Roman Master Class at Port Charlotte

Today our teacher took a back seat and let us teach our parents and guests in the community all about the Romans. We worked in our cooperative groups to plan and organise this event which meant doing lots of research about Roman Food, Roman Numerals, Roman Games and Roman Mosiacs. We had 10 minutes at each station to teach our guests about each topic. Some of the things that we did were playing the games of Rota and Knuckles, eating a six course feast and recording our thoughts in a taste book, creating a joint mosaic and trying to work out roman numerals through playing dice games. By P3/4 Continue reading Roman Master Class at Port Charlotte

Spook the Dervaig Owl

Primary 1/2/3 in Dervaig Primary school had a very special visitor on Tuesday 27th of November, Spook, the Barn Owl. The children are currently reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark as a class novel. They are researching the different kinds of owls we have on Mull as well as exploring all of the exciting topics discussed in the book. Sue Dewar kindly brought the Barn Owl in to the class that morning for the children to see. We found out that Spook is 7 years old which is the same age as some of the pupils in the class!
Spook was brought to Sue when he was just 3 weeks old which means that he thinks he is human and that Sue is his Mum! In the wild Spook might only have lived to 3 or 4 years, however in captivity owls can live much longer. Continue reading Spook the Dervaig Owl

Mud Kitchen installed at Tighnabruaich Primary!

The Early Level class has been enjoying its newly installed Mud Kitchen. It is fitted with all mod cons (sink, microwave, pots & pans etc.) and using only the very finest ingredients the children have been busy making spicy soup and apple & mud cake. Best fun is going to the local supermarket (the nearby unfinished path) to collect the basic ingredient.
P1 parents visited last week and are off to look out more fixtures and fittings.
Today’s great excitement was the frozen mud and investigating the beautiful patterns it made.
You can find out more about Mud Kitchens at where the book can be downloaded. Or request it by email; It’s FREE! Continue reading Mud Kitchen installed at Tighnabruaich Primary!

Hermitage Primary School Technology Challenge 2012

Excited pupils from Primary 7 at Hermitage Primary School took part in their annual Technology Challenge on Tuesday 27th November. The challenge, for the 11 teams of 6 or 7, is to plan, design and construct a working model which moves forwards, backwards and has working lights. Each team’s vehicle must have a strong purpose and corporate identity. The teams must also produce a booklet, a presentation and marketing material related to the purpose of their vehicle. Continue reading Hermitage Primary School Technology Challenge 2012

North Bute Primary Winter Warmer

P3/4/5 have been very busy this term taking part in an enterprise project to plan and organise our annual Winter Warmer in our local hall. They have been working in their Finance, Advertising, Finding Resources and Production teams to organise this event and have had great fun too! Our enterprise managers kept us all on the right track and made sure we all communicated weekly at our team meetings and the whole school were involved in creating Christmas crafts to sell on the day. The enterprise team worked closely with the Parent Council who were in charge of organising the catering side. Continue reading North Bute Primary Winter Warmer

Mother Earth Planet Event at Inveraray

On Friday 9th November, friends and families joined Primary 4 and 5 at Inveraray Primary School to celebrate their ‘Mother Earth Planet Event’. This marked the end of an extremely interesting topic based on environmental issues. Each group of children were given an issue, these included – Pollution, Over and Destructive Fishing, Trophy Hunting, Animal Crime UK, Habitat loss and Invasive species and Global warming. Each group had to research their issue in depth and create an informative display which shared their extensive knowledge. The children also organised a Coffee Afternoon where they raised money for WWF and the SSPCA. Continue reading Mother Earth Planet Event at Inveraray

Reading Playdate!!

As part of Book Week celebrations the Early Level children at Lochnell Primary and Nursery invited parents into school for a reading playdate.
Grown ups could bring in their favourite book to read or choose to listen to another person read and we had some brilliant stories read to us.
Matthew’s Dad read Lost and Found, Adam’s Mum read Mr Magnolia and Olivia’s Mum read Stick Man. Rachael’s Dad read The Giant Jam Sandwich,Lewis’ Mum read The Selfish Crocodile and Megan and Alexander’s grannys read A Squash and a Squeeze and Alfie Gets in First. What a treat it was. Continue reading Reading Playdate!!

Glassary Play Park opens.

On Saturday the long awaited Glassary Play Park opened next to Glassary Primary School. £70,000 had been raised to build a wonderful play park for the children of Glassary. A direct entrance from the school means that all the children are able to go into the play park during break and the rubberised surface means that it is much kinder to children’s knees than the school playground.
The playground was opened by the Chairman of the Parent Council, Gordon Parker and Councillors Philland, McMillan and Taylor attended the opening. Continue reading Glassary Play Park opens.

