All posts by Miss McKeown

Our week in P3 and P3/2 (Week commencing 6th December)

We have had another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Here are some of the things that we have been up to:

Literacy:  This week our cheeky classroom elf came along and popped his picture on the mighty writer wall. We all worked so hard to create a super story about the elf. Our stories had beginnings, middles and endings. We also tried hard to include lots of adjectives and commas.

Maths: In maths this week we have been learning about weight. We know about the words light and heavy. We learned about different kinds of scales and we know that the unit of measurement is grams and kilograms. We weighed some wrapped up presents, models that we made and other things around our classroom.

Art/ RE: We learned about the 3 wise men and we created some amazing art work with them in it. Look out for our art work in the Christmas carol concert! We learned that their names are Casper, Melchior and Balthazar.

RE: On Monday it was St Nicholas day we learned all about his life and his generosity.  We attended mass on the computer.

We are looking forward to another busy week next week with lots of lovely Christmas activities. 🎅🎄

Our Week In P3 and P3/2 – Week Commencing 22.11.21

Here is a roundup of our busy week in P3 and P3.2. We have enjoyed learning about:

Handwriting: In handwriting we have been working on our joined-up cursive letters. This week we even gave some joined-up words a go. “I was finding the joined-up words easy because I have been practising all my letters.”

Writing: In writing we have loved using the mighty writer board. We wrote a story all about a mermaid. The mighty writer mat helped us to keep track of our stories and include a beginning, middle and end. The stars on the board helped remind us to add interesting adjectives to our stories too.

Number: In number we have been rounding up our learning on addition and subtraction. We know how to add and subtract using the number bonds strategy, the empty number line, number families, partitioning, our hundred square and the doubles and near doubles strategies.

“I think the empty number line strategy works best for me because it reminds me to do the tens first”.

“I like to do the number bonds because I know them quickly and can use them for harder sums.”

RE: We began to learn about advent. We know that advent is beginning on Sunday. Advent helps us count down to Christmas. We learned about the advent wreaths. We know that it has 5 candles, 3 purple, 1 pink and a white one for Christmas day.

Our week in P3 & P3/2 (8.11.21)

We have had another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Here is what we have been up to:

Number: In number this week we have been learning about the empty number line. We have been using this strategy to help us solve addition and subtraction problems.

“I have liked learning about the empty number line but sometimes it can be hard to use with big numbers.”

“I like using the empty number line and it makes my adding and taking away feel easy for me”

Literacy: In literacy this week we have been learning how to write an information report.  We know that an information report needs to have lots of facts and only some opinions. We have also been adding adjectives to make our writing more interesting. We chose to research and write about tigers this week because we were learning about the tropical climate zone.

Science/Topic: We did a cactus experiment to help us learn about the desert climate zone. We made cactus shapes out of a sponge and we left them in some water. When we checked them a few days later we found that the cactus sponges had soaked up all the water and were holding on to it just like a real cactus would do in the desert.

Remembrance day: We made poppies using lots of different kinds of red paper to help us learn about remembrance day. We had a 2-minute silence to help us think about and remember all the people who died in the world wars.



P3 & P3/2- Week Beginning 25th October

We have had a very busy week in P3 and p3/2. Here are some of the things we have been up to:

Number: In number we have started to learn about adding and taking away. We have been focussing on 1 more,  1 less, 10 more and 10 less.  “My favourite was doing the 100 square jigsaw”. ” My favourite job was using the numicon to make 10 more and 10 less”.

Literacy: In literacy we have been looking at description pieces of writing. We know a descriptive piece of writing needs a Title, adjectives, an opening sentence and lots of description. ” This week we were writing a description of our school bags”.

Art: In art this week we have been making some spooky pictures. We made some symmetrical spiders and then we made web pictures using oil pastels and watercolour. “The oil pastel did not get mixed with the watercolour, it repelled it”.

Music: In music, we learned some songs for Halloween and learned how to use clapping to keep a steady beat. ” I liked the song about the pumpkin turning into a jack-o-lantern”.

