Music Time with Mrs McWhirter


Good morning Primary 3, did you know music has Super Powers?

Today I want you to think about the power of music. It can make you feel happy when you’re sad, it can help you relax, it can help you keep fit, it can help you make friends….what else can it do?

In this clip, it becomes a Super Power using lots of instruments all together. What instrument  would you choose for your super power?  I think I would choose a cymbal!

Maybe you could draw a picture of you as a music super hero with your special instrument?

Click here


Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2/1,  how good you are at listening ?

Today I am sending you a listening challenge which will also get you moving! Click on the link to hear an amazing violin player who will tell you about the challenge! You might need one or two tries as it’s quite fast and tricky! After you’ve tried it tell me what your favourite sound was, mine was the honking nose! Good listening!

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 2,  how good you are at listening ?

Today I am sending you a listening challenge which will also get you moving! Click on the link to hear an amazing violin player who will tell you about the challenge! You might need one or two tries as it’s quite fast and tricky! After you’ve tried it tell me what your favourite sound was, mine was the honking nose! Good listening!

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 1,  how good you are at listening?

Today I am sending you a listening challenge which will also get you moving! Click on the link to hear an amazing violin player who will tell you about the challenge! You might need one or two tries as it’s quite fast and tricky! After you’ve tried it tell me what your favourite sound was, mine was the honking nose! Good listening!



P2A Tuesday, 19.05.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and enjoying this week’s topics.  I read some stories yesterday about robots and I thought you might like this link to The Mr Men Show “Robots”.  These new Mr Men stories are not my favourite but I thought you might like this one!

Here is a link to one of my favourite Mr Men stories – Mr Tickle.  This is one of the original stories which I like!

Which do you like best – the new stories or the original stories?

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Herbison

P3A Tuesday 19th May

Good Morning 3A!

Well done to everyone who has completed questions on Sumdog Maths this week.  As I am writing this blog post, 3A are in 15th place in the West Lothian Contest!  There are still a few days to go so let’s keep working hard.

I asked last week if anyone had recommendations of books on Oxford Owl.  So far pupils in our class have enjoyed the Project X Hero Academy(Ice Crystal Robbery and False Alarms) and White Fang.  If you’ve read something great then please let me know and I can tell the class.

You all know I enjoy crafts! Here’s a fun craft activity you could try out today if you have any free time…Origami-Fish

Here’s mine!  





Mrs Bell 🙂

Good morning P1! Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a nice Monday and managed to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.

This week, in your learning grid, you have been asked to revise the sounds /ch/ and /sh/ so here are a few activities to help with that:

If there are any technical issues with sound etc. just let us know and we can help you get it sorted.

We have also added some number games on to your Heinemann Active accounts so, if you have time, check them out and see how you get on.

Lastly, a few people have had trouble getting onto the Oxford Owls website so I have double checked and there is a capital B in the learning grid that has sneaked its way in, many apologies! The details are username: p1bLPS or p1aLPS and password: My books   😀

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers

P3B Tuesday 19th May


Thanks again to those of you who shared your work with me, keep up the good work. Today, I have a Spelling Fitness Challenge for you. Watch the video to find out more.

And here is the grid you need to complete it. Have fun and make sure your parents do it too!

P2B TUESDAY, 19.05.20

Good Morning, everyone!

I hope you all had a good day yesterday. When I finished work yesterday I went for my daily walk. I saw so many snails! I think they must have been enjoying the rain!

I can’t believe how quickly the trees are changing . I have lots of trees at the back of my house and over the last few weeks I have really enjoyed watching the squirrels playing and jumping from tree to tree. Every day now the trees seem to have more and more leaves and the squirrels are getting harder to spot.

  Here is a link to a little story that has lots of oi words. You could print it and colour all the words you find with oi or just read it on screen and point out or write down all the oi words you find in your jotter.

oi phoneme spotter

Here is a link to a story that you might like to read.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills

P2/1 – Tuesday 19th May

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to today’s story.  I am glad to hear that lots of you are enjoying the robot theme and that some people have even started making their own robots. This is a book that I have read before and it is one of my favourite robot stories – I do hope that you enjoy it too .

Below is a link to a “How to Draw a  Friendly Robot” video.

You might want to turn the sound down though – I think it is a bit annoying!

I am sure that you will have your own ideas for writing and drawing robots, so please remember that these are just ideas and suggestions that the teachers put on the blog pages.

Have fun whatever activities you choose to do and if you have any questions or problems, just send me an email and I’ll get back to you.

Miss McDermott


Good afternoon P1! Monday 18th May 2020

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Let me know in the comments what nice things you did. My husband baked some very tasty banana and peanut butter muffins this weekend so we sat in the garden to eat them and to read our books.

This week we are continuing our Fairy Tales topic. Perhaps you could try to find out what each person in your family’s favourite fairy tale is and why? Maybe they like one that you haven’t even heard of! I like some of the old Scottish folk stories that my dad used to tell me when I was little. Do you know why I put this photo here?

Our story this week is The Elves and the Shoemaker so I have a challenge for you: can you practise tying your shoe laces? Ask an adult to help you if you can’t do it all by yourself!

What other things could you practise this week to help you become more independent? Zipping your jacket up? Choosing appropriate clothes that match the weather outside? Helping make your own meals? Doing some simple chores around the house or garden?

Let your teacher know what sort of things you have been practising to become more independent. I know some of you have already been doing some of these things, well done!

Have a lovely afternoon,

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers