Good morning P1! Friday 8th May 2020

Good morning P1!

Here is a fun video to start the day off right – you can practise skip counting by 2, 5 and 10 and have a think about odd and even numbers, all while working out and following the instructions.

As we come to the end of another week of home learning, I just want to say a huge well done to all our incredible children for all your hard work these last few weeks and a big thank you to all parents/carers – you are all doing an amazing job!

One of the things that really brightens my day and makes me smile is hearing about all the great outdoorsy, creative, fun things you are doing at home and all the fab family time people are enjoying. I have heard about people camping in the garden, planting flowers and vegetables, taking on art and craft projects, cooking up a storm and inventing games/treasure hunts/quizzes for their families.

What are your plans for this weekend? If the sun stays out, we are going to take Bennie on some nice walks along an old railway track near our flat. We also have to try and give him a bath, which will be very tricky because he HATES water. Usually I end up getting more soaked than he does! Here he is this morning playing with his toys.

Have a fantastic weekend when it comes,

I miss you all very much P1B, I’m so proud of you for working and playing at home and keeping everybody safe,

Mrs Jamieson

Good Morning Friday 8th May Mrs Boyle

Good Morning,

I hope everyone is well . Today is VE day I wonder if you can find out what is special about today?

Today we are going to listen to Miss McDermott’s story and talk about the words in the story today. Myself and Mrs Mills are looking forward to seeing pictures of your favourite story. Mabye you can let us know why it is your favourite.

Have you been busy with your stones?  I have been looking when I am out for a walk to see if I can see any around Linlithgow.

Earlier I asked about VE Day . This is for all the dancers out there !  I have included this link.

As part of our commemorations for the VE Day 75 Anniversary, West Lothian Council Museums are inviting the people of West Lothian to join together in a V.E. Day dance at 8pm tomorrow night. Central Scotland Ballet School have kindly created an instructional video for us which you can see on our facebook page but can also be downloaded using the link below.  They will be posting a performance video tomorrow morning and again tomorrow night at 8pm (They have included the performance video in the link). Get your family to have a go if you have time!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Boyle


3a Friday 8.5.20

Good morning 3a.

Today is a very special day. 75 years since the end of war in Europe. It was called V.E. Day. V.E. stands for Victory in Europe. World War 2 didn’t end on that day because there was still fighting in other parts of the world.

There will be a minute’s silence across the UK today that you and your family might want to participate in.

My father fought in WW2.  First he ran away and joined the Black Watch, but his dad went to the barracks and explained he was only 15 and brought him home again. Later he joined the Household Cavalry, and even though it was the middle of the war, he still had to learn to ride a horse. I’ve posted a photo of his medals below.

My dad and I shared the same name. We’re both called Val Occardi. It’s an Italian name. However, the engraving on the back of the medals is Jock Occardi. Because my dad was Scottish and serving in an English regiment, his army friends only ever called him Jock.

Have a great weekend.



Friday 8th May – P3B

Good morning everyone, I hope you have all had a good week. I cant believe it is Friday already!

Someone in P3B asked if I could share a riddle every day because they are so much fun. So here are some more, this time they are describing different foods. See if you can work them out and send me your answers.

Today is VE Day, 75 years since the war ended. Why not celebrate by having a sing along with some ww2 songs, check out the videos below.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Miss Ross

Primary 2A Friday, 8th May

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely week.  Did any of you decorate a stone?  I took my stones with me when I went a walk yesterday.  I carefully put them along the path where other families will be able to see them.  I hope it brings a smile to their faces!

Today is a day for celebration.  It is the 75th anniversary of the day the Second World War ended in our country.  Many people were presented with different types of medals after the war.

Create your very own medal!

You could design a medal for yourself or for someone in your family.  What could the medal be for?   Think about what you would have on the medal and what colour would it be?  What would the ribbon look like?  You could send me a photo of your medal telling me who it is for and why.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Stay well and safe.

Mrs Herbison

P2/1 – Friday 8th May

Hello everyone,

I hope that you have managed to have a go at some of  this week’s activities but also been getting outside to enjoy the nice weather too.

I also hope that lots of you got Mrs Webster’s message about wearing your school jumper or something blue when taking part in the Clap for Carers.  Jim, Matthew and I went outside and it was very noisy indeed – someone near us was even playing  a tune on their bagpipes which we listened to when everyone stopped clapping.

If you have been able to decorate a stay safe stone, remember to try and send a photograph or if you are out and about for a walk at the weekend why not try and have a look for some decorated stones.

Please remember to stay safe yourself though and don’t pick them up!

Have a good weekend.

Miss McDermott



P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Friday 8th May

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to today’s story.

You will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  Please remember that you do not need to write your sentences down.

  • proud
  • spectacular
  • grubby
  • trim

How many of the other words from this week’s stories can you remember?


