Nursery and Primary classes at Lochnell Primary held their annual toy sale in aid of Children In Need on Thursday 15th November. Children bring toys and games they have finished playing with and donate them to this great cause. Senior pupils sort through everything and create a shop like no other.
Nursery children were the first to visit this Alladin’s Cave and came away thinking Christmas had come early. Pennies changed hands frantically as older children came to the sale. Children who had been learning about life in Victorian times also came in suitable costumes which made the whole event even more fun. By the end of the afternoon we had collected £156.94 to donate to Children in Need and children from Lochnell were delighted with their new purchases.
We always have great fun, make money and enjoy re-using items which might have lain in cupboards for years. The items which were unsold at the end of the day are rechecked by senior pupils then taken to local charity shops.