Tag Archives: morning activities

Group 11 Fri 3 April

Good morning Group 11!

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSD4vsh1zDA

Life Skills:  tidy up your room.

Literacy: See Laura’s blog or use https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds

Social Studies:   See Ana’s blog or write/record/draw a diary about having no school just now.

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.  https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Food Tech: See Hazel’s blog.  We are going to make pancakes.

ICT:  See my blog it is making a video call to one of your friends or family.

Music: See Connie’s Easter singalong or do some karaoke to your favourite tunes.


Enjoy the holidays.  Have 2 weeks chilling out with your families and having fun together.


Friday 3rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning,

What day is it today………

Calendar –

Yesterday we looked at the four seasons. Can you name the four seasons? What season is it just now? What signs are there outside that help us to know that it is Spring?

Here is a little Spring scavenger hunt. You can use it in your garden or if you go for a little walk.

Movement –

Check out the movement section…….let’s get moving!

Life Skills –

How many of these things can you help with today?

Literacy –

Can you use lego or blocks to make your name? Can you make someone from your family’s name too? Can you make your full name? How many letters are in your name?


Social Studies – 

Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      

Story – 

Here are some Spring stories:

Signs of the Day –

Check out today’s sign with Lorna. Can’t wait!

Food Technology –

Check out our new resources section, Lorna has posted Pinewood’s recipe book. There are lots of yummy recipes there to try. Get cooking or baking!

ICT/Technology –

Check out the ICT section – Kirsty has posted a fun selfie challenge

Music – 

Check out the music section, Connie and Gordon have put some fun ideas here for you to try.

Challenge of the day –

Here are a few challenges to keep you busy!


I’ll be back in touch on Monday 20th April with more activities, have a lovely relaxing Easter break.

Here are some ideas for things to do over the break:

I’ve also posted some links in today’s email.

Have fun!


Orange Class – Thursday 2nd of April

Good morning everyone.

On Thursdays we start the day by doing PE.

How about three of the action songs for warm up?

Alphabet Exercise

Hi all,

Here is a fun activity to get you moving.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.


Good morning song:


The days of the week song:


The weather song

What’s the weather?

Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!  Search for sign of the day.

Time to get outside!

What about a walk?

Walking is a great exercise for your body and mind and it’s not every day we have this good weather in Scotland. To make it more interesting we can agree some challenges with our family like, count the trees we see, count the birds, look for bears and rainbow in windows, we can even make it a competition who can see more birds, trees, red objects etc. Just remember you should always walk close to home (no driving) and keep social distance.

Another great idea would be to Join Vicky community group page we’re going on a bear hunt, just follow the link:



Now for something new.  Why not try Nicole’s Story Massage.

Today’s story massage will be ‘A Monster Surprise’

Please remember to ask permission before starting a story massage.

The Strokes

Story Massage Strokes handout

You can do it as you please but here are the strokes I have used

  • The downward fan
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The bounce
  • The walk
  • The claw
  • The semi circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The claw
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The circle
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The squeeze
  • The sprinkle
  • The walk
  • The wave
  • The claw
  • The bounce
  • The calm
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The squeeze
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The calm
  • The sprinkle
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The walk
  • The circle
  • The squeeze

If there are strokes your child does not like then miss them out and replace with ones they do.

If you want to access the book, it can be found here


Maths  –  Time to look for some shapes in your house!

 There are 2 sheets for you to try on 2D and 3D shape. ( Just click on the link at the bottom) Have a search in your house or garden for these shapes.

What shape did you find most of?

What is your favourite shape?

Can you make a pattern with 2D sahpes?

Can you build something with 3D sahpes?

You can practice some pattern work with shapes at TopMarks


How many 2D shapes can you find                 

How many 3D shapes can you find

Let me know how you get on or send a picture.

Time for some numberjacks!

We are on episode 4

Finally time to chill with some Yoga.  We’re going on a bear hunt

Click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo.  Just like Augustus!

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.

Have a great day!




Thursday 2nd of April – Pink Class

Good morning everyone!

Let’s wake up! Get everyone to join in!

Calendar –

Can you name the four seasons. What happens outside during each season? Let’s see.


Movement – 

What will we do for movement today? Check out the movement section. How are you getting on with Joe Wicks?

Life Skills –

Mmmmmm! Can you help make lunch today? Let’s make some sandwiches.

Maths –

Today’s focus is MONEY.

Follow this link for sorting coins: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game

Follow this link for using coins to pay for items: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Empty out your adult’s purse or wallet…what coins or notes can you spot?

Fiddly Fingers –

Let’s make some slime!!!

Story –


Have you seen any bears out on your walk? Have a good bear hunt next time, how many can you spot? Can you describe the bears you see? How many bears do you have in your windows for other children to spot.

