P2/1 – Wednesday 3rd June

Hello P2/1

I hope that you are all well.

As it is Wednesday there is also a Health and Wellbeing blog post today with an activity for you to do with your grown ups if and when you’ve time.

Thank you to everyone who has voted for next week’s Story Time From Home theme. It is very close between the two choices. The vote closes at lunchtime today so if you’ve not voted you can still do so.  Here is the link again.


You will need to wait until Monday to find out the winning choice!

I thought some of you might also like to try another Kahoot quiz.  I made this one for the boys and girls at the hub school as part of our Disney theme. Click on the link below and put in your name and you should be ready to play!


Here is also the link to today’s Story Time from Home.


Have a good day and thank you for all the super photographs and messages this week.  It is great to know that you are all working hard and doing your best for your grown ups.

Miss McDermott

P2a P2b P2/1 Health & Wellbeing – Wednesday 3rd June

Here is the Health and Wellbeing Challenge for this week.

This activity is designed to help your child develop his/her knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online.

Learning Outcomes

  • I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
  • I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.

Activity 1: Read Jessie & Friends: Sharing Pictures
– The Storybook
 Download and read Jessie & Friends: Sharing Pictures – the Storybook at
 Use questions to chat about the storybook. For example:
o Who did Tia want to send the pictures to at first?
o How did more people end up seeing the pictures?
o What made Mo feel sad?
o How did Ms Humphrey help Jessie, Tia and Mo?
 If you have a printer, print off the storybooks and ask your child to complete the activities on page 4 and 7.
No printer? Ask your child to draw a picture of a grown-up who helps them and, (if they can) write the grown-ups name, all the things they do to help your child, and/or what your child admires about them.  P1 children can just talk about these things rather than write anything.

Activity 2:  Learn the actions to the song!
 Re-watch the song on the Jessie & Friends cartoon, Episode 2 at

Use the actions and lyrics sheets to sing along and learn the actions to the chorus.
 If your child would like to they could perform the song for others in their family.

Please remember you can send us any photographs or messages about your work – we would love to receive them.

P2 teachers and Miss McDermott

Story Time From Home – Wednesday 3rd June

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to Wednesday’s Story Time From Home.


Thank you to everyone who has already voted for the theme for next week’s story.  It is looking very close!

If you haven’t already voted, you can still do so up until Wednesday lunchtime so here is the link again.


Have a good day and thank you for continuing to watch and listen to the stories!

Miss McDermott

Good afternoon P1! Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Today I thought it might be nice to introduce you to some new French words. These are words for things you might see in a school so they will be helpful when we are all back together again.

We are going to use a website to help us say the words properly and to practise them with some games!

1. Go to www.linguascope.com and log in using the details emailed out. If you are unsure of the details, please email your teacher and they can send them out again!

2. Click on the French flag in the beginner’s section.

3. Click on the tab titled “La Vie Au Quotidien” and then click on the icon titled “Dans La Classe”

4. First click on the “Presentation” section – click on each picture and listen to the French word. Try to repeat the words in your best accent!

5. The “Ecoute” section is a nice way to practise the new words. Click on the different ears to listen to one of the words. When you know what the word means, drag the ear to the right picture.

6. The “Jeu De Memoire” game is a bit like the game Pairs. Click on two pictures (don’t worry about reading the French words, just listen to the voice) and if they match you get a pair. If not, try again!

Remember that in P1, we focus on Listening and Speaking skills in French, not on Reading or Writing. Some of the other games are super but might be too tricky in terms of reading.

I hope you enjoy learning some new words in French. Here is a very silly little song that we enjoy listening to in class sometimes to practise our colours and have some fun!

Good luck with your French!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 3, how are you feeling today?

This week was going to be Health Week at school and I hope you are having lots of exercise while you are at home, I am going for cycles and long walks. We also have to think about our emotional health and this song reminds us about paying attention to our feelings. You might remember this Fischy song, it has lots of lovely actions too so join in and enjoy it!

I have made a table to help me think about my emotions, maybe you could add some pictures to it? Let me know how you feel.

What makes you Happy?  What makes you sad?

What makes you angry? What makes you excited?

Sorting table emotions

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2,  how are you feeling today?

Today we are going to be thinking about keeping healthy! I know lots of you will be enjoying doing exercise every day. I have been cycling a lot and going for long walks. Here is a  Fischy song you may remember to get you moving and to think about how you are feeling inside too.