How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • What job did Hugh’s mum and dad do?
  • Why do you think Hugh would not have his hair washed or brushed or combed?
  • What was the exciting letter about?
  • Why could Mrs Tree not be the model?
  • Where was the Scissor Showdown being held?
  • How do you think Hugh felt at the end of the story?

Here is a super collage that I saw online that you might like to try if you’ve time.

Once you have listened to and watched all of the stories, this week draw a picture from your favourite story.

If possible send a photograph of your picture to your class teacher with a message saying why you liked this story best.

Hope you have a good weekend and remember – stay safe and wash your hair as well as your hands!

Miss McDermott

Good afternoon P1! Thursday 7th May 2020

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are enjoying this lovely weather today and have been outside as much as you can. I like sitting at the window in my living room and looking out at the garden – we live in a first floor flat so we are at the perfect height to see right into a big tree where lots of little birds like to come and sit. I think I will have to start looking online to see which type of birds they are, I will let you know if I find out. Have you seen any interesting wildlife recently?

Some of you included some of the nice Spring wildlife you have seen recently in your acrostic poems. Thank you for sending us them – we were so impressed at your creativity and writing skills. Look out for them on twitter tomorrow!

This afternoon I thought I would share a short lesson about measuring length and height with you – there is an activity you could try at home now or on another day.

I hope you have fun doing exploring measure – we would love to hear about any measure related activities you get up to this week.

Take care and enjoy the sun,

Your P1 Teachers

Morning Nursery!!

Good morning boys and girls I have been busy this week building a den in the woods with my big boy Kyle. We had to look for lots of sticks to start with. I wonder if you could build a den in your house even? You could use sheets, blankets, pegs and maybe even a table or chair.  I can’t wait to see some of your designs.

Love Mrs Cringean xx


3a 7.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning Primary 3a.

Thank you to everybody who sent me an email yesterday. It’s great to keep in touch.

Remember if you are having any problems with your home learning grids email, and either myself or Mrs Bell will get back to you.

Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of V.E. Day. If you have any family stories about V.E. day, let me know. Remember that we celebrate success via our school  twitter , but although we can’y upload any images of the children themselves, we can share pictures of work/activities.

Another favourite poem to share –  ” Grumpy Teacher ” by Allan Ahlberg. Obviously, nobody in P3a has any experience of grumpy teachers, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. It can be sung to the tune of ” What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor ”

Just for fun – Which dog likes to paddle?


P3B Thursday 7th May


Below i have attached this weeks grid again just in case anyone missed it.

P3 Week 5 plan (Wed 06.05)

Many of you enjoyed the riddles last week. This week I have attached 4, see if you can figure them out. All of these things can be found in a garden. Use the clues to guess their names and send me a message with your answers.

Here are some ideas for some VE day crafts, there are colouring pages and instructions on how to make your own bunting.

VE Day colouring pages 

Have a great day!

Miss Ross 😀


Good Morning Primary 1, Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning Primary one. I hope you all had a lovely evening and managed to enjoy as much of the sunny weather as possible. I enjoyed painting rocks out in the garden today with my boys and having a picnic dinner outside.

Free Sunshine Cartoon, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

The sunshine definitely puts a smile on my face and I think today is going to be a nice day again.

While the sun is shining why don’t you go outside and have a look for shadows. A shadow is the dark shape you see behind objects that the sun or light is blocked from. Why not use shadows to do some art work.

Shadow drawing is lots of fun. Pick out some of your favourite toys, put them on a piece of paper and draw round them.  You can line them up or create a scene. Afterwards you can colour them in.


You could also build a tower and see what shadows they create.

Lesson 34 — Learn Phonics: ng - Red Cat Reading

Here is the phonic lesson for today. I know how good you are at thinking of words with your phonic sounds in them in class. I wonder what ones you will think of this week.

ng phonics

ng phonics lesson


Remember that the activities we put up are just suggestions, feel free to do them in different ways.

Keep a look out this afternoon for the post on weight from Miss Jamieson.

Please keep in touch.  Write a comment on here  or send a little email telling us what you have been up to.  Add in a picture if you like. We love to see what you have been doing and love sharing your learning on our school celebrating success posts.

Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Your Primary one Teachers  Simple Cute Baby Unicorn in Rainbow Cloud Cartoon Vinyl Decal ...

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 7th May Mrs Boyle

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. Today we are going to listen to another story read by Miss McDermott and see if we can learn some new words. Keep listening to the stories and on Friday tell me which one was your favourite . Maybe you can draw me a picture of your favourite story and send it to me so I can share it on twitter.

I hope you enjoy using the maths karate game. Start at the bronze level them if it is too easy move up to silver then the gold.

    Mrs Herbison has also been busy decorating stones.  Have you had time to decorate yours?

Have fun learning!

Mrs Boyle