Let’s go on a bear hunt!

Signs of the Day –

Yesterday I was learning the signs for some fruit. You will have to test me when we go back to school. Check out today’s signs of the day section. What signs will we learn today?

Music –

Check out the music section to make an instrument or to do some singing with Connie. Have fun!

Sensory –

Play with some shaving foam today. Can you practise your letters or numbers or impress someone in your family by writing their names in the foam.

You can also check out Tracey’s sensory section for some more fun ideas.

Dance –

How are you getting on with Rachel’s dance? I think I’ve got two left feet!

Challenge of the Day –

We have been looking at water in the Pink Class. Here is an outdoor water challenge. Challenge your family to see who makes the best waterproof shelter. Who will be brave enough to sit under it while you test if it is waterproof? Have fun!

Outdoor Shelter

Some of you have emailed some fantastic pictures of all of the hard work and fun you are having. Unfortunately, I can’t post these yet as our photo/picture capacity is full at present. However, keep sending me your great pictures, they put a huge smile on my face.





Group 11 Thurs 2 April

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNAr5tzZxdk

Life Skills:  dust the house

Maths: See Maths Steve’s blog or use https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

Fiddly Fingers:   Play with pasta or rice.  We are going to build a domino run.

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.  https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Music: See Connie and Gordon’s blogs or go on You Tube for some Karaoke.  Send me a video of you singing.

Sensory:  We are going to make gluck with corn flour and water to play with. There are online games here http://www.shinylearning.co.uk/freegames/

Dance: Do some dance with Rachel or Just Dance on You Tube.


Have a good day, Kirsty.

Group 11 Wed 1 April

Good morning Group 11!

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POWsFzSFLCE

Life Skills:  make your bed and help tidy up after breakfast.

Literacy: See Laura’s blog for language.  We are going to use these games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/7-11-years/spelling-and-grammar

PE:  See Gerry and Pedro’s blogs. We are going to do some PE with Joe Wicks on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGKGNzNbWjU

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.  https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art: We are going to try some drawing with Steve.  You can find it on the blog.

Science:  See Sarah’s blog. We are going to make gluck with corn flour and water to play with.

HWB: We are going to do some yoga.  We are using this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnO-lGEMOXk


Have a good day, Kirsty.


Group 4 – Wed 1st April

Good Morning everyone.

Today I’m feeling

How are you feeling today?

We started a new month. What is the month today?

You’re right. It’s April.

What is the day today?

It’s April Fool’s Day. Wednesday.

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Read your favourite book or choose a book from the website below.



Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today we are going to listen to a story about a monkey that wakes up in a grumpy mood. Grumpy monkey is a cute book about great friends and a lesson on emotions.

Are you feeling grumpy today?

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what is your challenge for today.


In the story the other animals try to convince the monkey to do different things to feel better. Talk to an adult about things you can do to feel better when you are sad or angry.

Choose your 8 favourite activities from the list below. Select ones that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your face, or relaxes you.

  Deep breaths   Tell a joke
  Make a snack   Give a hug
  Pet an animal   Dance
  Count to 10   Share a toy
  Sing a song   Play outside
  Read a story   Exercise
  Play a game   Quiet time

Have a lovely day!


Orange Class Tuesday 31st March

Hello, How is everyone today?

Sleepy?  David forgot to change all of his clocks and slept in!

Some suggestions for today’s timetable.

Circle Time 

(search for Morning Circle Time on the right.)


Sign of the Day 

Check Lorna’s post! (search Sign of the day).

I would love it if you could send me a picture of you signing.


Time for some numberjacks!

We are on episode 3


We always have dance on a Tuesday.  Time for Dance with rachel!

Here is a warm up, a just dance song and a chill song for sleepy lions. Here are today’s choices:

Warm up song: be prepared to have this song stuck in your head all day 🙂


Now time for some Sensory Play

Try making some Cloud Dough.  All you need is cornflour and conditioner. Click on photo.

2 Ingredient Fluffy Cloud Dough


Story Time:

Have you watched and listened to any of Sarah’s super stories?  Now is your chance!


Craft and Movement:

Alice would like you to have a shot at making Juggling balls!


Finally time to try a Barefoot Safari


Have a go and let me know!

Have a good Tuesday

Group 11 Tues 31 March

Good morning Group 11!

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83aUaYQF4NM

Life Skills:  help sort out the washing

ICT: See my lesson on the blog. It is very funny today.

Dance:  See Rachel’s lesson and learn her dance.  We are laughing lots and enjoying it.

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these poems https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Fiddly Fingers: We are going to make domino runs

Gardening:  See Scott’s idea. We are going to tidy up our garden and do some weeding.  We used the leaf blower last week.  It was very funny.

HWB: We are going to video call our family.  You could make a call too.


Have a good day, Kirsty.