Run For The Top at Kilchrenan

Kilchrenan Primary held it’s annual hill race, as part of it’s school sport’s day, on Thursday 14th June.
The pupils are challenged to run to the top of one of the three single track roads that lead to school. This challenging event, which all pupils try, tests fitness and stamina, and that has seen a noticeable improvement following the decision to hold weekly Forest Schools events. All pupils were able to regain normal breathing within 30 secs after the run. Continue reading Run For The Top at Kilchrenan

Bowmore Primary Mini-Olympics 2012!

The sun split the sky on the morning of the 18th June and the sports pitch burst into life! All classes were piped in by Nigel Morris. Class banners were held high, flags were waved wildly – the Olympic parade had begun! The opening ceremony was a blaze of colour and diversity! After a whole school song (instigated by Rachael Morrison), P4/5 started with an emotional relay race with their Olympic torches to ‘Chariots of Fire’. The crowd were then treated to a P.1/2 swirling ribbon dance and the P3/4 Olympic Rings dance. Continue reading Bowmore Primary Mini-Olympics 2012!

Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition

The children of Dunoon Primary Seven were treated to a glimpse into Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition in the Burgh Hall.
The ARTISTS ROOMS collection includes flower studies and portraits of many of the most influential artists, writers and musicians of the period.
The children were invited to take their own photographs and sketches. The new I Pad 3 was a popular choice among the children as they enjoyed snapping shots
of each other in various costumes. There was also a face painting session. Super day! Continue reading Robert Mapplethorpe’s Exhibition

St. Joseph’s Annual BBQ

What a wonderful day was had by all at St Joseph’s annual barbecue and fete on Saturday 16 June. Despite the torrential rain, the whole community turned out in force to support the school. The previous evening the Parent Council made the decision to host the event indoors – a wonderful move forward which allowed everyone time to prepare the fete indoors. A whole host of events were available for the participants from ‘Fishing for Coke’ and ‘Higher or Lower’ to displays by HMS Forces. Continue reading St. Joseph’s Annual BBQ

‘The Unsinkable Ship’ in Dunoon Primary

On Friday 8th June the children of P4 in Dunoon Primary gave a wonderful presentation on their Curriculum for Excellence topic ‘The Unsinkable Ship’ to a very enthusiastic and appreciative audience of family and friends. After the presentation the children who were dressed as passengers and crew from the Titanic joined their guests to take them on a guided tour of the Titanic Exhibition they had helped to create in their corridor and classroom. The children were very keen to share their learning and proved themselves to be very informative tour guides. Continue reading ‘The Unsinkable Ship’ in Dunoon Primary

Orienteering event at Castle Toward

On Thursday 31st May 2012 Toward Primary School, Fiona MacLean (PE Teacher) and Lindsay Mitchell (Active Schools) hosted an Orienteering Event at Castle Toward. This annual event gives P7 pupils from throughout Cowal the opportunity to participate in a challenging and energetic event where they have to use the skills they have been taught by reading maps, using compasses and getting lots of exercise. The winners this year were 1st Sandbank Primary, 2nd Sandbank GMU and 3rd Dunoon Primary. Continue reading Orienteering event at Castle Toward

Fun in Science and Technology

The P4-6 pupils from Ashfield Primary School experienced two visits to the Lochgilphead Joint Campus.
 Investigations into ‘Materials in our World’ were taken into a real Science Laboratory in the Campus and the children undertook experiments with the guidance of Dr O’Donnell and Mr Rocket. Chemicals were used to make ‘smelly’ mixtures and the highlight was the competition to make the longest nylon string! Continue reading Fun in Science and Technology

Olympic Themed Youth Games in Oban

A spectacle of dance, music and colour, inspired by the Olympic Games was showcased at the opening ceremony of the Argyll and Bute Youth Games in Oban on Thursday 14th June.
A record 598 of our first and second year pupils from Argyll and Bute’s secondary schools staged their own version of the Olympics to welcome in Bank of Scotland National School Sport Week.
A specially composed mass fusion Olympic themed dance was performed at Mossfield Stadium by all of the pupils participating in the games. Continue reading Olympic Themed Youth Games in Oban

Diamond Jubilee Tea held at Bunessan Primary

Diamond Jubilee Tea was held on the 14th June 2012

A fun afternoon was had at the ‘Diamond Jubilee Tea’ held at Bunessan Primary School. The pupils put on a diamond show for all to enjoy. The pipers, the Choir, the Pre-5 pupils, the Gaelic songs made it a wonderful afternoon which I am sure the queen is sorry she missed! The afternoon was finished off with an Orcadian Strip the Willow down the path to the school.

Continue reading Diamond Jubilee Tea held at Bunessan Primary

Green Day for Bowmore Primary!

