Author Archives: Mr Stewart

Orange Class Thursday 30th April

A very good morning to the Orange Class!   How are you today??

Shall we have our Morning Circle?


On Thursdays we have P.E.  first thing in the morning so let’s get going!

Here is a fun activity to get you moving, if you have limited mobility then you can adapt the exercise or repeat one from another letter.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.

How about some reading?

I hope you enjoyed that story.  Dads always get a hard time of it!

Can you answer the questions?

Did you like the story?


Jobs:  Can help to wash the dishes today?

Time for some zoo work!  Thanks to Sophie in the Red Class.


Then have a look at these,

How about some cooking?  An Orange Class favourite!


Time for Yoga 


And finally time for relaxation!

Enjoy your Thursday.



Orange Class Wednesday 29th April

Hello everyone.  It’s David again!

Let’s start the day with our morning circle.

Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!

On Wednesday mornings we have Music with Gordon.  Go to Categories and select music and scroll down.  It is Music with Gordon 27 April: Primary.

It seems a long time ago but on Wednesdays we have swimming with Graeme. Well we can’t go swimming at the moment but some of you might remember that when we were learning about Finding Dory I brought in a Wii game for us all to play – Endless Ocean.  Have a look below and swim in the Ocean (skip to 48 seconds).

I hope you enjoyed that.


Topic:  Over the next few days we are going to be learning about Animals and Zoos.

Edinburgh Zoo has live webcams of some of their animals that you can watch
If  you watch any of the cams, let me know which animals were your favourites?

Chester Zoo has been broadcasting a series of Live events on Fridays at 10.00 am from their facebook page and videos have been recorded that you can watch of these live shows.

What animals have they shown on their Live events?  Do you recognise any of them?

Would you like to make a zoo to play with at home?


Time for some outdoor learning.  Lots of things to see and do when you are outside!

Time for some maths.

Lets work on our numbers to 5.  Join in with Jack and shout out the number when you know it.

Play Top marks Teddy Numbers. Choose up to 5, then try up to 10, or up to 15 if you can!

Can you find 5 cars, 5 pencils, and 5 spoons in your house?

Don’t forget our Orange Class Challenge.  It’s made by Fiona this week (Tag Orange Class Challenge).   Have a go and let us know how you get on!

Time for some relaxation.

Have a great day !



Orange Class Monday 27th April

Good morning everyone!

Lets get started with our Morning Circle Time!


How about some maths?  Try some of Clare’s Maths Challenges this week.  Can you do two every day?




Time for Jobs

Which one will you do?


Now for some Reading:  Today we are looking at Fox’s socks


Can you answer the questions?

Time to get outside!

Lets get going.  Do you feel artistic? Lets get the  chalk or paint out!

Paint pebbles

If you don’t have paint you can use chalk to colour in your pebbles

You may have already seen the gorgeous pictures on social media of pebbles painted in bright rainbow colours.

It’s such an easy activity to do and because you can do it the garden you can keep all the mess contained.

All you need are some different coloured poster paints and some rocks – it couldn’t be simpler.

Failing that you could also use chalk to create some colourful designs.  Take some photos and send them in.


Colour a rainbow on your garden slabs or on the pavement

You can chalk a rainbow on the slabs in the garden

While you’ve got the chalk out, why not draw a rainbow on your garden path.

The patio can provide a huge canvas for the kids to colour on and the great thing about using chalk is that it will easily wash off.  You could even play noughts and crosses or draw a giant chalk hopscotch.


On Mondays we have P.E.  Today we will have P.E. with Gerry

Good morning everyone,

I have added a couple of picture cards for the pupils to choose from today for PE.

1st we will start with a Warm-Up – Please Choose any 2 activities from the Warm Up Games below. Feel free to add your own choice of music too. Lets get going!!

Warm Up Games – Click here

Wow! that was great I hope you put in lots of effort and are properly warmed up?

Now this week we have added some Ball Games to chose from. However some of you may prefer to use Balloons, which is great. So feel free to chose what’s more suitable for you.
Now pick to activities from the below.

Ball Games – 7 Challenges – click here

Excellent work today, now that you are all sweaty having worked hard and had some exercise you can now relax and give your body and mind some rest for a few minutes.

To do so your next challenge is to listen to your favourite relaxing song in a comfortable position and close your eyes until the song is finished.

Not to worry if you can think of any there are a whole list of warm up activities and links to children’s music on the “Alternative to Movement” post.

Thanks for your hard work and stay safe.


Now it’s time for some Yoga



Finally time for relaxation

I hope you have a super day today!


Orange Class Friday 24th April

Good morning Orange Class!

It’s sunny, the birds are singing and it’s time to get going!

On Fridays we have assembly!

Scroll down in the Orange Class 4 pages (below) to find the Assembly or search on the Tag!

Next it’s time for sign of the day!

What day is it today again? It’s Friday!

That was fun!  talking about fun have you had a shot at the Orange Class Challenge?   Scroll down to find out what I am talking about!  There will be a new challenge next week!


Fancy some sensory games to play on your tablet?

Fun games to play

You can find them here

Time for some jobs?  How about helping with the washing?

Story Time!    Today we are going to read Hide and Seek Pig.


Can you answer the questions?



It’s Friday so we should do our reflection sheets!

Time to get outside!  How are you getting on with your birds?

How many have you seen?

You could try building your own birds next with Clare!

