Primary 2A Thursday, 7th May

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful sunny day we had yesterday.  I began my day reading some emails from you.  It’s always nice to hear and see what you have been doing at home.  Did any of you find and paint a stone?  It would be great to see them so please remember to send me your pictures.

I enjoyed the sunshine in my garden.  I was looking at my little cherry tree and most of the blossom has gone and cherries are beginning to form.  I don’t think it will be too long now before it will be full of juicy cherries.  Have you noticed any changes taking place around you?

cherry tree with blossom
cherries beginning to form









When you are out in your garden or out a walk remember to look around you to see what is there.

There are some number activities on the HAM website.  Click on this link below.  You will be asked to type in your username, password and school code.  You were emailed this information last week.  Have fun learning!

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

P2/1 – Thursday 7th May

Hello Boys and Girls

I hope that you are all well.

It’s  only a short message today as I am at St Mary’s Primary School in Bathgate with children whose parents are keyworkers.

I hope you managed to have a go at the literacy tasks yesterday and maybe even the adjectives game that I mentioned too.

Remember that the Story Time from Home link is on a separate page for this week and that there is no writing task because it is a short week.

Missing you all lots!

Miss McDermott

P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Thursday 7th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to today’s story.

Like yesterday you will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  You DO NOT need to write your sentences down.

  • wedged
  • spontaneous
  • quivered
  • dismay

How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • What season is it in the story?
  • Why was Cyril’s cupboard empty?
  • What did Bruce dream was inside the tree?
  • Why did Bruce and Cyril fall over the edge of the waterfall?
  • Name 2 other animals that you can see in the story.

If you would like to find out a little bit more about real squirrels you could watch this short You Tube Video.

Or maybe if you ‘ve time have a go at doing some squirrel craft or pictures.

Miss McDermott


Here is a link to a squirrel news story on the BBC website today that I’ve just read.  As well as being interesting it has some super photos too.


Good Afternoon 6th May 2020

Good afternoon boys and girls, and what a sunny afternoon it is! The perfect day to go out into your garden and look for all the signs of Spring to help you with your task. I can hear the birds chirping, see the shining sun and there are lots of lovely flowers all around.

Now watch the lesson (Writing a Spring Poem) below and see if you can write your own acrostic poem. Please remember that we love to see photos of your work, including ones that we can tweet. Have a lovely Spring day and we will see you again tomorrow.

Writing a Spring Poem

Keep safe!

Primary One Teachers

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P2 from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely long May weekend and are ready to make some music!
If you were out in your garden or outdoors recently you will have noticed that the insects and minibeasts are everywhere!! This is their favourite time of the year I think! Today I am sending you a link to a Minibeast rap, I hope you enjoy it! I would like you to make up your own short rap or song about your favourite minibeast and maybe add a picture too? Have some fun with rhythm and rhyme!

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning Primary 1 and 2/1 from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely sunny weekend and are ready to make some music! I have been in my garden and have noticed all the insects and bugs enjoying the flowers and the trees have you? They are all very busy and some look like they are dancing!

I am sending you one of my favourite  dancing songs today all about minibeasts called Grasshopper Hop and hope you enjoy it. How many kinds of insects and bugs can you see in it?  I would like you to listen and then make up a little dance to go with the music. When the same bit of music is repeated you repeat your dance!

Let me know how you get on!

Click here to hear Grasshopper Hop!

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Good morning P3 from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely long May weekend and are ready to make some music!
If you were out in your garden or outdoors recently you will have noticed that the insects and minibeasts are everywhere!! This is their favourite time of the year I think! Today I am sending you a link to a Minibeast rap, I hope you enjoy it! I would like you to make up your own short rap or song about your favourite minibeast and maybe add a picture too? Have some fun with rhythm and rhyme!

Good Morning Nursery!!

