P3A Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning P3A!

Yesterday the school office sent out the P3 logins for Sumdog. https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in

This is a very exciting learning website where Ms Occardi and myself can set activities for you to play. If you have some time today, please try and log in to your account.  You will be asked some maths questions first in a diagnostic test.  It’s important you answer these yourself (with no help from mum or dad!) so the games and activities afterwards are at the correct level for you.


P3 were also sent logins for Oxford Owl.  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/please-log-in?open_loginbox=true To login- click on the ‘My Class Login’ button at the top of the page.  The website has free ebooks for you to read.  Happy reading!  Let me know if you find a great book!

If you don’t have your login details for either of these sites, send me an email and I’ll send them over.

Mrs Bell 🙂


Hello everyone.

Thank you for all the lovely messages and pictures and  you have been sending  to share your learning with us.

Did you know that today is Superhero day?

You don’t have to wear a cloak or have magical powers to be a Superhero.  Often it can be little things that you do for people that can make a big difference. At the moment there are lots of superheroes helping to keep us safe in lots of different ways.

Have you heard of Captain Tom Moore? He will be 100 this week and has raised millions of pounds for the NHS. He is a Superhero!

You can find out more about him on BBC Newsround.


At the moment you and your parents are all Superheroes. Everyone is doing their best to manage learning and working at home. It is not easy!! Can you celebrate Superhero day by trying to find a way that you could help someone at home. Let us know if you find a way to be a Superhero today.

You can find some more fun Superhero ideas if you follow this link.



Keep smiling and having fun.

Mrs Mills



Good Afternoon, 27th April 2020

Hello Primary 1,

What beautiful weather we had at the weekend. Hopefully you all managed to get out in it for a while and had a nice weekend.

I hope you have had a good day so far.

Here are a few activities you can try.

Why not try math drop. You need a piece of paper, pencil and some coins. Draw circles on the paper and write numbers in the sections.  Drop the coins onto the paper (be gentle, you don’t want too many run away coins), then add up the numbers.

If that is too easy use three coins or make the numbers bigger.


Or give scribble art a go.

Draw a scribble on a piece of paper and see what you can turn it into, or swap scribbles with someone in your family and see what you both come up with.


A lovely activity you could do is the John Lewis Teddy Bear design competition.  #designyoursuperbear



Hope you have a lovely afternoon and evening.

From the Primary one teachers



Good Morning, P2A Monday 27th April

Good morning, everyone!  What a wonderful Monday morning it is. The sun is shining and the sky is blue.  It’s a wonderful day for some outdoor learning activities.

I hope you all had a super weekend and were outside enjoying the sunshine.  I have to thank all of you for sending me lovely emails about all the wonderful activities you have been doing with your families.  It is so nice to see and hear all the different things you have been doing.  One boy in our class helped the Scouts ‘Hike to the Moon’.  He measured out a circuit in the garden and worked out how many laps he would need to do to walk a mile – 68!  He did that and then bounced to the moon on his trampoline, brilliant.  Some other boys and girls have been planting lots of seeds and one boy in our class made a mini greenhouse for all his seedlings and plants.  I have asked Mr Herbison to make one for me!  Some girls have been painting outdoors and one girl used so many different skills to design and create an amazing house, with a door that locks, for her robot dog!  Keep sending me your emails of what you been doing.

I had a lovely weekend with my family.  We went a walk along the river on Saturday afternoon.  It was nice to see families out walking together but we all kept our distance from each other.  I enjoyed yesterday in my garden.  I was planting some seeds and planted up a couple of hanging baskets, too.  I was looking at my apple trees and noticed bees buzzing around.  My son managed to take a couple of photographs of the bee on the apple blossom.

This week is National Gardening Week 2020.  There are so many different ways you can get involved in gardening, even if it’s just in a little box.  You don’t have to have a garden to grow something.  You can have a look at this link for ideas.


Have a great day, everyone.

Mrs Herbison 

P2/1 – Monday 27th April

Hello everyone

Hope you are all safe and well and had a little break from home learning at the weekend.

I hope that you will enjoy this week’s learning activities and I love hearing how you are all doing your own things too – your grown ups are all being very good teachers and keeping you all busy!

Below is the link to the first Story Time from Home for this week and as usual it is linked to the writing activity. I have also included a little reading challenge on this week’s video so watch carefully!


You can read lots of super books on the Oxford Owl website.  I have attached a link to the website and an instruction sheet with our class login if you want to have a look.



Here is the link to the video that I have made to help with this maths activity.


Have fun and don’t get too wet – I look forward to seeing the photographs!

