Luing pupils rededication of the Dunblane Tree

Luing pupils rededication of the Dunblane Tree.
With the help of Barry Wilson, a resident on the Isle of Luing, the children have rededicated the tree in the garden in memory of the children and the teacher killed in Dunblane. The old sign had rotted away as it was staked into the soil at the base of the tree.
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Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle

Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle.
As part of the study on Scottish Castles, Luing primary went to Carnasserie Castle. The children had the castle to themselves so we had a magical day.
We investigated the castle and made sketches of what we found. We were able to use our own charcoal that we made in the fire pit at school.
Continue reading Luing primary Storms Carnasserie Castle

Visit to Easdale Primary from local artists

Easdale Primary welcomed local artists Alex MacRae and Mary Blackstalk into school on Tuesday afternoon to lead an afternoon of Art. They brought along examples of their work and talked about their painting styles and techniques. It was fascinating to watch them in action and hear what inspires them to paint. Continue reading Visit to Easdale Primary from local artists

Colgrain Primary 7 trip to Stirling Castle

On Monday the 4th of February, Primary six and Primary seven went to Stirling Castle to take part in a workshop about their topic on world war two.
During their visit they experienced a WW2 workshop and looked around the WW2 museum which housed a variety of artefacts related to the war. Continue reading Colgrain Primary 7 trip to Stirling Castle

Primary 3a big draw, Colgrain Primary

On Thursday 24th January, P3a at Colgrain School had a visit from Eileen Ramsay as part of their Big Draw week. Eileen spoke about how drawing could be observational, imaginative and used to communicate ideas. We hadn’t thought about that! We had a chance to draw to music, draw what we did in the morning and our favourite activity – drawing an ice-cream sundae from Eileen’s description. It left us all feeling very hungry! Continue reading Primary 3a big draw, Colgrain Primary


Primary 7 children from Rosneath Primary School recently had a week away at Ardeonaig Outdoor Centre. We had rain, sleet, snow and sunshine – just a typical Scottish week!
We had such a great time taking part in so many outdoor activities as you can see from our photos – challenges, teamwork, problem solving, exploring – and we were delighted to complete our John Muir Award. Continue reading OUTDOOR LEARNING IS GREAT FUN! ROSNEATH HEAD TO ARDEONAIG, PERTHSHIRE

Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

P6 pupils held a very successful Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in their class a few weeks ago. They had all learned some verses of ‘To A Mouse’ and recited them before their class and an invited judge. After the competition the prize-winners were presented with Burns World Federation certificates. Continue reading Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

Pyjama Day & Bake Sale at Dunoon Primary

At Dunoon Primary School the P7’s had a Bake Sale & Pyjama Day to raise money to go to the Benmore Residential Weekend fund. The fantastic sum of £337-11 was raised and the children worked so hard both baking at home the night before and selling and wrapping up the delicious baking. Continue reading Pyjama Day & Bake Sale at Dunoon Primary

Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden. Continue reading Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

FilmG – Tobermory High School

Gàidhlig pupils from S4 and S6 at Tobermory High School are celebrating after being shortlisted in two categories of the 12-17 category of the FilmG Awards. FilmG is a Gaelic short film competition which is now established as one of country’s best platforms for getting yourself and your work noticed. Schools from all over Scotland enter the competition every year. Continue reading FilmG – Tobermory High School

Chinese New Year Celebrations at Strath of Appin Primary School

Children from the Pre School in Strath of Appin Primary School, along with the children in Primary One and Two have been learning about the traditions and customs surrounding Chinese New Year. Over the past few weeks they have had great fun making lanterns, facemasks, red money envelopes and puppets. Continue reading Chinese New Year Celebrations at Strath of Appin Primary School

Scanning article

Aspiring farmers at Toward Primary have recently been helping one of the local farmers scan his sheep to discover whether or not the sheep are in lamb and, if so, how many lambs they are going to have. They really enjoyed the experience and gained an insight into why farmers need to feed certain sheep at this time of year and why some get fed more than others according to how many lambs they are going to have. Continue reading Scanning article

Catholic Education Week

February 3 – 8 February was catholic education week and it was greatly celebrated at St Joseph’s in Helensburgh. The focus began on Education Sunday with the Head Teacher speaking to the parish congregation at Sunday Masses about the benefits of catholic education and, more specifically, about the community of learning and faith at St Joseph’s Primary school. In addition, an invitation was extended to all parishioners to join the children at prayer in school during this year of faith at various monthly masses and rosary prayers. Continue reading Catholic Education Week

Scottish Schools ski qualifier – Nevis Range

On Thursday 7th February, a team of four skiers, Isla Fowler, Lawrence Lister, Connor McIntyre and Patrick Feeney from the high school, entered a ski competition at Nevis Range ski centre. After a very early start, 6:15am, we arrived in good time to have a warm up and study the slalom course. Weather conditions were good with little wind and the early morning mist lifting to give good visibility for most of the runs. Continue reading Scottish Schools ski qualifier – Nevis Range