Tag Archives: learning

P6a – Being back at school is awesome !!

This week Primary 6a were delighted to be back in the classroom with their friends. We were learning about the tactics used to win the Battle of Bannockburn and found out that Robert the Bruce did not look like the statues made to honour him.

We looked again at the art work of Vincent Van Gogh. Last time we created a landscape in his style but this week we re-created his Sunflowers art work.

We have been completing our assessments in literacy and number and have pretty good scores. We wrote letters to Mrs Kellock, our new head teacher to help her settle in.

Outdoor learning this week taught us new games and challenges and we also learned how to do CPR to the beat of Stayin’ Alive.

Overall we have been doing very well at school this week.

Authors : Primary 6a boys

Probability and Persuasion in Primary 6

This week Primary 6 have been investigating probability with some games and data handling tasks. Some children chose to do their tasks outside in the sunshine and others preferred to stay inside in the shade. Lovely to have that choice while we learn at home.

We continued to develop our skills in persuasive writing by creating an advert for a product of our choice and use language that would entice someone to buy that product.

We have also been learning about the next stage in the Wars of Independence with the Battle of Falkirk,  which was not too far away in distance. The children researched some of the weapons and armour used during this period in history to create diagrams, a scratch animation advert and to design their own weapon that would have been more successful for the Scots in this battle.

Well done Primary 6 we enjoyed seeing your creativity this week.

P5’s busy week

We have had a busy week in Primary 5.  Here are some of the things we have been learning  this week.

Leo – We have been learning about storytelling as this is NAtional Storytelling Week and we watched David Walliams talking about his novels.

Ellie – We have been learning about the 7 times table and practicing our other times tables.

Cerys – We have drawing entries for the art competition and also designing inventions to make life easier for the engineering competition.

Paula – We have been learning about the brain.  Your brain connects to your nerves and tells you what to do.

Ciaran – We have been practicing our tables and looking at different strategies for learning the facts we find tricky.

Mirin – We have photographed our latest and best pieces of Numeracy and Literary and tried to use teams to post them.

Poppy and Leo- We have been talking about our reflexes and we were holding each others’ shoulder to see how quick our hand reacted and squeezed the other person’s shoulder.  We also tried this with hands so see if it was quicker than our shoulders.  Shoulder reflexes were quicker as the shoulder is closer to our brain.

Erin – We worked on our estimation skills with Mrs Heather.  We learned that our guesses have to be reasonable.

Alexander – We have been thinking about our learning and completed our learners statements.

Leo – We were having learners conversations and talking about what we are good at and what we need to work on.

Ciaran – we have been completing our health and well-being check in and today is feel good Friday.

Phoebe – Mr Menzies came into school to read us a story for storytelling week.

Primary Six are SHAPING up to have a super year!

This week primary 6 have been working on shape in maths! Some of us have been looking at properties of 3D shapes and some have been focussing on how 3D objects can be made up of 2D shapes. We’ve been embracing active maths in the classroom and choosing our own learning tasks to make sure we are all being challenged in the areas we are confident in and supported further in areas we’re not!

Have a look at some of the great things we’ve been getting up to…


What have we been up to???

Article 28

We have a right to an education

Today, P5 have been revisiting the spelling rules that have been taught over the last couple of weeks.  We tried to make words with the suffix -ing or -ed on the end or plural words in lots of different ways, including blind spelling, dot words, word searches, playdough, squiggle spelling and writing the words in silly sentences.

We have also been looking at other patterns – in Maths. We became spies and tried to crack a secret code! It was really complicated and took a few of us a while to work it out. Tommorow we have big maths that challenges to conquer before watching a theatre production of Matilda by Roald Dahl. Busy, busy busy…


Learning at the Library!

On Wednesday afternoon, all the Primary 4 children visited Broxburn Library.  We listened carefully to Diane sharing information about the Vikings.

Patryk – I found out some Viking names and the houses would have been dark because there were no windows.

Nia – I learned that children could get married as young as 12.

Cameron H – Viking houses had one large hole in the roof that allowed the smoke from the fire to escape.  They did not have any windows so the Vikings would have been hot in the warm months.

Lewis – Vikings did not have Sir names.

Elise D – The boats they travelled in were called long boats.

Adrian – The Vikings wore plain clothes.

Alanna – Some Viking men dyed their hair blond.

Anya – Vikings dyed their clothes using dye from plants.



Class Clowns!

Primary 3b made fantastic clown hats yesterday to end our circus topic. The children have had lots of fun learning about the circus and learning circus skills! There was lots of giggles getting these funny clown pictures taken! I hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday primary 3. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next term and hearing your exciting holiday news!

Have fun this Easter,

Miss Irvine 🙂

Primary 3 Easter Egg Hunt on Onesie Day!

Last Friday was ONESIE DAY at St Nicholas Primary School and Primary 3 had a great time! We celebrated with an Easter Egg Hunt in aid of the Lenten Appeal! We all paid 20p and when we went on the hunt for sweeties and chocolate eggs hidden all around the playground!

It was great fun… some people found lots of sweets, some found a few and some didn’t find any but when we got back to class we shared then all out equally!

Fantastic Presentations from p3b!

For the past 2 weeks, primary 3 have been preparing wonderful presentations as a homework challenge. On Tuesday everyone shared their presentation with the whole class. Everyone was absolutely fantastic! The pupils stood confidently at the front of the class and had to use a big loud voice as well as make eye contact with the audience. The topics chosen by the pupils were great and it was fantastic to hear each child talk in detail about something they are interested in. It was clear to see how much effort had been put into preparing the presentations. The variety of posters, powerpoints, props and video clips was amazing!

A huge WELL DONE to all the children in primary 3, you were all stars and I am so proud of you! I enjoyed every one of your presentations and I learned lots of new things!

Miss Irvine : )

Presentations in P3a!

WOW! I am AMAZED with the hard work and effort of the boys and girls in Primary 3! Two weeks ago they were set a homework challenge… to do a presentation in front of the class about any subject of their choice.

The results were FANTASTIC! We had outfits, trophies, medals, photos, posters, dvds, songs, powerpoints… even a cake! We all learned so much from listening to each other… we learned about countries, hobbies, pets, games, history, animals, football teams and very special people!

At the end of the presentations the ‘judging panel’ gave feedback to the presenter about their delivery, content and style.

Overall the presentations were excellent, it was lovely to see and hear the children talking about something they are passionate about.


From Miss King 🙂

Primary 3 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

Today we had a great day celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! We learned about the life of St. Patrick in Literacy, Maths and R.M.E lessons. We read all about the symbols of St. Patrick’s day then answered comprehension questions. We used our knowledge of times tables to create a picture of a leprechaun and we learned how St. Patrick used a shamrock to tell people about God and the Holy Trinity. After looking at symbols of luck, we discussed how we are all lucky in different ways.




Primary 3 Round Up!

Primary 3 are delighted to finally be able to begin sharing our learning with you!

Please look out for regular updates about all the fun we have been having and all the things we have been learning!

Here are some pictures of some of the things we have been getting up to…

Fantastic Fractions!

Primary 5/4 and Primary 5 have been learning lots about fractions in class.  We have been finding out about fractions of shapes, objects and amounts.

This week we have investiageted equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and finding fractions on a nunberline.  These are some suggested games to support our learning:







Have a go at home and let us know how you got on with the games!

Miss Crease and Mrs Quin

Our Amazing Adventure in Amazonia!

Article 29

You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment

To end our wonderful rainforest topic primary 5 embarked on a wonderful adventure to Amazonia before the Easter holidays. Amazonia is Scotland’s largest indoor tropical rainforest and home to many amazing and rare animals. We could feel the humidity and heat the minute we entered the building! We viewed and handled many different creatures and had an amazing experience! Here are some of our thoughts on the day…

‘We saw monkeys, spiders, snakes, birds and butterflies. It smelled really funny! We went into a room to hold animals, I held a fat tailed gecko, I shook hands with a tarantula and had a snake around my neck! We played a game where you stand in front of a special green screen and it looks like you are in the actual rainforest! It was a brilliant day!’ Erin L

“I loved holding the animals, but was a bit scared that they were going to jump up on me!” Murray

‘I really enjoyed Amazonia. The best bit was seeing all the nocturnal animals. I had the snake around my neck but it was scary holding the spider because I am scared of them but I still did it!’ Lewis B

“When the Kinkajou ran over our heads in the dark room, I got a really big fright, because we couldn’t see it!” Jasmine

A big thank you to our helpers Mrs Buchanan and Mrs King for coming on our trip!

Chickens in the Eco Garden!

By Seren

Today I have brought two of my chickens to school to visit the Eco Garden! Everyone tried to save some of their fruit from lunch and we fed them this afternoon! The chickens are called Griffyn and Mars and they really enjoyed meeting everyone in my class, they got some treats and a clap on the head from everyone brave enough! Everyone got a fright when they started flapping! When we came back into the classroom I answered lots of interesting questions about the chickens, everyone hopes they can come back to visit us again soon!

Cool Characters on World Book Day 2014

Today has been a very busy and exciting day at St Nicholas Primary School as we all dressed up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day 2014! The boys and girls made a great effort with their fantastic costumes and we had great fun working out who everyone had come dressed as.