Hello Everyone.

I hope you’re all well and happy.

If you look carefully you might see some birds building nests.

Today I thought you could try and build your own nest.

Click the link for what to do

Build a Nest

Have fun!


Photo Fun!  I thought we could post up new photos or videos on Fridays.  I hope you like them.





Finally lets finish up with Nicole’s Story massage.


Have a great day.  see you on Monday!


Thursday 23rd April

Good morning Orange Class!

I hope you are feeling good this morning and raring to go.

Lets start with our Morning Circle.


Now on Thursdays we have P.E.   Today we’re having P.E. with Gerry.

Good morning everyone,

I have added a couple of picture cards for the pupils to choose from today for PE.

1st we will start with a Warm-Up – Please Choose any 2 activities from the Warm Up Games below. Feel free to add your own choice of music too. Lets get going!!

Warm Up Games – Click here

Wow! that was great I hope you put in lots of effort and are properly warmed up?

Now this week we have added some Ball Games to chose from. However some of you may prefer to use Balloons, which is great. So feel free to chose what’s more suitable for you.
Now pick to activities from the below.

Ball Games – 7 Challenges – click here

Excellent work today, now that you are all sweaty having worked hard and had some exercise you can now relax and give your body and mind some rest for a few minutes.

To do so your next challenge is to listen to your favourite relaxing song in a comfortable position and close your eyes until the song is finished.

Not to worry if you can think of any there are a whole list of warm up activities and links to children’s music on the “Alternative to Movement” post.

Thanks for your hard work and stay safe.

Phew! that was fun.


Time for some maths.

It’s time for a Sock Party.

Two makes a pair.

Find as many socks as you can in your house.

How many pairs of socks are there and how many with no match?

How did you count the socks?

Can you sort the socks in to pairs (2 matching socks)?

If I have 5 pairs of socks how many socks is that all together?

How do you know?

What else could you count in pairs?

Let me know how you get on.

Time for Numberjacks.  Today we are on episode 7.


How about a bit of Art with David?

Beautiful butterflies today.  I’ve seen butterflies in my garden this week have you?  You don’t need much stuff to make the butterfly footprints.  Why not have a try and send me a photo?



Can you use your footprint with some paint to create the wings of a butterfly?

Can you create a Butterfly painting using symmetry?

Here is a link to a video to show you how it is done:


Perhaps you could have a go at making sensory butterflies. For this you will need a plastic food bag, a pipe cleaners and something to fill inside such as pom poms, paint or cut pieces of paper:

Enjoy whatever you create and have fun 🙂

Story Time!

That was great!

Time for some Jobs.

Which job will you do? You must all be experts by now!

HWB Lets get outside.

Take some photos and let me know what you have been touching.

Music – It’s sing along with Connie today. Scroll down the blog to find her post.

Why not try story massage with Nicole?  Look at the top right of the blog beside the Pinewood Recipe book and click on Story Massage.

Finally lets finish off the usual way with some relaxation.

Have a super day and keep smiling.



Wednesday 22nd April Orange Class


Good morning!  Lets start the day in a fun way with the Singing Walrus

Followed by days of the week.  Dance along!

Finally what’s the weather like today?



On Wednesdays we have Music with Gordon.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

Hello song

    1. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    2. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    3. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    4. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    5. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    6. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!





Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te


Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.



Time to move around or play your instrument


Chill and relax


Goodbye Song





Story Time: Lets listen to Rabbit’s Nap. Can you answer the questions below?

HWB Lets learn about Health Eating today!

Did that make you hungry? maybe its time for snack.  Don’t forget to wash your hands!


Now how about some outdoor learning?

Today we are going to play I spy. Preferably outdoors, however not to worry if you can’t go out today, you can do this any day and as much as you like. Click on the link below to get started.



Time for some standing  yoga.  We would love to see some photo’s of your yoga poses too.  Click the arrows below to follow the programme with photo examples.


Have fun!!


Time to relax

Have a lovely day.


Tuesday 21st April Orange Class

Good morning!  Sun all the way today.

lets start with our morning Circle Time

Good Morning Routine



have you brushed your teeth today?

Brushing teeth activity

Now for some Dance!

Here is your dance lesson for today…

warm up song:

Just dance song:

Sleepy lion song:

Thanks to Rachel

Time for maths

Now for Numberjacks! Episode 6.


How about building a tower with Lego or blocks?  You could count the number of Lego pieces you use.  Take a photograph and I can post on the blog.

Lego Tower


What about Jobs for today? Is there anything you can do in the house or in the garden?

Helping in the garden!

If you don’t have a garden maybe you could draw one?

Story Time
Lets listen to Sarah reading Twinkles, Arthur and Puss.

Time to chill

Have a super day!


Monday 20th April Orange Class

A very good morning to you all!  It’s bright and sunny.  What will we do today?


Start the morning.             

What day is it today?









Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!


What’s the weather like today?


How are you today?


Time to help around the house.

What jobs will you do?


Now how about some Alphabet Exercises to get your day going?

Can you exercise to your name?


It would be great if you could get out for a walk today or look for birds in your garden.

What birds can you see?

See how many birds you can spot today?  Have a go and let me know!


I love the Kipper stories.  I hope you do too!


Have you forgotten about Numberjacks?  We’re on episode 5


Phew!  After all that hard work what about a chill time.

Have a super day!  More tomorrow.  David