PE: In gym this week we have been learning ball skills. We learned to control the ball by rolling and bouncing. We liked playing all the games with Mr Muldoon.


We are looking forward to celebrating Halloween over the weekend and returning fresh and ready to go again on Monday. 🎃🕸

Our week in P3 and P3/2

We have had a busy last week in P3 and P3/2. Here is what we have been up to:

Budgeting : In maths we have been learning about budgeting, which means that we need to try and keep our spending to the limit. We were also learning about cheap and expensive. We know that cheap means something that costs a little money and expensive means it costs a lot.

Mixed up sentences: This week we were practising our mixed up sentences. Our teachers wrote sentences on the board that were wrong and we had to find and fix the mistakes. We were looking for spelling mistakes, missing full stops and capital letters!

Handwriting: This week we have done lots of handwriting, we have been practising our cursive k, l, m, n, o & p. We thought that n and o were the easiest and that k was a bit trickier!

Autumn walk, writing and matching artwork:  On the Autumn walk we found signs of Autumn.  We found leaves that were falling from trees and changing colour. Our walk was cold and we needed our jackets.  We used our senses to write about our walk and used cotton buds and paint to create an Autumn picture to match!

Tropical climate zone: We know that the tropical climate zone is in the rainforest. It is warm there and there is lots of rain. We know that monkeys, parrots, slow loris, sloths, elephants and tigers like this climate zone. We used oil pastels and watercolour paints to create some fabulous parrot artwork.

We are now ready for the October holidays! 😀

Our Week in P3 and P3/2 3.9.21

We have had a very busy week of learning in P3 and P3/2 . Here are some of the things we have enjoyed:

  • In number this week we have been learning about place value. We have been learning how to make numbers and that they are made up in hundreds, tens and ones. Our favourite games were the online basket ball game and the beanbag toss.
  • We have been working really hard to practise our cursive writing during handwriting time.  We have been enjoying the challenge and found the letter d trickiest of all!
  • We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox together as a class. We made wanted posters for Mr Fox because he had been stealing food from all the farmers.
  • In art we have been learning about the work of Kandinsky. He used a lot of colours to make abstract paintings. We had a go at making these ourselves too.


Busy Week in the P2/1 and P1 area!


We have had a super busy week down in our area.

In number, we have been learning all about place value. We know that numbers are made up of hundreds tens and ones and we have been playing a wide range of games to demonstrate our learning.

In literacy, we have learned some new sounds. P1 were learning all about the sound oi/oy and P2 have been learning the tricky sound tion. In writing, we have been learning how to check and self-assess our work against our writing targets. Thank you to Mrs. Scott for showing us how!

For health and wellbeing, we have had lots of opportunities to exercise our bodies both inside and outside. We have also been learning about healthy relationships and how to build and maintain friendships. We decided that to be a good friend it was important to share, listen, smile, play, and always use kind words and encouragement. We learned how to resolve fallouts and get our friendships back on track!

This week we have also been revisiting the UN rights of the child. In P1 and P2 we know we have the right to feel safe and protected from harm. We spoke about what this means for us in school and how it benefits us as learners.

P1a, P1b & P2/1 Weekly Update! W.C. 28/10/20

As always we have had another very busy week full of learning. This week we have been learning about:

“We have been learning about symmetry. Symmetry its the same on both sides”

“We painted butterflies and folded them in half to make them the same on both wings”

“We listened to some Spanish songs”

“We played basket ball and it helped us to practise our bouncing and throwing. It was so much fun”

“We learned the sound e, f and b in Primary 1”

“In P2 we learned igh, oi, oy and we kept practising ai from last week because it was still hard for us”

“We played some games with Mr Muldoon at gym time”

“For science the other P2 came up and we were still doing forces. Pushing and pulling and twisting and we went outside and did it with the hoops and the tyres”

Primary 1a, 1b and 2/1 Weekly Update

We have had another busy week in Primary 1 & 2! This week we have learned about:

“We have been learning about different shapes”

” We have been making patterns”

“A pattern does the same thing over and over and over again, it repeats”

” we learned about k and ck, we learned about o too”

“One afternoon we did some planting”

“We learned about plants in science, we know that they all have roots”

“A plant has flowers and leaves too”

“The long bit next to the root is called the stem”

P1a P1b and P2/1 Weekly Update

We have had a busy week and have learned lots of  new things! This week we have enjoyed:

“We learned about lots of different shapes and made shape pictures.”

