Bookbug ‘Get Fit’ Olympics Celebration

On Tuesday 12th June, the Oban Bookbug team took over Atlantis Leisure and invited all the local participants to a Bookbug ‘Get Fit’ Olympics Celebration.  The session was crammed with active songs and dances featuring the specially penned Olympic Torch song.  Everyone took part and there were 65 adults and children in attendance.  

Continue reading Bookbug ‘Get Fit’ Olympics Celebration

Olympic Torch Relay Trip

On Friday 8th June as part of our Curriculum for Excellence project on Ancient Greece and the Olympics 10 pupils, 3 members of staff and 2 Parent Council Members from Innellan Primary School travelled to Port Glasgow to see part of the Olympic Torch Relay. A very exciting time was had by all as we stood patiently waiting for the historic torch to pass us. Organisers in Port Glasgow did themselves proud by providing music, free flags and safe cordoned off clear viewing areas. Pupils and staff were delighted to also receive free Bank of Scotland Olympic ribbon flags. A great day was completed when our very kind Parent Council Members bought us all a 99 ice cream cone, delicious! have a look at our photo………. Continue reading Olympic Torch Relay Trip

Glow Announcement

At long last Scottish Government have announced the way forward for Glow in schools. As you probably know, the current Glow system was due to be turned off in September of this year, but no clear replacement had been identified. The current Glow contract with RM has been extended by 15 months to allow us all a breathing space while the new Glow 2 apps and services are made available. The contract to provide these free apps and tools has been awarded to Microsoft and will be based largely on the free tools that they have provided through their “Microsoft Live apps” service. The more surprising news is that they will only provide this service until 2014. Simultaneously, Scottish Government will be developing our own sign in and authentication service, which will let us include a more flexible set of tools possibly including those from Google, WordPress and others after 2014.

Continue reading Glow Announcement

Rosneath Primary Celebratory Lunch

Rosneath Primary held a special celebratory lunch for the Jubilee on Thursday 7th June. Staff and pupils were served a delicious lunch of sandwiches, sausages, cup cakes and ice-cream prepared by Mrs Johnston and her kitchen staff.

As the weather was dull, lunch was served indoors in the school hall which was decorated with flags.Everyone enjoyed the celebration for the Jubilee.

Continue reading Rosneath Primary Celebratory Lunch

Rosneath Primary P5/6 class blog

Primary 5/6 at Rosneath Primary are delighted that their hard work this session has been recognised. Their blog ( has been nominated for Class Blog of the Year in the Education Blog Awards 2012!

The initial aim of the blog was to share our learning with parents and help strengthen home-school partnerships, but it quickly developed into much more than that. Outstanding examples of our work are showcased on the blog and we take great pride in this. We have connected with other schools around the world through Quadblogging (  and contributed to the World’s Biggest Blogging Project on 29th February 2012 ( We enjoy taking part in the 100 Word Challenge and like to read other children’s work before giving them feedback on their writing ( Blogging has improved our ICT and literacy skills but most importantly, it is fun!

Continue reading Rosneath Primary P5/6 class blog

Port Charlotte Primary ‘My Study Bar’

A group of keen learners at Port Charlotte Primary School have been trialling the ict tool ‘My Study Bar’ which is a great help with reading, writing and spelling.  This is what they think of the tool so far…

“My Study Bar is really helping us with our writing.

Balabolka reads what we have written and we know if we spelled it wrong and if it makes sense.

Continue reading Port Charlotte Primary ‘My Study Bar’

A Diamond of a Party

On Wednesday 6th June Lochdonhead Primary School had a Street Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee which was absolutely amazing.  We invited people from the local community to come along and have some fun, with some tea and home baking on the side.  The pupils took on different responsibilities and worked co-operatively to make the day a huge success.  We want to thank everyone who came along and give a special thanks to Sir Lachlan MacLean for planting a tree in commemoration of the event.  We also want to thank the parents and staff for all their help.

