Spook the Dervaig Owl

Primary 1/2/3 in Dervaig Primary school had a very special visitor on Tuesday 27th of November, Spook, the Barn Owl. The children are currently reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark as a class novel. They are researching the different kinds of owls we have on Mull as well as exploring all of the exciting topics discussed in the book. Sue Dewar kindly brought the Barn Owl in to the class that morning for the children to see. We found out that Spook is 7 years old which is the same age as some of the pupils in the class!
Spook was brought to Sue when he was just 3 weeks old which means that he thinks he is human and that Sue is his Mum! In the wild Spook might only have lived to 3 or 4 years, however in captivity owls can live much longer.
Sue spoke to the children for over an hour during which time the children heard different kinds of Owl calls and looked at pictures of baby barn owls. The children asked lots of questions and also had the opportunity to stroke Spook, who took all of the attention in his stride.
Dervaig Primary children were thrilled to have such an amazing visitor and wish Sue and her husband luck and support as they expand their aviary on Mull to allow visitors to learn more about these fascinating birds.

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