On the 13th June, Paula Love came to visit our school in Bowmore. If our school was free from litter and we were an ECO-friendly place, she would award us our 3rd fantastic Green Flag.
We had to show her around the school and our playground. Our nursery proudly showed Mrs Love their wonderful wormery and the P1/2 class took her on a lovely litter-pick. She also visited their glorious garden which would attract beautiful butterflies and interesting insects! Continue reading Green Day for Bowmore Primary!

It’s FUN! It’s FREE! It’s run by your LOCAL LIBRARY!

The Tesco Summer Reading Challenge Scotland is coming to a Library near you to entertain children aged four to eleven during the summer holidays!
Story Lab is the theme of the 2012 Summer Reading Challenge.
What is Story Lab?
It’s a five-sided hi-tech HQ that attracts stories from all over the world and sends them spinning throughout the city – and beyond! It’s the place to read, collect, share, create, transmit and broadcast stories… Continue reading It’s FUN! It’s FREE! It’s run by your LOCAL LIBRARY!

Scottish Education Awards – Port Ellen Primary

On Tuesday 12th June Staff and pupils from Port Ellen Primary attended a glittering ceremony at the Hilton hotel in Glasgow as finalists for the Scottish Education Awards in the learning through technology category. There were schools and representatives from all over the country present and the winners from three finalists in each category were announced by Jackie Bird.  The finalists had been chosen from over 650 nominations, so it was a great honour to have made it this far.

Continue reading Scottish Education Awards – Port Ellen Primary

Green Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober Primary Schools’ Eco-Group and Committee planned a brilliant Green Day recently to raise funds for our Eco-School projects, with the help of Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.   We all had to wear green.   Each class made a product for a stall and there was a cake raffle for a lovely cake made by one of our dinner ladies, Mrs McLatchie.   The dinner ladies also made a special lunch including green custard!  

Continue reading Green Day at Dalintober Primary School

Earth Summit Essays

As part of Port Ellen Primary P6/7’s rainforest topic the children entered an international essay competition organised by the Living Rainforest for the Earth Summit in Rio this summer.  The children had to write a persuasive letter to the UN Secretary-General to persuade world leaders that the rainforest is worth protection and why they should promote sustainability to protect it. 

Continue reading Earth Summit Essays

Dalintober Primary School Celebrate Diamond Jubilee

Everyone at Dalintober Primary School got in to the swing of things to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in style!   Bunting was put up around the school and we all wore red, white and blue or royal costumes!   Every class included Jubilee Lessons in their curriculum and lots of interesting facts were found out.  

Continue reading Dalintober Primary School Celebrate Diamond Jubilee

Fourth Green Flag for Port Ellen Primary

Port Ellen is pleased to announce that we have managed to achieve our fourth green flag, awarded to us by Eco Schools Scotland.  Our Eco Committee have worked very hard all year, making posters and videos, cleaning the beach and school, doing the gardening and checking the pond and it is great to hear all the work has paid off. 

Continue reading Fourth Green Flag for Port Ellen Primary

John Muir Trust launches CfE resource at Lochgilphead High!

A new resource for teachers and outdoor educators produced by the John Muir Trust shows how its educational initiative, the John Muir Award, can be used to help deliver the Curriculum for Excellence. Groups undertaking the Award can complete a range of activities across curriculum areas, such as building bat boxes in technology, measuring trees in mathematics, or surveying wildlife in the school grounds for science.
The resource, an eight-page guide (pdf) complete with visual mind map that’s been endorsed by the Chief Executive of Education Scotland, was launched on Friday 9 March at Lochgilphead High School by Michael Russell, the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning. Continue reading John Muir Trust launches CfE resource at Lochgilphead High!

‘Lochbeg’s’ momentous occasion!

22nd May was an exciting day for the pupils and staff of Lochnell and Dunbeg Primary Schools, or ‘Lochbeg’ as they were renamed for this momentous occasion. The two schools engaged in the ultimate in interdisciplinary learning for the whole term from Easter onwards as they competed for their country for prestigous online medals. The pupils across the schools were split into six teams and could earn medals in every aspect of school and out-of-school life if their efforts correlated with one of the six Olympic and Paralympic values, such as friendship, fairness, determination etc. Continue reading ‘Lochbeg’s’ momentous occasion!

Port Ellen Primary – Celebration of Science and Engineering

On Friday 8th June five children from P6/7 – Aileas, Dan, Elinor, Ewan and Jason – went to the Celebration of Science & Engineering at the Science Centre in Glasgow.  They were there to showcase the science and technology we have done in school and science club over the year; the Forces in Motion topic for National Science & Engineering Week; the wave power generator that we designed for the Saltire Award; and Jason’s individual pyropyramid.

Continue reading Port Ellen Primary – Celebration of Science and Engineering