Children in need coffee morning

On Friday the 16th of November Lochdonhead Primary held a coffee morning in the school to raise money for children in need.  It was a very busy morning and many of the parents and guests were generous with home-baking and other treats for the coffee tables.  We all participated in serving beverages and supplying everyone with cakes and slices.  Many of us wore spots to mark the occasion too.  It was a great morning and we raised a grand total of £246.14.  Thank you to everyone who came along and joined the fun!

Taynuilt Primary School draws!

Last week, the whole school from nursery to primary, spent time developing their drawing skills.  The teachers included drawing in different curriculum areas from maths to PE, and on Wednesday we had a ‘whole school drawing day’.  The p1 – 7 children went to four workshops over the day where, in the morning, they drew things from nature like shells, branches, stones, driftwood etc.  They used a variety of drawing tools like charcoal, oil pastels and pencils. Continue reading Taynuilt Primary School draws!

St Mun’s Primary 7 visit Waterloo Road

Alarm clocks were set for an early rise on Wednesday the 7th of November when Primary 7 at St. Mun’s went to visit the set of Waterloo Road.  This modern day school-based drama is set in the old Greenock Academy.  When the Academy closed down the popular series moved from its original location in England  and opened its doors for the new term in Scotland. Continue reading St Mun’s Primary 7 visit Waterloo Road

Lochnell Entertainers Venture Forth

The pupils from Early Level at Lochnell Primary were out and about on Thursday 22nd November. We had an invitation to sing to residents at the local care home, The Lynn of Lorn. We are regular visitors and love to sing old favourites and new songs too.  As well as Nursery Rhymes the residents were invited to join in action songs and songs about worms and frogs … we weren’t sure if other people would like these songs but they certainly did and they were happy to join in the singing and actions too. Continue reading Lochnell Entertainers Venture Forth

Primary Schools join forces for Children in Need

Barcaldine and Ardchattan Primary Schools joined forces last Thursday to raise funds for Children in Need 2012.  All the children (and teachers) arrived at school in their pyjamas.  In the afternoon lots of fun and games entertained all.  The children raised £43 and Eilidh, a Barcaldine Primary pupil, raised £50 by doing a sponsored silence – which proved to be rather difficult when practising her part in the nativity play!

John Logie Baird Primary visit to Ardardan

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 at John Logie Baird enjoyed a visit to Ardardan Garden Centre where they enthusiastically applied their mathematical and literacy skills in a real situation.  They enjoyed exploring the plants and bulbs and learning about the range of farm produce. The Garden Centre staff were kept on their toes answering questions the children had prepared for them.  The visit ended with an opportunity for each child to buy a suitable item in the farm shop.  A big thank you is extended to all those at Ardardan who helped to make the visit so worthwhile.

Lighthouse Lunch at Clachan Primary

Clachan Primary brought a story to life yesterday with a delicious Lighthouse Keeper’s lunch.  We had our own Mrs Grinling in the kitchen who  created a beautiful menu and prepared our lunch.  Some of our food was put into a basket and a pulley was used to winch the basket over to the lighthouse!  There was even a lighthouse cake for dessert!  Thank you to our very own Mrs Grinling

Ulva School raises money for Children in Need

Last Friday we all paid £1 to come to school in our pyjamas…. even the teachers.  It was good fun but we all seemed to feel tired all day!  In the afternoon we decided we would invite parents and friends to a concert in the school and then sell them tea and cakes.  Beccy, our music instructor, helped us to plan the concert.  We played our violins and cellos and sang songs in Gaelic and English.  Continue reading Ulva School raises money for Children in Need

Kilchrenan Walks Through The Past

Kilchrenan Primary have been exploring their Victorian heritage. With the help of Tara from Dunollie House, they have found out about a time when their village was bigger and more important than Oban, and how Oban only had one, very poor, inn for visitors.  They discovered, in Dunollie House, a great resource for studying this, and many periods on local and Scottish history. And, in Tara Coia, the Learning and Events Officer, an archaeologist with a passion and a real ability to enthuse. Continue reading Kilchrenan Walks Through The Past

Live-Link from Tarbert Academy to Lessons at Home

Our photograph shows what looks like an everyday Maths lesson.  But in the top right hand corner of the whiteboard, a pupil, at home on Gigha because of adverse weather, joins the class through webcam and GLOW.  Douglas can see the teacher’s whiteboard on his computer at home, can see his classmates working and joins in all their activities.  Tarbert Academy is successfully piloting Lessons at Home for pupils who travel by ferry each morning so that learning and teaching time is not lost this winter. Continue reading Live-Link from Tarbert Academy to Lessons at Home

Fundraising Fun at Castlehill for Children in Need

Castlehill Primary enjoyed a variety of fun filled activities to raise funds for Children in Need.   Primary 6/7 kicked off the fundraising with a Halloween party.  An enterprising brother and sister duo, Caitlynne and Craig, bought cake mixes and created Pudsey and Blush masterpieces which they used for a raffle. Their mum just loved cleaning up her kitchen when they had finished! Continue reading Fundraising Fun at Castlehill for Children in Need

SMART Notebook 11 Service Pack 1 now available

This new update improves SMART Notebook 11 speed, responsiveness and usability.  It features SMART Response software updates and a new version of SMART Ink providing improved integration with Microsoft software.  This Service Pack update now adds support for Mac OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and limited Microsoft Windows 8 compatibility.  If you have any questions please contact

Casualty Care with Tobermory Lifeboat Crew

P3/4 visit to the lifeboat station was in conjunction with our topic on the human body and we had an excellent demonstration on casualty care. We were shown the types of equipment they use including bandages and splints.  We were also shown the importance of keeping a casualty warm and learnt what to do if a diver has the bends.  The highlight for the pupils had to be when Mr Gawthrope was strapped into a Neil Robertson stretcher from head to toe.  This is used to evacuate casualties from small spaces!  Continue reading Casualty Care with Tobermory Lifeboat Crew

Strone’s Soup and Sandwich Saturday

On Saturday the 17th November, Strone Primary School in partnership with their Parent Council, held their annual Soup and Sandwich event in the Younger Memorial Hall.  The school, together with the Parent Council had worked hard to organise this ever popular event which was very well supported by the local community.
There was a great turn out to enjoy the delicious soups on offer and the pupils were on hand to man cake and candy stalls and sell Christmas related craft items that they had made.  The event raised in excess of £600.00 which will be used to support the children’s education.

Rainforest Café

Family and friends joined the children of Strath of Appin Primary School on Wednesday 14 November to celebrate the end of their Topic work on Tropical Rainforests.  The children enjoyed singing their rainforest ‘raps’, showing off their artwork and sharing their learning.  Fairtrade refreshments were served up in the Rainforest café.  These included Fairtrade teas and coffees and Fairtrade chocolate Krispies. The children created their own Rainforest smoothies and guests were invited to vote for their favourite. 

There was even an opportunity to get your photo taken in the ‘Rainforest!’ Continue reading Rainforest Café