Tag Archives: sensory

Healthy food exploration in Red Class

Throughout our growing topic, Red class have had lots of opportunities to explore different fruit and vegetables that are grown. Over the last two weeks we have tried lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, kiwi and orange. This week we were even using our fine motor skills to thread some fruit on skewers to make some edible caterpillars! Most of us thought they were delicious!

Growing in Red Class

We have had a busy start to our last term in Red Class where he have been working hard to prepare our class assembly and also start our new topic ‘Growing’.

So far we have explored some different fruit and vegetables which grow from the ground and even got to take part in some sensory play with some soil and seeds. This week we have also planted some pumpkin seeds!

Happy New Year from Red Class

Happy New Year from Red class.  It has been lovely having everyone back in class this week.  We have started our animal topic for this term where we have introduced Old McDonald had a farm.  We have enjoyed listening to the song, matching farm animals, feeding the farm animals and even washing them this week too!

Indigo Class


The Indigo Class have enjoyed exploring the interactive floor projector these past few weeks. We explored fireworks for Bonfire Night and of course their favourites – water and bubbles!




Orange Class – Friday 19th June

Hello everyone and good morning!Hello

First of all today we have to say …….Cute Happy Birthday Card with Colorful Balloons - GIF

To one of our classmates who’s birthday is today!                                                                                All your friends in Pinewood hope you have a super birthday!

We will start the day with AssemblyClick on the link. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/pinewoodschoolblog/category/assembly/

Let’s have some movement!

It is time for circle time.

It’s time for Lorna’s sign of the day. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/pinewoodschoolblog/category/sign-of-the-day/

Do you want to see what your friends have been up to?

Story Time.  This is for anyone with a birthday today!

Time for jobs for today.  Which ones will you do?

How about a bit of sensory fun?

It’s Time for Yoga.  We’ll take it easy as it’s Friday!  Level 1.

Finally, we can relax.

Have a fun Friday.