Good Morning boys and girls. Yesterday I went to visit some very important people at Bield House which is a retirement home that we have a link with. Please remember to post any pictures of visits to see the elderly or pictures you draw as an achievement from home on Learners Journals so all the ladies can see them. If you would like to send some pictures to Bield House the postal address is…

Bield Housing
West Port Retirement Housing
St Ninians Road

Remember to stick to the social distancing rules at all times just like I did and stay safe.
Love Miss Moore xxx

Good morning P1! Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning everybody!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. Let us know in the comments some of the nice things you did this weekend? I made some cookies (chocolate chip and almond) and they were very tasty.

I have attached this week’s learning grid and some resources that you can use to support what we are learning about. Remember – just do what you can and please don’t feel you need to print everything off, you can do these activities verbally or on paper/in your jotter if it is easier! Let us know if we can help with anything.

Home Learning week 5 P1

Phonics Sound Hunt Activity (Mrs Chisholm will be providing some more information about our phonics tomorrow morning)

Spring poem template PDF (Mrs Memuir will be providing some more information about this writing challenge later today)

Measure Challenge Cards PDF (Mrs Jamieson will be providing some further measuring activities tomorrow afternoon)

Measuring Dinosaurs (can be done on screen if you prefer not to print)

Have a lovely week and remember to keep sending us photos of all the lovely work and play that you are doing at home, we love being able to keep in touch with you.

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers 😀

3a Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning everybody. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend. Since it’s such a short working week, our home learning grid will focus on literacy and numeracy.

P3 PDF Week 5 plan (Wed 06.05)

Our favourite poem to share today is ” The King’s Breakfast” by A.A. Milne. See if you can find it online. Do you know which famous bear was created by A.A. Milne?

Mrs Bell and myself want to support everybody with their learning and it really helps if you can email either of us at least once a week. Please let us know how you are getting on with Sumdog, Active Maths and your learning grids. It’s also great to hear about the other learning you’re doing – gardening, baking, nature watching.  Please keep in touch.

Just for fun – which dog do you think is better at waiting? One of them learned to wait at my stable when I had horses for up to an hour and wouldn’t move until called. The other one has some work to do…

Ms Occardi

P3B Wednesday 6th May

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend.

Below I have attached this weeks learning grid. As it is a shorter week we have only focused on literacy, maths and health and wellbeing. Next week we will be back to suggestions in each curricular area. We know the work we sent home will now be finished, this week you will find activities on the website that can be downloaded. These do not need to be printed children can work on these in their jotters or discuss them with someone in their family. From next week the learning grids will be slightly different to include activities that do not require printing.

P3 Week 5

VE Day

VE Day or Victory in Europe Day is celebrated on the 8th of May, the same date WWII (World War 2) came to an end in 1945. That means on Friday it is the 75th anniversary.
Have a chat with your parents and find out if anyone in your family served during the war. Send us an email or comment on the blog to let us know.
I had a few people in my family. My Papa was 18 when the war started and was in the Army. My Gran was also 18 when the war started and she had to take over the job of operating train signals. My Grandad was 21 when the war started and he was in the Navy, he gave me his medals to look after, here is a picture.

Did any of you try Mr Brice’s challenge of mapping out a route that your family could do at the weekend? Keep in touch share news, work or just say hello. We love hearing from you.


Miss Ross




Good Morning Wednesday 6th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

  Good Morning Primary 2B

I hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday. I enjoyed  being in the garden and going on lots of lovely walks. Today  we are going to listen to a story read by Miss McDermott. Every day you will learn new words from the story  and can do a quiz on your comprehension skills.  Keep listening every day to a new story and on Friday I would like you to draw a picture of your favourite story. If you can why don’t you send it and tell me why it is your favourite. I will share them on twitter.

I have also been decorating stones to leave around Linlithgow with the message Stay Home , Stay Safe. Mabye you can  decorate your own stones . Mrs Mills did hers on logs. Very creative Mrs Mills!  Mabye you can find them when you are out for a walk?                 


Have Fun!

Mrs Boyle