World Earth Day!

Good afternoon boys and girls!

We hope that you have all been busy enjoying our planet in celebration of World Earth Day and we can’t wait to see any models you have made. If you are looking for more things to keep you busy please click on the links below as there are some really interesting and fun activities to do such as creating your own terrarium or making up your own stories. You can even earn a Blue Peter Badge by drawing your own pet, or one you would like to have!

We have included a story from space as it shows you how small our plant is from so far away. Please remember that you do not have to do all the activities suggested these are just ideas.


Keep safe Primary 1.

Love from your Teachers

Good Morning!!


Morning boys and girls I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine in your gardens. As it is a little bit cloudier this morning I thought we could maybe try singing our sunshine song to get the sun to come out to play with us. Once you have sung along why don’t you try drawing lovely sunshine picture  we would love to see them (ask your parent/carer to upload it onto your Learning Journal). Take care of yourselves. Love Mrs Cringean xx

Earth Day 2020

Earth Day has been celebrated every year on the 22nd of April for the last 50 years. This is a day we learn about ways to protect the environment. Taking care of the Earth is really important!

You can watch this video to learn more interesting facts.

Here are some fun activities and crafts you could complete throughout the week. Please remember these are optional.

Taking care of the environment

Earth Day – Commitment Craft

Craft Ideas

Have a great day!

Miss Ross and Mrs Occardi

Good Morning P2A Wednesday, 22 April

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all well and had a good day yesterday.  I enjoyed looking at my emails and seeing some of the fabulous activities you have been doing with your families.  Please keep sending them to me.  I also enjoyed my walk along the river yesterday and I could hear lots of different bird songs.  It was so lovely to listen to the birds singing, watch the ducks swimming and see all the spring flowers.

Today is Earth Day.  I have included a couple of information PowerPoints you can look at to find out more information about Earth Day and what we can all do.



Have fun learning with your family.  Keep sharing your wonderful activities.

Have a great day!

Mrs Herbison



Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Earth Day 2020 – Climate Action

Good morning Primary One,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and managed to make the most of the beautiful sunshine. We have really enjoyed receiving some photos of the amazing learning and playing you have been doing at home – well done and keep up the great work!
Today is a special day – it is Earth Day 2020 and it is the 50th anniversary of this day. Earth Day is a day where we try to take some time to think about how amazing our planet is and the things that we can do to help it.
If it fits into your routine today, you could look through this Power Point with an adult and have a chat about the parts that interest you or that you would like to know more about.
The Power Point talks about the importance of recycling – I wonder if you could try to make something new out of old packaging material to give it a second life? Send us a photo or let us know in the comments what you have learned about Earth Day or what you decided to create!
Our planet is truly amazing – look at this beautiful Spring blossom near my home,. It made me smile!
Our learning grid/resources for this week are still on the LPS website and if you scroll back a little you will also find a PowerPoint with more related learning activities. We understand that everyone’s situation is different just now, so find a routine that works for your family and please don’t feel any pressure! Let us know if we can support you in any way.
Take care and have a great day,
Primary One Teachers 🙂

Good Morning P3B

Good morning everyone!
I hope you had a lovely Easter break. I have been missing you all and thinking about you all the time.

What have you been doing over the last two weeks? The weather has been beautiful! I have been very busy painting my fence, playing in the garden and going on lots of walks near my house.

I have seen many signs that spring is here when I have been out, including this lamb that had just been born!

I went back to visit them, they are now 4 weeks old! They have grown so much!

I love spring it is my favourite season. I would love to hear about signs of spring you have seen in your garden or when you have been out a walk, you could even send me some photos!

Spring writing

On a Wednesday we usually do writing in P3B. I have missed reading your writing and I know many of you really enjoy it! You could do some spring free writing and send me your stories. Below I have attached some spring pictures to give you ideas and get you started.

Spring picture prompts

Have a great day!

Miss Ross


Primary 2B Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning Primary 2B

Good morning hope you are all well today. It  is a lovely day and I am sure you are all looking forward to learning lots of new things with the help of your family. We all understand why it is important that everyone stays at home as much as possible just now. If you can make a poster telling people to STAY AT HOME and put it in your window that would be great. Remember to make your writing Big and Bold. I would love to see your posters so if you can send them to me I will choose a few to share on our Twitter page.

Have fun

Mrs Boyle

Good morning, Primary 3a

Good morning everybody.

I hope you had a good holiday. During the holidays I spent some time painting window frames and a lot of time eating Easter eggs. You know I’m not very good working with the computer, but I hope I’ve managed to upload a picture of my hard work.

I’ve missed you all, especially our morning check in and reading stories and poems. Let me know what your favourite poems are and I’ll put them on the blog for you to share with your families.

I hope you are working hard with your home learning grids. I would love if you would send me a short email letting me know how you’re getting on.

Just for fun I’m uploading a video of Katie Morag. She likes to play with two balls in the evening and uses one of them to give herself a back massage. Hetzer and I just watch her. If you look carefully you’ll spot Hetzer’s legs. He’s lying at my feet.

I’ll be posting again tomorrow morning and look forward to your emails.

Ms Occardi

PS – I’ve just noticed the window is upside down, but we learn by our mistakes in P3a.