Continue reading A Diamond of a Party


Parklands School Secondary Class organised their own street party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee! They invited people from the community who they wanted to thank such as ex-teaching staff and volunteers, representatives from RDA and invited guests from local shops and businesses.
The pupils planned the party and prepared all the food themselves – they even designed and sent out their own invitations. Luckily they had won £100 worth of vouchers and a Jubilee party pack from the Co-op so we were able to decorate our playground and celebrate in style! Continue reading JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS AT PARKLANDS SCHOOL

Eco fashion at Appin Primary

An Eco Fashion Show was held in Strath of Appin Primary organised by the school’s Eco Committee. 44 outfits were shown off by 15 models. All the models wore recycled clothes, donated by families and friends of the school. The school has had a focus on re-cycling as part of its Eco Schools programme this session.

Please have a look at our slideshow!… Continue reading Eco fashion at Appin Primary


What a beautiful day for a “Special Lunch”. Kilcreggan Primary School held it’s Jubilee Lunch outside today. The sun shone and everybody enjoyed a lovely buffet. Our thanks go to Mrs Reid and Mrs Stewart our Catering staff for preparing such a superb feast and decorating the the tables to make the day so special.

Here are a few photos to share…………………….. Continue reading JUBILEE LUNCH AT KILCREGGAN PRIMARY SCHOOL

London 2012 – Olympic Games

In July last year Amy from Campbeltown Grammar school, saw her Scottish design become a winner of the Get Set London 2012 design competition. Amy’s creation has become an official regional version of “Mandeville”, the London 2012 Mascot.

We now have some more brilliant news!  Glasgow City Council is going to construct a 6ft sculpture of the Scottish Mandeville as part of its City Look Programme to decorate the city ready for the London 2012 Games!

The sculpture will be built near one of two central stations but the exact location is yet to be decided.  A similar Wenlock sculpture will be built at one of the two stations and the pieces will welcome visitors to Glasgow and celebrate Scotland’s role in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Continue reading London 2012 – Olympic Games

Latest national creativity NewsCAST

Please have a look through these latest news items for interesting opportunities/announcements.

Authors Live: Oliver Jeffers
Join us in Celebrating Summer of Song and the Olympic Torch Relay in Scotland with award winning author/illustrator Oliver Jeffers. Oliver’s interactive illustration workshop will guide your pupils through drawing characters from his new series The Hueys as well as an exclusive reading of The Hueys!
14th June 2012 @11am Nursery – P3 Ages 3-7
Register here: Continue reading Latest national creativity NewsCAST

CAST & ‘Festival of the Seas’ Exhibition.

An exhibition was held recently in Oban’s Corran Halls celebrating the artwork and music created during the CAST project ‘Composition to Exhibition’. The project involved secondary art and music pupils from Islay, Tiree, Bute, Mull and Oban and the theme was tidal energy. . The exhibition featured fabric art, stained glass, printing and collage as well as original soundtracks from each school. The project was funded by Argyll & Bute Council and ‘Scotland’s Islands’. Continue reading CAST & ‘Festival of the Seas’ Exhibition.

St Columba’s get cooking for the Queen

Primary 7 pupils at St. Columba’s Primary School in Oban have been announced as one of four winners of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall’s competition inviting schools to create a special Diamond Jubilee menu for The Queen. The prize winning team of Samantha Parkinson, Jessica Swan, Rebecca Campbell, Nathan Allan, Jack Forgrieve, Lucy Anderson, Niamh MacKenzie and Robert Krolikowski will travel to Buckingham Palace on 15 June to see their recipes prepared by the Royal Chef and will help serve the Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall at a special reception. Continue reading St Columba’s get cooking for the Queen


Primary 6, Dalintober Primary School, entertained P1 and P2 pupils with a performance starring the Mac Scarecrow puppets.
All the children in the class had written scripts based on the Mac Scarecrows. They peer assessed the scripts and decided which play should be performed. “The Mac Scarecrow Clan is Rich” was chosen and performed to great acclaim from their audiences.
The whole class were involved in some way and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.