Miss McDermott

Story Time from Home – Monday 27th April

Hope everyone had a safe weekend.

Here is the link to the first of this week’s stories.  Remember the activities that I talk about on the video are for P2/1 P2a and P2b but if you are in any of the other classes and you have have some free time – you are welcome to do them too.

And of course you are welcome to send me any of your lovely pictures and messages too!


Hope you enjoy today’s story!

Miss McDermott

Monday 27th April 2020

Home Learning Grid 27.4.20  Week 4 Resources Diamonds   Week 4 Resources Stars

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you had a lovely weekend in the sun. Perhaps you could ask an adult to help you add a comment to this post sharing what the best part of your weekend was? My best part was trying a new recipe which turned out pretty tasty and sitting in the garden to read a great book.

Our weekly learning grid and resources can be found on the school website in the Home Learning part of the Parent Zone, but I have also attached them at the top of this post for ease. Here are some related activities that you might like to explore at some point if it fits in with your routine.


Visit the website www.phonicsbloom.com and explore some of the word building games to help your reading and writing. In class, we have played ‘Fishy Phonics’, ‘Odd and Bob’ and ‘Odd Sound Out’ but it is worth exploring some more of the available games and phases as there are lots of ways to challenge yourselves.


This week we are focusing on fractions and on splitting whole objects into smaller parts of equal size.

Why not watch the following BBC Bitesize song about halving and quartering – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z6bq6sg – it has a nice focus on sharing!

If you want to take this further, you could give try sharing a some objects equally between two people, or splitting them in half. Tell an adult how you can make sure that sharing is fair and see if you can explain to them why halves must always be equal parts.


We are continuing to learn about living things and their life cycles. Here is a song that you can join in and move to, while the words talk about some features of living things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzN299RpJHA

We are looking forward to hearing about and/or seeing photos of any visual representations of life cycles that you make this week at home. You are all so creative, I am sure you will impress us!

Thank you for sending us lots of news, photos and questions – we are enjoying hearing and seeing what you are up to. We miss you all very much.

Take care and please remember – only do what you can; you know best how to organise home learning around your commitments and schedules, so please don’t feel under pressure and let us know if we can support you in any way.

Have a wonderful week,

Your P1 Teachers


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get outside to enjoy our lovely weather.


Mrs Boyle and I really enjoyed hearing from lots of you last week. Thank you for all the e-mails and photographs of your learning.  Remember our weekly learning grid is just a guide. Do what you can.  Keep your learning fun and keep sharing it with us.

On Saturday I went for a lovely walk along the canal. I saw a duck with 11 ducklings. Can you imagine having to look after 11 babies! What have you seen when you have been outside?

One of the things I have enjoyed most over the last few weeks is having more time to read books. I know some of you have said that you are doing lots of reading too. Have you used the Oxford Owl website yet? You can find lots of great books to read here. I have attached a link to the website and an instruction sheet with a class login if you want to have a look.  Let us know how you get on.


Oxford Owl Ebooks access 2b

Have a lovely day and have fun learning.

Mrs Mills



P3A Monday 27th April

Good Morning 3A!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the warm weather.   I spent time with my family playing outside.  My children enjoyed drawing chalk pictures on the slabs then they helped me water the plants in the garden.  It turned into a bit of a water fight with the hose and we ended up soaked! This year we are growing potatoes, peas, onions and carrots.  We can see the shoots just starting to appear from the soil. Are any of you growing vegetables too?

Here is the P3 Home Learning grid for this week.   P3 Week 4 plan (Mon27.04)

I’ve also set new games on Active Heinemann so please log in and give these a try.  For those that would like an extra task I’ve added some of the activity sheets we would have been doing in class.  You don’t need to print these off, you could talk through the work with someone at home or record answers on paper.  I know some of you emailed me last week to show photographs and tell me about your work.  I would love to hear from you again this week.   You can reply to this post or send Ms Occardi and myself an email.

Mrs Bell 🙂

HAPPY FRIDAY, 24th April 2020

Good Morning everyone,

I can’t believe it is Friday already! Thank you so much for your emails, photos and comments. I have been missing you all so have really enjoyed seeing all the different activities you have been getting up to, they put a big smile on my face. It looks like everyone has been working very hard and making wonderful memories at home.

Remember that any of the activities that we suggest, do not need to be printed, they are just ideas and can be written in your jotter or even outside. Make learning as fun and active as you can.

Please keep sending me pictures of what you have been up to or just a message to say hello.

We are all proud of all the work you have been doing.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather! My boys and I are going to have a picnic dinner tonight and have a sack race.

Keep safe and looking forward to hearing from you next week.

Mrs Chisholm 🌈