We also have to choose healthy food to eat and the next song is full of lovely vegetables which are so good for you! I wonder which one in the song is your favourite?  Mine is the tomato!

Find an old piece of paper and get ready to crunch it up when the munch and crunch and scrunch sounds comes. When the popping sound comes make a pop with your lips! Make a lovely mmmmmmmm sound for the yummy bit!

You could make up your own verse about your favourite vegetable or fruit, let me know what you would choose to munch today!

Click here 

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 1 and P2/1,  how are you feeling today?

Today we are going to be thinking about keeping healthy! I know lots of you will be enjoying doing exercise every day. I have been cycling a lot and going for long walks. Here is a  Fischy song you may remember to get you moving and to think about how you are feeling inside too.


We also have to choose healthy food to eat and the next song is full of lovely vegetables which are so good for you! I wonder which one in the song is your favourite?  Mine is the tomato!

Find an old piece of paper and get ready to crunch it up when the munch and crunch and scrunch sounds comes. When the popping sound comes make a pop with your lips! Make a lovely mmmmmmmm sound for the yummy bit!

You could make up your own verse about your favourite vegetable or fruit, let me know what you would choose to munch today!

Click here 

Good Morning Primary 1- 2.6.2020

I love the story of the Snow Queen.  It tells a story of a little girl who missed her friend as she had not seen him for a long time.

There are different ways to listen to stories. Below is a link to a podcast. You have to listen and use your imagination.


Now here is a bit of the story. This doesn’t tell the whole story but does show you how to get an app that is full of bedtime stories. Families at home may find this useful.


Lastly, here is a show all about the Snow Queen. This is a different way to see and listen to a story.


Once you have enjoyed all these I would like you to think about all the friends from your class that I am sure you are missing at the moment. Maybe you could make a rainbow picture with all their names on and drop it off at school. Not only will this make our school colourful but your friends will see that you are thinking of them. If you can’t manage this draw a picture and send it to your teacher, through e-mail, and we can pass it onto them. We are all missing our friends but just like Gerda, we will see them again soon.

Have a lovely day in the sunshine and stay safe Primary 1.

Good Morning Nursery

With the weather being nice outside and you might even have your paddling pool out. Miss Baillie thought you could look for things in your garden and find out what floats and what sinks. We can use our prediction skills and maybe make a record sheet. Good luck boys and girls with this mission I will look forward to your pictures on your learners journeys.  Miss Baillie 😁

P2A Tuesday, 2nd June

Good morning, everyone.

Today is Tuesday and it’s going to be another sunny day.  I hope you manage to get outside and have some fun.  Maybe you will go for a walk or a cycle with your family.   You may even see some minibeasts.

Here is a video by Adam Hargreaves showing you how to draw some Mr Men characters.  You could have a go if you have time.

Here is another   er   video to help with this week’s digraph.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison

P3A Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning 3A!

Another sunny day yesterday.  Hope you all enjoyed it!  Looking forward to hearing about what you’ve been getting up to.

Here’s another activity you could try with your family this week.  Can be done indoors or outdoors!  Get practising your adding! You could use any combination of numbers.  Throw balls or rolled up socks.  Please send a photo if you try it!

diy outdoor games bean bag bowls

Mrs Bell 🙂

P3B Tuesday 2nd June


I hope you all had a great first day of June. Thanks to all those who sent me an email yesterday. Some great/awful jokes about pirates. Keep up the good work.

Pizza for Pirates got me inspired to make you a map to send you on a treasure hunt. Well actually its a spelling hunt. I have written with paving chalk all your spelling words around/near the school. You have to find them! And, because pirates use maps, below is the map which will help you find them.

The black circles are all ‘ea’ words and the black crosses are ‘sp/spr’ words. There are ten of each to find or twenty words in total. Write down the ones you find. Below is a word file you could download to help you.

P3 Spelling Hunt

I wonder how many words you will   .

You’ll need to look carefully if you want to them.

Let myself and Miss Ross know how you get on.


P2B TUESDAY, 2nd June

Good Morning, everyone!

I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to enjoy lots of time outside enjoying our lovely weather.

I wanted to share some of our good work on Symmetry from last week. You can see one pupil using a mirror to help find lines of symmetry and some nice examples of symmetrical flags.


For today, here is a short story about a little dog called Fergus. Count how many er words  you can hear in the story.


In this activity you have to write er words in the petals of the flower. Then you can decorate your flower.

spelling flower

You could play this er words board game with your family.

er words board game

Have a great day and enjoy your learning.

Mrs Mills