10-12 category of the Helensburgh Toyota Dream Car Competition. Stewart attended a prize-giving ceremony at Toyota, Helensburgh on Friday afternoon where he was presented with a DS 3D and £200 towards School Funds. Continue reading HELENSBURGH TOYOTA DREAM CAR WINNER

Hermitage Primary Visit The Houses of Parliament.

Pupils from Primary 6 and 7 were delighted to take up the invitation to spend a day in London and take part in a workshop at Parliament. The pupils who are all either members of school committees or house captains were up bright and early to catch their morning flight to Gatwick. On arriving in London the pupils had a tour of Westminster Abbey seeing the tomb of the unknown soldier, the coronation chair and Churchill’s memorial. Continue reading Hermitage Primary Visit The Houses of Parliament.

Tartan Tearooms at John Logie Baird Primary

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 turned their classrooms into Tartan Tearooms as part of JLB’s Burns Day celebrations. This enterprise involved the children writing a list of everything they would need to run a tearoom in their classes, making posters to advertise the event and making tickets to sell to everyone in the school. The uptake of tickets was very positive and almost every child and many adults in our school visited the Tartan Tearooms. Continue reading Tartan Tearooms at John Logie Baird Primary

Teacher will do 27-mile school run… on foot!

A SALTCOATS teacher will give the phrase ‘school-run’ a new meaning when he attempts to jog to his work, which is more than 27 miles away in Dunoon.
Gerard Cavani (pictured), a physical education teacher at Dunoon Grammar School, will make the journey with a difference to raise cash for the school charity Cancer Research UK. The 27-year-old will run from his home on Sharphill Road to his place of work at Ardenslate Road, Kirn, on Wednesday, February 13. Continue reading Teacher will do 27-mile school run… on foot!

Ulva Primary School Burns Lunch

On Friday all of our Mums and Dads came to the school for our Burns Lunch. Aaron and Sorley were the chairmen and they welcomed everyone.
We made tartan banners for the ceiling and we had tartan bunting. We all wore tartan kilts and checked shirts. We set the tables with tartan mats and tartan name tags and we planned where everyone was going to sit. Everyone said the Selkirk Grace before we ate the Cock a leekie soup. It was delicious. Continue reading Ulva Primary School Burns Lunch

Ardrishaig Remembers the Bard!

Staff and Pupils at Ardrishaig Primary School Celebrated Burs’ Day in Style on Friday. Mrs McMillan Piped in the haggis accompanied by Gregor (P7) on his drum. Cameron from P7 then addressed the haggis before we all said the Selkirk Grace and tucked in. We spent the afternoon celebrating all things Burns and Scottish with a selection of poems and songs being performed by children from across the school. Continue reading Ardrishaig Remembers the Bard!

Mike Russell enjoys traditional Burns Lunch with Port Ellen Primary

On Friday 25th January Port Ellen Primary School on Islay had a very special guest for their annual Burns Lunch and Ceilidh. Mr. Mike Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning for Scotland joined pupils, guests and staff for a delicious traditional three course Burns Lunch including of course haggis, neeps and tatties prepared by Mrs. Holyoake and Miss Brown and then the staff served the children and guests. Continue reading Mike Russell enjoys traditional Burns Lunch with Port Ellen Primary

Congratulations to Shona MacKenzie, Barcaldine Primary School

Congratulations to Shona McKenzie, a P7 pupil of Barcaldine Primary School for her runner-up prize in the Helensburgh Toyota Dream Car Art Contest. She was one of 400 regional entries and received a £30 Amazon voucher. Shona’s entry along with the rest will now be forwarded onto the next stage of the competition where a UK winner will be found. Continue reading Congratulations to Shona MacKenzie, Barcaldine Primary School

Burns Celebration at Easdale

On Wednesday the 23rd January we invited Parents and guests to join us in school to celebrate Burns. All children had learned a poem to recite in Scots dialect. We sang some amusing Scottish songs and playground rhymes which delighted the audience. This was followed by a traditional Burns lunch. The haggis was piped in and Brodie and George from Primary 7 gave the address. After the meal there was a Toast to the Immortal Memory and the Land we live in. Continue reading Burns Celebration at Easdale

John Logie Baird Primary 7 Scottish Parliament visit

Primay 7 at JLB Primary recently visited the Scottish Parliament as part of their Social Studies work this term. After a very informative talk about the role of the Scottish Parliament and its history, they were given a tour of the building. They were allowed to go into the Debating Chamber to see where everyone sits when they have something to discuss. The children were allowed to look at the Mace presented to the Parliament on its opening by the Queen and see the words engraved upon it “There shall be a Scottish Parliament”. Continue reading John Logie Baird Primary 7 Scottish Parliament visit

Achaleven is energy-wise!

On 23rd January Kirsty from ALIenergy came to the school to teach us all about different types of energy and the importance of using renewable energy. The children had great fun learning how energy can be produced using water, wind, the sun and even how our movement creates energy. Kirsty told us a story about little penguins and how worried they are about their world getting smaller. We are going to try and remember to use less energy, recycle when we can, shut doors, switch off lights and the tv. Recycling is one of our eco topics. Continue reading Achaleven is energy-wise!

Bunessan Primary PTS Burns Supper

‘A fantastic evening was had by all at the Bunessan Primary PTA Burns Supper held on Friday 25th January. The haggis was piped in by Neil MacCallam and Bob Lawson provided a rousing rendition of ‘Address to the Haggis’. Once Mrs. MacCallum, our P5/6/7 teacher, had said the ‘Selkirk Grace’ we all tucked into a delicious three course feast prepared and served by PTA members. After dinner the children provided some Scottish entertainment for the guests. Continue reading Bunessan Primary PTS Burns Supper

Various Updates from Dalintober

Dalintober PS Pupils Perform at Care Home
Three P7 pupils from Dalintober PS – Alex, Dhyllon and Louise were invited to pipe in the haggis at the Burns Supper for residents of Auchinlee Care Home in Campbeltown. The three pipers performed ‘Bluebells of Scotland’ and thoroughly enjoyed their visit before hurrying back to play again at their school Burns Supper! Continue reading Various Updates from Dalintober