The BIG DRAW on Lismore

Lismore Primary School enjoyed an exciting Drawing Week from 19th – 23rd November. The aim of the week was to get everyone involved and enjoying drawing and painting. Each day started with a ”Get Drawing” game such as Pictionary or Picture Consequences and then drawing, sketching and painting were included in our activities throughout the day.
On Monday the children learnt some technical drawing skills and created some fantastic straight lined curved patterns. They also learnt about Scottish artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh. They then chose from a series of objects to draw using a variety of media including drawing pencils and oil pastels. Continue reading The BIG DRAW on Lismore

Lochdonhead Anti Bullying week

The pupils at Lochdonhead decided that they wanted to run a competition to mark anti-bullying week. They considered the criteria for being a good friend and they voted after break time and lunch time for the person who had shown values of friendship. The votes were counted, and the King and Queen of Friendship were crowned on Tuesday 27th November. The pupils have decided to continue working towards this each week until Christmas. I wonder who the King and Queen will be next week! Continue reading Lochdonhead Anti Bullying week

Celtic connection for Oban Gaelic-medium pupils

Children from Oban’s Gaelic Medium department in Rockfield Primary School shared a fabulous afternoon of song, music and stories on Thursday 22 November with a special guest all the way from Cork, Ireland.
In advance of his concert as part of the town’s Winter Festival, John Spillane, a gifted singer, songwriter and performer, made a special visit to the school, courtesy of the festival organisers. John’s blend of songs in Irish and English, combined with his witty stories and highly engaging manner, were a huge hit with the pupils. During the afternoon, the children and John also compared words shared by Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Continue reading Celtic connection for Oban Gaelic-medium pupils

Scottish Country Dancing in Dunoon.

The Annual Dancing Festival for the Royal Scottish Country Dance Association took place today at the Queens Hall, Dunoon. The children from P4 and P5 have been practicing for several weeks and were keen to show off their newly acquired dancing skills. They looked absolutely great in their tartan sashes and rosettes.Their dancing skills were to be envied by all the parents and friends in the upper balcony of the Queens Hall. Continue reading Scottish Country Dancing in Dunoon.

Halloween Party at Colgrain Primary School

On the 1st of November 2012, Colgrain Primary school had two Halloween parties. One was to entertain the infant children and the other was for the upper school. The parent council had arranged a DJ and all the children played party games. They also sold hot dogs, popcorn and lots of sweets and drinks. They also had a costume contest. The winners in the upper school were Ellie Ross who was a Dead Bride and Robbie Methven who was Dr Killjoy. The winners in the infant school were Arran Scott who was a vampire, and Leila Yuen who was a cat. All the kids had a blast. Continue reading Halloween Party at Colgrain Primary School


On Friday 23rd November Ardrishaig Primary School held a presentation on Climate Change. As the whole school have been studying Climate Change with each class looking at a different aspect, there was a variety of interesting information presented to an appreciative audience. Continue reading ARDRISHAIG PRIMARY CLIMATE CHANGE PRESENTATION

Show Case of Learning at Dalmally

On Tuesday 6th November Primary 3, 4 and 5 at Dalmally Primary invited parents, friends and the rest of the school to their end of topic celebration. The children had been busy learning about ‘Scotland.’
The end of topic celebration was a showcase of all they had been learning. They performed traditional Scottish and Gaelic songs as well as Scottish dances. They explained that they had been learning about famous Scottish Inventors, Scottish artists and Scottish landscapes. They also learned about foods that are made in Scotland and even had a ‘tasting table’ for everyone to have a taste. Continue reading Show Case of Learning at Dalmally

Reading Routes at Lochnell

Primary 1 children from Lochnell went to visit Waterstones Book Shop in Oban as part of their Reading Routes programme.
We are trying to find out as much as we can about books and reading. We decided a bookshop would be a good start and since we are also investigating different ways of travelling we went on a bus from Benderloch to Oban and back again.
During our bookshop visit we discovered that there are 25 thousand books in the shop
(they counted them last week) and that they have a special computer programme to order books they don’t have if someone can’t find the book they are looking for. Continue reading Reading Routes at Lochnell

Tayvallich Primary School success in Heritage Lottery Fund bid

Pupils at Tayvallich Primary School in Argyll are taking part in a project to rebuild ancient links between Argyll and Northern Ireland  with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

Inspired by local archaeology and views of Northern Ireland across the water, the children of Tayvallich PS will join forces with Mill Strand Integrated Primary School in Port Rush to research the story of their shared Iron Age and medieval heritage.  Pupils will work with Kilmartin House Museum and the University of Ulster’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology, to find out more about what life was like in Argyll long ago.
Continue reading Tayvallich Primary School success in Heritage Lottery Fund bid

Dunoon Rocks 2012!

Dunoon Grammar rocked to the sounds of 16 keen musicians and 5 tutors last weekend as CAST held one of its series of YMI funded ‘Rock Weekends’. Over two full days the singers, drummers, guitarists and bass players co-wrote and rehearsed 3 different tracks, guided by a team of top musicians from all over Scotland. A resource pack was given to each pupil which had useful information about studying music and the rock and pop industry. As part of the first day the tutors held a discussion on the merits of studying music, rehearsing and playing talking from their own wide experiences.The young musicians were even treated to chocolate fairy cakes! See the video below for a flavour of the weekend. Continue reading Dunoon Rocks 2012!

French Cafe

Primary 6 at John Logie Baird Primary School enjoyed sharing their learning with parents and guests at their recent French Cafe.  The Children all wore blue, white and red for the event and each had a special role to play whether it was manager, waiter or chef.  The guests were treated to a menu of croissants, baguettes, petit pain aux chocolat and a selection of cakes and drinks.  Both children and guests had to speak only in French. Continue reading French Cafe