Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

P6 pupils held a very successful Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in their class a few weeks ago. They had all learned some verses of ‘To A Mouse’ and recited them before their class and an invited judge. After the competition the prize-winners were presented with Burns World Federation certificates.

For some, the highlight of the afternoon, was the tasting of bannocks which they’d made earlier in the day.

One thought on “Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

  1. Well done Primary 6, Dalintober. We did something the same as you with Burns and Scottish poetry. Our poem by Robert Burns was “Up In The Morning Early” and Sophie Shanks was the winner. We had good fun learning the poems and even though we were very nervous on the day we all did our best and our teacher said she was very proud of us all.
    Primary 7

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