P3B Thursday 21st May

Good morning everyone! I Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday.

The ‘Draw with Rob’ art work you have been sending is fantastic, you inspired me to try it myself. This is my superhero teddy.

The link for ‘Draw with Rob’ is below if you haven’t done one yet or want to try a different one.


Here is a short video about the different creatures that live deep in the ocean. You will hear the man in the video mention the Photic zone, this is another name for the Sunlight zone. Have a look at these amazing creatures, like I said yesterday some of them are a little strange looking.

Have a great day!

Miss Ross 😀

Good morning Primary 1, 21st May 2020

Good morning Primary one. I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather we had. I spent the day in the garden looking for mini beasts and my boys and I had a teddy bears picnic.


You all know that moving about and keeping active is good for your body, whether it is running, jumping, playing football or any other exercise. But do you know what parts of your body you are using when you move and do these activities?

Under our skin we have a skeleton and we have muscles. We have so many muscles that all help our bodies do so many different things.  Here is a little video to explain how they work.


What muscles do you know? With a grown up, have a chat about the muscles we have in our body and what ones you think you use when you do different sports.

Even superheroes need to use their muscles to stay strong, so here are a couple of superhero exercise activities to do to keep you active and build up the strength in your muscles.



This superhero exercise sheet talks about action verbs. A verb is a  doing words, an action word like jump or walk. Some of them are tricky but can you talk to a grown up and think about which word in each activity you think is the action?


I tried a few of the actions. Can you guess which ones?


Why don’t you try some superhero yoga and see what muscles you use during it.



We have all been so impressed at the work you have been doing at home. We know how strange this situation is and want you to know how much we miss seeing you all. All the teachers want you to know that we think you are all stars!

Have a lovely day Primary one and remember to stay safe and keep in touch.

Your Primary one teachers Cute Clipart Rainbow Clouds

P2/1 – Thursday 21 May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to today’s robot story which is from my tent again!


Hope you all enjoyed the nice weather yesterday.  If you didn’t see the last story from my tent, here is the link.  It’s called Camping Adventure and is all about Biff and Chip’s friends – Wilf and Wilma.


Please remember although there are lots of activities on the blog and home learning grid – just do what you can , when you can. These activities are for the whole week and not for any set day. I know you all have different things going on at home and it is not always easy to organise home learning.

Have a nice day whatever you choose to do!

Miss McDermott.

Story Time From Home – Thursday 21st May

Hello boys and girls,

Here is the link to Thursday’s robot story.   As you will see when you watch it, it isn’t really quite from my home today but I hope you enjoy it anyway!


If you missed the Camping Adventure story a few weeks ago and would like to watch it, I have put the link below.


Have a nice day!

Best wishes

Miss McDermott

Good afternoon P1! Wednesday 19th May 2020

Good afternoon P1,

I thought that it would be nice to suggest an art activity that you could try at home if you have some free time this week.

Here is a video which talks about a style of art called Pointillism. I love using pointillism to create bright pieces of art and I hope you will enjoy the activity that the lady suggests in the video.

In the video, the lady mentions putting your name on your picture for the PTA, but you don’t need to worry about that – this is for you to display in your home!

In the video, the lady asks you to create an Autumn Tree using pointillism, but perhaps you could try instead to make a Spring tree to match the season that we are in? Here are some pictures that other artists have done of Spring trees using pointillism.


If you don’t have paints at home just now, you could use marker pens, crayons or colouring pencils to make your little dots!

Send us a picture of your lovely art work if you choose to do this activity at home, we would love to see them.

Stay safe, we miss you,  from your P1 teachers!


Primary 2A Wednesday, 20.05.20

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and looking forward to a lovely sunny day.  I hope you will manage to get outside and have some fun.  I think you will need sun cream on today and also need to find some shade!  Here is Little Miss Sunshine to start the day!

Primary 2 have a Health and Wellbeing blog today and we hope to post this every Wednesday.  This week’s challenge is all about food and healthy eating.  If you have time over the next week you could have give it a go!

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs Herbison

Good Morning Primary 1- 20.05.2020

Good morning everyone,

We are meant to be getting lots of lovely sunshine today so fingers crossed.

I know that you have already heard the story of the Elves and the Shoe Maker but I have put a link to a podcast below. This is a different way to listen to a story as there are no pictures to see. Maybe you could relax in your garden or in a comfy spot in your house, close your eyes and imagine the story in your head. If you would like a challenge become an illustrator and  create your own pictures.


