P3B Monday 15th June

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: I’ve been continuing with my running and last week I beat my personal best on distance. I managed to run 20km in one run/jog. I had very sore legs the next day! I have also made a sign out of some of the materials I had from last years Gala day when Sofia was a Flower Girl. I’ve made it rainbow colours. I hope you like it.

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

For the next two weeks, we will be focusing a lot more on Health and Well-being. That means on keeping our bodies healthy and active, on eating a balanced diet, on talking about how to keep safe, and on talking about different feelings and how we cope with them.

Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week.


Here are this week spellings.

Tomorrow is a school holiday because of the Linlithgow Marches. I won’t be setting a spelling hunt. However, I might take Sofia and Charlotte on a hunt for the Perambulation Stones and you may wish to during the week too. Especially, as we are having our Health and Wellbeing Fortnight.

The stones mark the boundary of Linlithgow from 1832. Here is what one of them looks like. You could walk or cycle the route which is 6.5km long and I think there are seven stones to find. The map below suggests starting the walk from St Ninians Church which is where we went before Christmas. One of the stones is located right next to it. Check out the map and you can find out more in the Leaflet which I have attached.


Check out my post about this weeks story ‘Paddington Bear’. I hope you enjoy it. During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice


Paddington Bear

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Paddington Bear’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week. This week your handwriting task links to the book, so make sure you complete that task as well.

Paddington Bear Reading Comprehension

  1. Where does Mrs Brown say Peru is?
  2. Why do they call the bear Paddington?
  3. Where do the Brown’s live?
  4. How does Lucy describe Mrs Bird?
  5. What was the first thing Paddington did in the bathroom?
  6. Would you like a bear to come and live with you? And why?

Appologies, I made a mistake on the comprehension located on the school website. Question 4 should be ‘How does Lucy describe Mrs Bird?’.  (Not Mrs Brown)

Wonderful Writer  Find out some facts about Peru and create an information poster all about the country.

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Word Wizard Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: stowaway, Left Luggage, marmalade, bitterly, earnestly

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Paddington Bear quiz or a quiz about Peru.

Handwriting Find out Copy out the following passage in your neatest handwriting or you can practice your typing skills. Then add an illustration.

Mr and Mrs Brown first met Paddington on a railway platform. In fact, that was how he came to have such an unusual name for a bear, because Paddington was the name of the station. The Browns were waiting to meet their daughter, Judy, when Mr Brown noticed something small and furry near the LEFT LUGGAGE office. “It looks like a bear,” he said.

Here are some files which will help you complete your tasks:

All about Peru

Book Review

Just for fun Paddington Activities

Paddington Bear Comprehension

Paddington Bear


P3A Monday 15th June

Good Morning 3A!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I managed to get to Callendar Park with my family for a walk. It was a bit wet but we wore our wellies!  We are getting extra fence put up in the garden soon so I was painting the slats too.  Painting a fence seems to last forever!

Well done to those who joined in with the Sumdog challenges last week.  Congratulations to those who placed in the top 3- you’ll find your coin rewards waiting for you!

New challenges, HA games and your Week 11 grid are all ready for you this week.  We are focusing more on Health and Wellbeing for the last 2 weeks so the grid looks slightly different.

Today I am heading into school for the first time since we went into lockdown.  This feels a bit strange.  Please still email any news and I’ll get back to you, it just might not be until the end of the day.

Tomorrow is a holiday so I won’t be online but Ms Occardi will be back from Wednesday.

Mrs Bell 🙂

P2/1, P2A and P2B FOOD CHAINS 15.6.20

Good Morning, everyone!

This week we are learning about food chains. Here are some resources to help you.

This website will give you some information about food chains.


Here is a game to play to help your learning.


This Powerpoint is all about Farming in Scotland.

Farming in Scotland

Have a think about where your food comes from.  Look in your fridge or cupboard. Make a list or discuss where your food comes from.

Can you learn how to make a sandwich?

Think about the ingredients you are using and where they come from. Remember the importance of washing your hands well and of course  helping with the washing up.

Have fun learning about food chains.

P2/1, P2A and P2B Teachers


P2B MONDAY 15.6.20

Good Morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Mrs Boyle and I loved receiving all your messages and pictures last week. You are all doing a great job.

Here is our Learning Grid for this week

Learning Grid week 11

We are continuing to work on Time this week. Choose a few more activities from our resources below if you can.

TIme Activities

Here is a BBC Bitesize link to help you practise the ng sound.


This week we are focusing on keeping healthy.

I know some of you are doing Joe Wicks workouts at home. Here is another fun fitness class you could try with your family.


Mr Taylor has sent us a link to a competition I thought you might like to try. It is the BBC Children in Need Design a Duck Competition. The instructions on how to take part and a duck template are attached below. The closing date is 24th June.


Have a lovely day. Try and send us a message if you can, just to say hello or to share some work.

This week is a bit different because tomorrow is Marches Day. Even though we cannot celebrate as we would normally do, I hope you are able to have a lovely family day tomorrow.

Mrs Mills

P2/1 – Monday 15th June

Hello P2/1

I hope that you are all safe and well and have had a nice weekend.

First of all here is the link to the Time activities for the rest of the week. There are lots of things within this document and you are not expected to do them all.  Please just choose some and do them whenever you can.

TIme Ideas

Here is the link to today’s Story Time from Home.


This week there is no story writing.  You have to write and draw about ways that you can keep healthy.  Remember – the stories I read throughout the week might give you some ideas for this.

Tomorrow as you know is Marches Day in Linlithgow so there won’t be any blog post or Story Time From Home.  Below is a super picture of some bunting made by one of the boys in our class for this special day.

I’m sure it will look great in the window! I hope you all have a fantastic day and maybe do something special.

Fingers crossed the sun shines too!

Miss McDermott 

Good morning P1! Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning P1,


For the next two weeks, we will be focusing a lot of Health and Well-being. That means on keeping our bodies healthy and active, on eating a balanced diet, on talking about how to keep safe, and on talking about different feelings and how we cope with them.

Here is our learning grid for this week: Home Learning Grid Week 11

Each day we will be posting a Health and Well-being activity for your to challenge yourself with at home, and remember to send us a quick email to let us know what you love to do to stay healthy or just to say hi.

Here are some other resources to help with your learning grid:


Colour the 3D Shapes Activity

Suggested Practical Activities to Explore 3D Shapes

3D Shape Animal Paper Net Templates

3D Shape Paper Net Templates

You could also use this as a template to do a 3D Shape Hunt around the house/garden:


Planning and Writing Sheet

Listening to and Following Instructions Activities


NSPCC PANTS Rules Poster

I hope you all have a superb week!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers 😀

Good morning Primary 1, Friday 12th June

Good morning primary one. I hope you have had a good week. Again I want you to know how impressed and proud I am at all the activities you have been doing this week. You have been working so hard and have been so creative.

I was talking to my friend in France yesterday. I was lovely chatting to her and seeing her on the video chat. I wonder if any of you have done that with friends or family?

Can you remember how they say hello in France? Here is a little song and dance about saying hello in different ways. Can you work out what countries the different hello’s are from?



I hope you have a lovely weekend when it comes and fingers crossed the sunshine comes out to say hello.

Take care, stay safe.

Mrs ChisholmSmiling Rainbow Heart - Drawception


Good morning P1! Friday 12th June 2020

Good morning everybody,

I hope your week has been really lovely and that you are looking forward to the weekend. As always, I have been incredibly impressed with all your hard work this week and with the creative, fun and active things you have been sending me photos of. You are all very special and should be so proud of what you are doing.

Well done for working on telling the time this week, here is a short video programme about telling the time to o’clock that you could watch today if you have time: Click here to watch NumberTime on YouTube!



Have a fabulous weekend when it comes,

Take care,

From Mrs Jamieson 😀

P2A Friday, 12th June

Happy Friday, everyone!

I hope you have all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend.  I am going to visit my family and have fun sitting in the garden with them.  What are you going to do this weekend?

Here is another of my favourite Mr Men stories.  The end of it always made me laugh when I read it to you in class.  I hope you enjoy watching it.  I just love the original stories!


Here is another favourite – Numbertime.  We all loved to watch El Nombre.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Mrs Herbison

Happy Friday! 12.06.2020

Good Morning Primary 1,

I hope that you have all had a good week. I love seeing photographs of you all, it makes me smile. For the last two weeks of school, we will be focusing on Health and Wellbeing. There will be lots of fun activities to work your body and your brain.


Have a great weekend, hopefully we get some sunshine.

Mrs Menmuir

Good Morning Primary 2B Friday 12th June 2020 Mrs Boyle


Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well and glad it’s Friday.

Today I thought that we could use a timer today to learn about minutes.

Can you try to time yourself doing lots of activities and see how long it takes. I have put a link to a 1 minute timer or you could use a phone with a timer.


How many times can you hop in a minute?

How many star jumps can you do in a minute?

How many animals can you name in a minute?

How many cartoon characters can you do in a minute?

How many times can you write your first name?

Can you think of some other things you can do in a minute?


Watch this video where they try to work out how long a minute is.


Here are some examples of some great work I have seen this week.

Have a lovely weekend and hope the sun shines.

Mrs Boyle