Port Charlotte Primary ‘My Study Bar’

A group of keen learners at Port Charlotte Primary School have been trialling the ict tool ‘My Study Bar’ which is a great help with reading, writing and spelling.  This is what they think of the tool so far…

“My Study Bar is really helping us with our writing.

Balabolka reads what we have written and we know if we spelled it wrong and if it makes sense.

Tinyspell it helps us with our spelling as we’re typing our stories.

We think it will help us for high school because we will get our own computers there .

We would like to keep it a bit longer because we have not tried out all the tools on my study bar yet.

Thank you for lending us the computers so we can use my study bar.”

Their teacher, Mrs McLellan, added these comments;

“My study Bar is a fantastic free tool (available for download online) which support students who experience difficulties with literacy.  This group has been using the spelling and listening tools and have shown a marked improvement in their writing.”

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