Dunoon Primary Pre-5 get new uniforms!

Dunoon Primary pre-5 children are delighted with their new uniforms! Parents and children chose the colour and Emma Murray, who is now in Primary one, designed the “Rainbow Mountain” logo, which was used to decorate the nursery corridor. Well done Emma!

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John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Primary 7 at John Logie Baird Primary School made the long trip through to Edinburgh recently to visit the Scottish Parliament. After a visit to the Education Centre where we learned about the history of the parliament in Scotland and where asked to use our brains, we went on a tour of the building. We were lucky enough to be allowed into the Debating Chamber and learned many interesting facts about that room such as where the Presiding Officer sits and just how busy the reporters for the parliament are! Did you know they have to write down every word that is spoken inside the Debating Chamber? Continue reading John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Strone Eco Reps visit the Scottish Parliament on Holyrood Apple Day

On Wednesday 18th October, 3 of our Eco Committee attended the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh for Holyrood Apple Day. We went with Merle from the Ardentinny Walled Garden Project to present apples picked from the garden. We had new varieties as well as apples from the old Victorian apple tree in the garden.

Our P1-4 class had been to pick the apples from Ardentinny on Monday and had baked apple flapjacks for people to try. Continue reading Strone Eco Reps visit the Scottish Parliament on Holyrood Apple Day

Community Planned Partnership at St Joseph’s!

Community planned partnership is alive and well at St Joseph’s in Helensburgh. Throughout the academic session all classes will be involved in planning their IDL studies in conjunction with a community partner. This term both P1 and P3 involved the partnership of the local Dog Groomer as they each approached the study of ‘Pets’ at a basic and more advance level respectively.
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Lochgilphead Joint Campus Head Boy and Girl

Lochgilphead Joint Campus provides a safe and relaxing environment which gives us many opportunities to learn through academic and extra-curricular activities for pupils of all ages.
The high level of teaching has allowed many pupils from the school to go into further education and broadens their experiences of learning.
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SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

16 pupils from Dunoon Grammar and Dunoon Primary took part in a training day to prepare them for hosting the Argyll & Bute stand at the SLF.
The theme of the stand this year is our SAL blog and the training included demonstrating SAL on iPads and learning techniques for engaging with visitors to the stand.
The pupils displayed a deep knowledge of IT and throughout the day they developed confidence in presenting SAL. Continue reading SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

Roald Dahl Day

Minard Primary Mischief and Mayhem

Pupils from Minard Primary School enjoyed a day of fun celebrating Roald Dahl day and the BFG’s 30th birthday. They made (and ate) Swizzlechew, practised usng imaginative adjectives like Violet Beauregarde as she chewed her gum,enjoyed the magical story of the BFG especially whizzpopping and viewed the live broadcast with Michael Rosen chatting with Lucy Dahl. A great way to end the week.

Felting at Benmore Gardens

On Thursday 5th September P5 and P7 spent an amazing day at Benmore Botanical Gardens with their teachers and support staff. On Friday 6th September P6/5 and P7/6 also enjoyed a fabulous day at Benmore. Cath and Katie from the Education Service in Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens were the superb instructors during the visits. Each class got the fantastic opportunity to make felt, incorporating an image of a plant or greenery. These had been freshly picked from the gardens to provide inspiration for the felting project.

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Raspberry Pi computing @ Dunoon Primary School

Pupils from Dunoon Primary have enjoyed using their I.C.T. skills to learn the basic principles of computer programming using Raspberry Pi.  The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer developed in the UK costing around ÂŁ30.  It runs open source software and can be connected to a computer screen or TV.   It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games.

The Raspberry Pi is designed to be a motivating platform with the goal of making programming straightforward.  Pupils from Primary 5 to Primary 7 have been supported by Argyll and Bute’s, Gary Clark – a real life programmer! –  to explore and use the features of Rasperry Pi. They look forward to showcasing their skills and talents to Education Scotland next week.

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HARVEST SALE @ Kilmartin

Thanks to the help and generosity from parents, children and teachers, our Harvest Sale on Friday 13th September raised ÂŁ86. We will put this money to good use, buying new resources for outdoor education to continue with our good work in the garden and the woods.

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What a Buzz!

P7 pupils in Rhu are looking to achieve the John Muir award this term for discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing their work on bees and their local area. They made a great start to their project by visiting a local beekeeper. Fortunately, it was a lovely sunny day and the bees were out foraging for the last pollen and nectar of the season. What a good opportunity to spot the bees busy at work.

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Kilcreggan Primary School

Last Friday our Primary 5/4 class gathered brambles from our School grounds and apples from fruit trees planted by pupils and parents earlier this year. They then came back into class and made apple and bramble crumble. There was enough for every class to try some! As you can see from the pictures it was delicious.

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Achaleven Primary School Helping out Hope Kitchen

When we returned from the school holidays we discovered an abundance of crops in our school garden, from peas, giant cucumbers and carrots to a bumper crop of potatoes – which also won first prize in the Connel Flower Show last weekend!
What should we do with all these vegetables? We wanted to help others so we contacted Hope Kitchen in Oban to see if they could use them.

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Americans in Dunoon Report

On the 15th of August 2013 a lady called Sue Morrison came from Strathclyde University to talk to us about how to properly do an interview.
On the white board she let us listen to bad interviews and what we should not do during an interview.
I found it very interesting and useful advice.
On Monday the 19th of August we all went to the Burgh Hall to interview four people who were in Dunoon when the Americans came or were one of the Americans. Continue reading Americans in Dunoon Report

People Who Help Us!

Rockfield Primary 2 kicked off their ‘People Who Help Us’ topic with a visit from local PC Andrew Simpson. The children enjoyed learning about what the police do and how they can help. They especially enjoyed seeing the police van with the flashing lights. The follow up tasks in class proved to be very fruitful after the hands on experience. We have many things to look forward to that include a visit from a nurse, a postman, the mountain rescue and even some school staff. We have also been invited to the local fire station and police station. Exciting times ahead in Primary 2!

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