Cardross Primary National Sumdog Champions

P7 pupils at Cardross finished on top at the Sumdog UK National Maths Contest. The were 172 schools battling it out with over 8,325 students involved. The school scores were based on an average number of correct answers of all of the pupils in the class. Cardross came top of the leader board with a score of 736 points. The school has won a class subscription to Sumdog which is a fun way to reinforce maths skills.


On Tuesday 24th September 2013 at Ashfield Primary we had a picnic called The One Planet Picnic. The One planet Picnic is an event that people all over Scotland have been taking part in to show that we could (and should) survive on food that has been grown/caught/harvested in Scotland. There was lots of delicious food to eat that was either homemade or from Scotland. We also celebrated our second eco-schools Green Flag. Continue reading ASHFIELD SCHOOL ENJOYS PICNIC

Harvest at Luss

Pupils at Luss Primary said a sad goodbye to Minister Dane Sherrard at their Harvest Service in Luss Church on Friday. Pupils presented Reverend Sherrard with a leather bound bible and a pot of their home-made jam. Reverend Sherrard’s final task was to judge the scarecrow competition, which was won by a P2 pupil’s fairy scarecrow – complete with wings and wand. Continue reading Harvest at Luss

Final images from our SLF visit.

Here are a few final images from our visit to the SLF this week and some feedback from a few guests. The Festival attracted around 4000 delegates this year with representatives from each local authority across Scotland as well as delegates from around the globe including Australia, Denmark, Norway and Finland to name but a few. Our Dunoon pupils proved themselves more than capable of running the stand and over the two days they impressed hundreds of visitors Continue reading Final images from our SLF visit.

Clyde comes to our SLF stand!

Day two at the SLF has been busier than ever with a very important guest taking part in our fabulous stand. The hard working pupils have once again been exceeding all expectations, meeting people and showing them our blog. The guests have been constantly surprised at our pupil’s confidence and knowledge. Caitlin from Dunoon Grammar said “The atmosphere at our stand has made me feel confident about speaking to people” Continue reading Clyde comes to our SLF stand!

Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel

The first and second level pupils from Luing Primary School had a fabulous trip to the Falkirk Wheel. They experienced going on the Wheel, learned how canals were built and had lots of fun in the play park and water park. My favourite part was on the wheel. We went on a huge canal boat that went extremely slowly. Once we were on the wheel it only took four minutes to go from the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal. It was so amazing and it was so quiet for its size. On the Union Canal we went through a massive tunnel called the Roughcastle Tunnel. Continue reading Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel


Pupils enthral International Audience

Pupils from Dunoon Grammar School again played a key role at a significant International Reception hosted by Education Scotland at the City Chambers, Glasgow last week. The Dunoon Grammar School Pipe Band and Highland Dancers entertained a distinguished audience consisting of educationalists from across the globe, including Scotland’s own Minisiter for Learning and Skills, Alasdair Allan MSP.


More unusual guests at our SLF stand!

Day one at the SLF went tremendously well with lots and lots of visitors to our stand including these two large animals! The pupils involved in day one worked very hard throughout the day engaging with visitors and demonstrating SAL to a huge number of people. They also attracted many favourable comments which reflected the general interest in our sharing blog. Here’s to day two!! Continue reading More unusual guests at our SLF stand!

Special visitors at the SAL stand at SLF.

The SAL team have welcomed lots of visitors so far to their stand including, Mike Russell MSP and a warrior from Bannockburn. Pupils had to resort to extreme tactics to engage with the warrior. Mr Russell was an easier target!! He said “Congratulations from your local MSP! Good to see you at SLF13. Continue reading Special visitors at the SAL stand at SLF.


Pupils attend Q&A session with ‘Chief Internet Evangelist’ Dr. Vint Cerf

Four pupils from Dunoon Grammar School recently attended a question and answer session with Dr Vinton G Cerf, an American computer scientist, who is recognised as one of only two “fathers of the Internet” and is currently employed as Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist.


DGS Pupils Capture the Biggest Highland Games in the world?

School TV crew film at games for future broadcast

A team from Dunoon Grammar School’s DGSTV initiative are working hard in school during lunchtimes to edit and produce a range of videos from footage recorded at last month’s marvellous Cowal Highland Gathering.

Continue reading DGS Pupils Capture the Biggest Highland Games in the world?

Good luck to the SAL Team at the SLF!

Pupils from Dunoon Primary and Dunoon Grammar are hosting the Argyll & Bute stand at the SLF today and tomorrow.
The theme of the stand this year is our SAL blog and the pupils spent a day training last week which included demonstrating SAL on iPads and learning techniques for engaging with visitors to the stand. They will all be wearing SAL t-shirts and with their deep knowledge of IT and confidence in presenting, we hope they will have a memorable experience at the SLF.

Hermitage Primary Raises the Roof with Pop UK.

The five day POP UK project was taught from Monday to Thursday with Primary 3-7pupils learning seven exciting pop songs all with positive messages about self and others. On Thursday the sound engineers arrived with their professional mobile studio and the children were recorded and a unique CD was made.The culmination of all this hard work and fun saw the children perform at a high profile concert in St Andrews Kirk on 12th September. Continue reading Hermitage Primary Raises the Roof with Pop UK.

Luss Presentation

P6&7 pupils from Luss Primary gave a presentation to the National Conference of the Rotary Club in Crieff Hydro Hotel on Saturday. The children were invited to speak to the Rotarians about their environmental work, saving the powan fish in Loch Lomond.
Powan are found only in Loch Lomond and Loch Eck.While their numbers are fine in Loch Eck, they have become almost extinct in Loch Lomond. This is because of a small fish,the Ruff, which was accidentally introduced into Loch Lomond in the 1980s and eats Powan eggs. Continue reading Luss Presentation

Tobermory Primary School

Primary 2/3 at the Mull Mod

Primary 2/3 had great fun performing at the Mod. They sang ‘The Farmer’s in His Den,’ and were lucky enough to gain 2nd place!
The judges’ comments were great, and very positive- ‘faultless Gaelic;’ ‘excellent musical performance;’ ‘each word clear;’ ‘lovely confident singing;’ ‘beautifully in tune.’ Continue reading Tobermory Primary School

Small Isles visit Glasgow

As part of their work about Crofting Connections, the P5-7 at Small Isles Primary school had a very exciting day when they went to the Kelvingrove museum in Glasgow on Tuesday 17th September. They went to attend a party to open their exhibition which was about crofting in the past, present and future on Jura. Lots of people who had connections with Jura came to see it too. The P5-7s also took part in a Rainforest Explorers work shop which was great fun. They looked around the museum all day long and had a VIP guided tour around it. Continue reading Small Isles visit Glasgow

Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

Mòd Dhailriada 2013

On the 21st of September we went to the Lochgilphead Mòd for a day trip. The choir went to sing in the unison competition and the puirt a beul. We came third in the unison competition and in the puirt a beul we came joint first along with Bowmore Primary School.

Continue reading Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

Tobermory P6/7, Renewable energies on Mull

Mr Finch from Mull and Iona Community Trust came to our class on 17th September to talk to us renewable energies on Mull and show us the Nissan Leaf.

Firstly Mr Finch judged our ‘car of the future’ competition. We had lots of ideas like solar powered, wind powered, hydro powered and biothermal cars. The winner was Finn’s Cow Pat Car. Mr Finch liked the idea of using the methane in cow pats to power a car and thought it would put cow pats to good use.

Continue reading Tobermory P6/7, Renewable energies on Mull