Category Archives: Primary 2/1

P2(P2/1) Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Good Evening. Please find below the weekly learning grid and the resources. Just a wee reminder that tomorrow Monday 18th is a holiday.

P2 Learning Grid 18.05.20

Literacy Resources:





Numeracy Resources:




Y1-Summer-Block-5-WO3-Counting-in-coins-2020 (1)

Year-1-Summer-Block-2-FB4 (2)

Under the Sea:

Blank sea creature factfile


Under the Sea Food Chain Sorting Activity Answer Sheet

Under the Sea Food Chain Sorting Activity

Extra Challenges

Baking Challenge


Have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan x

P1 Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Good evening. Please find attached the weekly learning grid and resources. Just a wee reminder that tomorrow Monday 18th is a holiday.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-18th-May

‘ew’ Sound Buried Treasure Game


Playdough Recipe

Dinosaur footprints

Blank sea creature factfile




We hope you have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith

P2/1 Home Learning Weekly Reflection Week Ending 15th May 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine.  I have again enjoyed hearing all about the learning that has been taking place. I have heard and seen stories of Lego creations, walks, playing tennis, baking cookies, creating under the sea pictures plus lots more.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘oa’ sound and the tricky word ‘here’. For literacy we have been writing our spelling words in mud, sand or shaving foam, reading Wendy the Witch to identify the ‘oa’ words, drawing a picture and hiding our spelling words in the picture and searching for real and nonsense words.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on time. We matched o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks, sung along with Jack Hartmann, made our own clocks using things around our house and played what’s the time Mr Wolf.


P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘a-e’ spelling pattern, learning about adjectives, reading a book then writing a book review and writing our own fairytale adventure stories.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was exploring adding by making 10, subtracting when crossing 10 and solving worded problems. We used our number bonds to 10, part whole models and counters to help us.

This week we have written our own poems about what we can see under the sea, made an under the sea collage using different materials and sorted creatures into their own habitats.  In science we have created Minibeast fact files and recorded visitors to our bug hotels.

Here is a selection of photos of the learning this week.


As we move forward with our sharing of learning I would like to ask if you would think about what you would like to see on the blog. Think about what you would like to share with your classmates. What are you proud of? What was the highlight of your week? What was the funniest or best thing that happened? What was difficult? What was the best challenge that made you think?
I am looking forward to seeing what some of you might send in to share and why  you have chosen to share it.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x

Photography Competition

Here is some information for any budding photographers amongst us:

Video-camera-clipart-free-clipart-images | Homestyling by Cathy

‘RiverLife: Almond and Avon are excited to announce our online Resilient Rivers Photography Competition! We are looking for photo submissions that show how our rivers and burns can still be beautiful despite the pressures that are put on them. They have been heavily affected by humans over the centuries through industrialisation, urbanisation, agriculture and pollution. If you take a walk down by your local river or burn, there is a good chance that you’ll see signs of these impacts. The remains of the old weirs constructed to provide water to mills, pollution and plastic from the surrounding industries, or even an old tyre or shopping trolley sticking out of the water, it’s usually easy to spot some of the pressures these waterways face.

So if you snap some pictures of your local Resilient River while out exercising, or if you already have a great photo showing just how strong our rivers can be, upload it by clicking the link below. Once we have our entries we’ll be showcasing them in the Resilient Rivers Photography Exhibition, so keep your eyes peeled for that coming soon!’

Submit a photo here:

Have fun and don’t forget we can share your photos on here too, just email them to your teacher or send via the school office on