In number work this week we are learning about counting on. This means that you will need to make a number line to 10 or 20, start on one number and jump on the rest. It is tricky to remember to jump to a new number each time. I have attached a power point to help you.

t-n-7470-counting-ona-fairytale-addition-adventure-powerpoint-english_ver_2 (1)

Again, please do what you can and stay in touch. We love to see all the photos or hear what you have been up to.

Take care Primary 1, love all your teachers.

3a Wed 20.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning, everybody.

On my walk yesterday evening,  I noticed that the daffodils are dying off, but the bluebells and lavender are looking beautiful. I’m still waiting for the flowers on my rhododendrons to make an appearance.  I hope you notice things when you’re out and about. Send me a photo by email if you can.

Today’s poem to enjoy and share is “The Trouble With My Sister” by Brian Patten


Just for fun,,,

Katie Morag gets in a spin when it’s time for a walk.

Have a good day.

Ms Occardi


P3B Wednesday 20th May

Morning, I hope you all had a good start to the week. Remember you can share some of the work you have been doing at home by sending Mr Brice and me an e-mail.

This week you have been looking at the different layers of the ocean and the different animals you find there. I found this cool resource you can have a look at. It takes you down to the very bottom of the ocean 10,914 metres deep! There are some very strange animals deep in the ocean, have a look!


I know after hearing Mr Brice story ‘Gilbert the hero’ many of you have been researching sharks, I have allocated you a book all about sharks on Active Learn that can help with your research.
Have a look at this website, it allows you to track sharks that have been tagged around the world. They all have names, it tells you information about them and you can see where they have travelled recently.


Todays riddle..

I hope you all have a great day!

Miss Ross

Good Morning Primary 2B, Wednesday 20th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you are all well and working hard. I have loved looking at all your fantastic work. Thank you for keeping in touch with myself and Mrs Mills as we are loving hearing from you.

This week we are learning about 3D shapes. Have you been on a 3D hunt yet?  Try challenging yourself through learning about 3D shapes and their nets.



Once you have watched these try this game.  It’s quite tricky though! Let me know how you got on with this.


Today there is a also new blog page with a health and wellbeing challenge which myself and the other  P2 teachers hope to post every week as this is not something we have been including on our weekly home learning grids.  It is all about food and healthy eating so I do hope that over the next week you might be able to try it.

Have a fun day learning all about 3D shapes!

Mrs Boyle

P2a, P2b and P2/1 Health and Wellbeing Challenge – Wednesday 20th May

Below is our new weekly Health & Wellbeing Challenge for you to try!

Food At Home

Here is the learning outcome –

  • I can  investigate the range of foods available.
  • I can discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet.

Watch this short this video which introduces healthy eating.


Learning activities:

Before starting any of the following activities, children and grown up should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  • The child should make a list of some foods they would like to eat at home.
  • With help from a grownup, the child should devise one healthy meal that they could prepare.
  • The grownup should talk to the child about what makes a healthy meal.
  • The child can draw a picture of the meal.

You may want to encourage children to contribute to devising healthy meals over a week. They can be helped to identify what type of food is required.

If you can, take a photo of some  meals you have made over the week and share with your teacher.

P2 Teachers and Miss McDermott

P2/1 – Wednesday 20th May

Hello P2/1

Thank you for all the super robot pictures and stories that you’ve been sending.  This has been a very popular theme for Story Time  from Home this week.

Today there is a new blog page with a health and wellbeing challenge which myself and the P2 teachers hope to post every week as this is not something we have been including on our weekly home learning grids.  It is all about food and healthy eating so I do hope that over the next week you might be able to try it.

Here is the link to today’s robot story.  Unfortunately Tufty decided she would like to be in the video too and you will see her at the beginning, knocking over the camera again! Fortunately I do get to the end of the story eventually.


As it’s Wednesday I am back in the hub school today so please remember I won’t be immediately available for answering messages/queries.

Enjoy your day and remember it is important to get outside too.

Miss McDermott


Good afternoon Primary 1, 19th May 2020

I hope you are having a good day so far.

Yesterday was my dog Mylo had is birthday. He turned 13! We had a little party and gave him some of his favourite treats.

It is so important to keep active. It helps our body and our minds.

Why don’t you make up a little exercise challenge with the letters of your name. Have a think of exercises that start with the first letters of your name. If you are stuck ask and adult for help or you could look up different types of exercises.

Try doing each exercise for 10 seconds and then build you the time you do it.

I’m off to try mine. Do you know what all the exercises are?

Have fun!

Stay safe and stay in touch.Rainbow Vector Png at GetDrawings | Free download