SAL’s little sister!

The SAL team would like to thank everyone for their great posts this term and for sharing the fabulous activity in your schools. After the Christmas break, we will be launching a sister website called SALi (Sharing Argyll Learning Ideas). SAL has become so popular that a sub-site is called for which will offer all our educators a place to share ideas and store useful information. The development of SALi will make it easier to find specific items/resources. Please continue to post to SAL as normal and more info will follow in 2013!

Barcaldine at the Farmer’s Market

Primary 7 pupils of Barcaldine Primary school went along to the Local Farmers’ Market on Thursday 5th December to sell our enterprise makes. We have been busy making lots of things to sell as part of our enterprise project. We took everything along yesterday and were very busy manning our stall. We raised over £65 towards our School Fund.
Zofia, Eilidh, Rianna, Shona and Connor
Primary 7 pupils

Tobermory – S1/2 RME

S1/2 continued their RME conferences with a day on the theme of Rich World, Poor World. This busy day began with a look at how the world’s wealth is divided up and some of the issues that arise from this division of wealth. Using games the group could easily see what an unjust world we live in and how sometimes even those trying to help developing countries can sometimes make life worse for those already suffering. Continue reading Tobermory – S1/2 RME

Trains and boats and ….. libraries!

The Primary 1 class at Lochnell had a fantastic day out to celebrate the end of their topic on Travelling.
On Thursday 6th December we all boarded a bus at school – we’d used the bus for last week’s visit to the bookshop but this time we had a coach so we were up much higher than before. The coach took us to the train station at Connel and then we got on the train to travel to Oban. We loved being on the train because it sounded really cool and we could see the countryside rushing past us. Continue reading Trains and boats and ….. libraries!

Holly Tea on Luing

All of the children were involved in creating lots of wonderful things to sell at their Holly Tea.
They then worked out the cost price and decided on a selling price.
The parents and members of the local community contributed lots of tasty cakes and biscuits for the baking stall, which was very popular.
People flocked into the school, enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee with a mince pie.
Due to the amazing generosity of the local community we raised over £930. Continue reading Holly Tea on Luing

Tobermory High takes to the floor.

Both teachers and pupils of Tobermory High School took to the floor recently for another fantastic St Andrew’s Day ceilidh, organised by the S3s. The afternoon was filled with lots of wonderful performances by The Traditional Group, Carys Christine and the pipers, along with lots and lots of ceilidh dancing! The S3s are currently raising money for their Paris trip and so this year there were delicious homemade pizzas and cakes for sale. There was also face painting available and many pupils proudly opted for the traditional Scotland flag. Lots of fun was had by all.

Continue reading Tobermory High takes to the floor.

Dalmally catches the Book Bug!

The Early Years Class celebrated book week by reading the three books gifted to children in P1 as part of the book bug scheme. After reading ‘Jack and the Flumflum tree,’ they discussed what they would put in the patchwork sack. Some great ideas included stilts to get the fruit down from the tree, a rubber ring to rescue Stu and a big plaster to plug the hole in the boat. The children then made their own patchwork sack using collage materials. Continue reading Dalmally catches the Book Bug!

Lochgilphead HS Wind Band SILVER PLUS SUCCESS

The members of Lochgilphead HS Wind Band travelled to Livingston on Sunday 2nd December to take part, for the very first time, in the Scottish Schools Concert Band Festival. The band played four pieces including an Abba melody and got a great reception from the audience. Miriam McKay, the band’s musical director was given particular praise from the adjudicators for her choice of repertoire and balance of parts within the band. Continue reading Lochgilphead HS Wind Band SILVER PLUS SUCCESS

St. Andrew’s Ceilidh Celebration at Port Ellen.

This term the children from P3/4 and P5 have both been learning about aspects of Scotland.
We have all enjoyed finding out amazing and exciting historical facts and events. Both classes researched significant Scottish people from leaders and rebels to authors and inventors.
P5 used Digi Maps to help them develop their knowledge of the geography of Scotland and researched places of interest from all over the country. Continue reading St. Andrew’s Ceilidh Celebration at Port Ellen.

Tobermory High goes ‘International’

The annual International House event took place the last week in November. There is a different country each day and Houses earn points by answering questions about their country with a question for each year group and a lunchtime challenge where Houses gather as many participants as possible to take part. This year the chosen countries were Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, Japan. As is traditional St Andrew’s Day was represented by some of the countries of which St Andrew is patron saint including, of course, Scotland. Continue reading Tobermory High goes ‘International’

Book Week Scotland on Bute

Rothesay Primary celebrated Book Week Scotland in lots of different ways. P6 pupils read the nominated books for the Scottish Book Awards to Pre-5, while P1, 2 and 3 also voted on their favourite which was ‘The Day Louis Got Eaten’ in every class! We had a ceilidh on St Andrews Day with each class ‘doing a turn’. Primary 3 sang ‘Ye canny shove yer granny aff a bus!’ which made us all laugh, Primary 2 sang a rousing rendition of ‘O Flower of Scotland’, Primary 1-2 danced the St Bernard’s Waltz beautifully and P1 led the ceilidh dancing. Continue reading Book Week Scotland on Bute

St Andrew’s Day at St Joseph’s Primary

What a wonderful start to St Andrew’s Day at St Joseph’s Primary, Helens burgh as Colin Smith, a local pipe teacher, ‘piped in’ to school the boys and girls …….and that was just the beginning! Colin then went on to give a presentation on ‘the bagpipes’ and was met with some deep and meaningful questions at questions time like, ‘What was your inspiration to learn the bagpipes?’ (CIA ran P5). EVERY class then went on to perform to each other, everything from poetry to drama of Scottish history, to song……………and even a wonderful rendition of the Canadian Barn Dance by P7. All the staff and pupils joined in the celebration by sporting tartan to school and the celebration of Scottish culture and heritage was alive and kicking……an excellent whole school example of Scottish culture at its best!

Plugging into Parent Power!

Pioneering approaches to harnessing parent input at Dunoon Grammar School
“Hi it’s me!” is often the first thing a parent will hear when their child returns home from school and now parents will be hearing it a lot more from their child attending the Faculty of Business and Computing at Dunoon Grammar School.
Pupils working in Business & Computing classes will be encouraged to send parents regular ‘me-mails’ – emails containing information on their progress in class, highlighting skills being developed and including samples of their work. Parents will be encouraged to reply with comments and praise. Continue reading Plugging into Parent Power!

Pre-five Mini Movers & Parachute Festival 2012

On Thursday November 8th 2012 15 pre-five groups came together In the OLI area for the Pre-five Mini Movers & Parachute Festival as part of the biennial Oban & Lorn Sports Festival at Atlantis Leisure. The event which was established in 2008 ran for the 5th consecutive year and was organised and delivered by a partnership between Active Schools, Early Years, Community Learning, and Atlantis Leisure. The event was once again supported by ABCD – Argyll Beats Cardiovascular Disease. Continue reading Pre-five Mini Movers & Parachute Festival 2012

Dunoon School Hostel Talent Night

Dunoon School Hostel held an exciting event on the 29th November for St Andrews Night! The first ever Hostel Factor Talent Night was a huge success with both pupils and staff. There were 10 acts highland dancers, a piper, boy bands, a keyboard player and singers. The hall was adorned with flags, bunting and shields. Brandon Wilson started off the show with a short recital on St Andrews Day followed by Rory McCrae with the pipes. Continue reading Dunoon School Hostel Talent Night

Garelochhead P5/4 to the Rescue!!

Pupils in P5/4 welcomed Bill Jennison of SARD to their class. He is a training officer with the Search and Rescue Dog Association. His talk was so interesting, he was almost overwhelmed with ‘searching’ questions from the class. Olivia played the part of the casualty and Jamie proudly wore the coat of the search and rescue dog. Pupils now have a really good understanding of the intensive training and testing a dog must undertake to play such a vital role in helping those in danger on the mountains. Continue reading Garelochhead P5/4 to the Rescue!!

John Logie Baird Pre-5 Responsible Citizens.

Recently the children at JLB Pre-5 Nursery have been learning about caring for others. They are becoming Responsible Citizens by planting Daffodil bulbs to sell and raise money for Marie Curie.
Marie Curie is a charity dedicated to the care of people with terminal illnesses.
This is also being reinforced through the PATHS Initiative where the children are encouraged to be thoughtful and kind. We have a beautiful tree in our foyer full of compliments shared in the nursery. Continue reading John Logie Baird Pre-5 Responsible Citizens.

P7 Dragons’ Den event in Rothesay Primary

Primary seven pupils at Rothesay Primary School stood up in front of seven fierce dragons on Friday in the school’s own version of the Dragon’s Den TV series.
Pitches for a series of fantastic inventions were put before the seven Dragons, who had the unenviable task of choosing between the spider-catching Zapatron, a heated sofa and a jacket that charges your mobile phone as you walk, to name just a few. The Dragons comprised a combination of current and retired Bute businessmen, plus the minister of Ardbeg Baptist Church. Continue reading P7 Dragons’ Den event in Rothesay Primary

Book Week Scotland at Dunoon Primary

To celebrate the first ever Book Week Scotland, Dunoon Primary School have been busy reading and writing. To launch Book Week Mrs Clark and Mrs Fisher held a whole school assembly where they read aloud their own piece of writing entitled ‘My Favourite Place’. This inspired the whole school to get writing about our own favourite places.
Our infants made Reading Medals and have brought a selection of their favourite books to school. Continue reading Book Week Scotland at Dunoon Primary

Oban Auction Market visit.

Bunessan Primary 5,6 & 7 classes recently enjoyed an excellent day at Oban Market. This was the culmination of their recent crofting topic. The auctioneer, Raymond, took the children on a tour of the market and the children learned about the different breeds of sheep and Raymond explained how he decided what price to start the auction at. The children then had an opportunity to be the auctioneer and the buyers. The most exciting part was watching the auction and trying to spot who was bidding. Continue reading Oban Auction Market visit.