There were lots of beautiful princesses, cool superheroes, wise wizards and lovely fairies around the school, it was a magical place to be. We had Horrid Henry, Harry Potter, Matilda, Billionaire Boy, Gangsta Granny, Fantastic Mr Fox, Cat in the Hat, Oliver Twist… Even Sir Alex Ferguson paid a visit to St Nick’s today!

There were lots of fun activities going on throughout the school; we were sharing our books with friends through paired reading, giving reviews of our books and looking at the ways that famous authors help us to imagine characters in books that have no pictures.

In the upper school we decided to give our area a make over by creating a reading zone! We removed all the books from the shelves and put them into order, moved our book shelves around and started a new display. We can’t wait for the area to be completed so we can make great use of all the fantastic novels in the school and continue to enhance our reading skills. Check back soon to see photos of the finished product when we complete the transformation of our reading zone!


Remember our blog post all about our science topic of ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’?

We told you all about our cool experiements and our very sucessful  bathbomb business. When Miss King and Mrs Buchanan-Coutts asked us what we would like to spend our profits on we decided we’d like to book a mad scientist to take over our classrooms and turn them into laboratories! Well on Wednesday we got exactly that…

Robin and Lucy from the Edinburgh International Science Festival arrived bright and early and unpacked their van of exciting experiments! We were amazed when we entered our classroom all set up for some super science and eagerly put on our goggles, gloves and aprons before our safety briefing!

We worked in groups to complete experiments on different chemical reactions and test whether different liquid and powders were acids or alkali! We discussed the chemical reaction that happens when a party popper goes off and then Robin and Lucy showed us their gigantic version of a party popper that created a burst of heat, light and sound in our classroom! We were very impressed!

This was a great way to revisit our learning and experience working in a real laboratory! We had a fantastic day!

If you are interested in learning more about science or seeing some really cool experiments the Edinburgh Science Festival 2014 runs during the Easter holidays from the 5th until the 20th of April, you can find out more about the events they will have on at http://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/

In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle…



Primary 5b have been learning all about animals of the rainforest!

We worked in pairs of research teams and were given an animal to create a fact file for, all the fact files were to be published in our very own ‘Rainforest Encyclopedia’!

Some of us had animals we had never even heard of like an okapi (which is actually a horse like creature with zebra legs!) or a gaboon viper (which is a deadly snake!), before we started our research another research team set us some questions to find out about our animal, such as; How long does it live for? Is it poisonous? What does it eat?

We went off in our research teams and used the internet and books to find our information. Then we used Mircosoft Word to create eye catching fact files with images and different fonts!

Once our fact files were complete and in the encyclopedia we presented them to our class, some of the facts were amazing… Did you know a blue morpho butterfly has a lifespan of only 115 days? The harpy eagle has a wingspan of over 7 foot!

We then provided each other with quality feedback on the presentations, we looked at each others fact files and tried to decide if they had provided enough information or answered all the questions they were asked, then we left comments for the researchers to read! We are hoping our wonderful encyclopedia will be filled with amazing information all about the rainforest as we continue our topic!

We then started to draw our animals for our rainforest display! We had to use maths skills to create a grid to help us draw our animals in proportion! First we drew the outline in a light coloured pencil, then we began to shade and mix colours to make our drawings really realistic! What do you think?! Come and see them for yourself in our classroom display!

Next we are moving on to classifying animals as vertebrates or invertebrates, then mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles!

Welcome to Inverness Tourist Information Centre!

Primary 5 transformed their classes into tourist information centres for the city of Inverness!

We sent letters to Miss Sweeney at the real tourist information centre in  the city and she replied sending lots of fantastic information, from how to welcome people, questions to ask tourists, leaflets about attractions in the highlands and the layout of her building!

We displayed lots of information on the walls, created characters to work in our centres and even created a gift shop with lots of wonderful nessie figures and post cards for sale! At the Scottish Showcase we invited our parents to visit our centres to find out lots about the city! We also had a Highland Cafe serving haggis, oatcakes and of course Irn Bru!  The event was opened by Paige and Rachael dancing the Highland Fling! Some people spoke to parents about the Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club, showing them highlights from the last game and giving lots of information about the club!

Some people were telling our visitors about the Scottish Whiskey industry and the very important job of a coppersmith! Some people where showing parents our own mini version of Urquart Castle and telling them some key facts about Inverness! Another group were showcasing our historic portraits of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Red Coat Army and were looking at the battle of Culloden! Lastly we asked parents to participate in the St Nicholas Highland games! The activities were: chuck the welly, toss the caber, strength test and toss the hay! We even had a trophy for the Champion!  To round up the event Oliver played the bagpipes to a cheering crowd!

We hope you were able to come and enjoy this great showcase, but if you weren’t able to have a look at these great pictures!