” We know about 2d shapes, they are flat and don’t stick out like 3d shapes”

“3d shapes are like cubes and cones and cylinders and stuff not the flat ones like circles”

“When it was sounds time we learned about t, i and n” -Primary 1

“We learned hard sounds this week we know about ai and the other ay and oa too” – Primary 2

“We found a wiggly worm in the garden and looked at him close in the bug finder” p2/1

“We did lots of learning outside the week and some of us made an obstacle course”  


P1 Fitness Fortnight – Week 2

Primary 1 have had another great week enjoying their fitness fortnight challenges! This week we have :

– Researched the importance of exercise and made an informative poster.

– We continued to take part in our virtual sports day- Forth house were the winners!!

-Made a healthy smoothies and wrote instructions for someone else to follow.

-We took part in lots of fun fitness maths activities. Using exercise is a great way to help us improve our numeracy skills.

-Joined in on Basketball drills by following online videos.

-We also took part in some relaxation activities to help us focus on taking care of our mental health.


Well done everyone! We have had a fantastic year teaching you all and want to wish everyone a happy and fun filled summer holidays. We can’t wait to see you all back at school in August when you will be big Primary 2!

Miss McKeown & Mrs Gardiner ☀️😊


Primary 1 Weekly Update (W.C 8/6/20)


Well done Primary 1 for another week working hard from home. We have been busy with our home learning packs and grids and are almost ready to become big Primary 2’s now! Here are some of the things we have been learning about:

Writing: During writing time we have been learning about functional writing. This week we were focussing on writing lists and learning what a list looks like and should contain. We wrote a list of 10 things we love to hand on to our new teacher to help them get to know us better.

Phonics: We started to learn about the magic e and how he changes the sound of the vowels! This was quite tricky and we will continue to work on this next year. We watched videos and completed a sumdog spelling challenge to help us with this.

Maths:  In maths we continued our learning of money from last week. We gained a better understanding of how to make amounts using different coins and we learned to pay for things and work out basic change. We even started to learn about budgeting and used our budgeting skills to plan our own lunches online!

Topic: We have had lots of super feedback from talking to parents about how much the children are loving their dinosaur topic! This week we played some dinosaur exploring games and made dinosaur artwork from our hand and footprints!


Busy Week in P1!

Primary one have been busy this week working hard in the sunshine! Here are some of the things we have been up to :

  • In numeracy we have been learning about the connection between addition and subtraction. We are beginning to apply what we have learned to word problems.
  • In writing we have started to look at functional writing and this week we wrote instructions. It was a little different to the personal and imaginative writing we are used to.
  • In literacy we read some new stories and answered some comprehension questions to help us better understand them.
  • Our new Topic is going really well and the boys and girls have been feeding back how much they are enjoying it.  This week we were learning about the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex!
  • We enjoyed this weeks stem challenge of creating new beds for our toys. We had to think really carefully about how heavy our toys would be and what materials would be strong enough to use.

Well Done Primary 1!


P1 Home Learning Grid (W.C 18.05.20)

Hello Everyone,

I have attached the learning grid for this week (W.C. 18.5.20). Please send pictures of your child’s work and emails letting us know what they are enjoying to the school inbox. Thank you to those of you who have sent pictures so far, it’s great for us to hear how they are getting on and lets us plan for future learning.

Each week we have been putting challenges on Sumdog, the challenges run from Monday-Friday before expiring. This is so we don’t have too many up at the same time because it can be quite confusing for children.

Any questions just email, we are happy to help!
Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner smiley


Home Learning Week 7

Primary 1 Weekly Update – W.C 11.5.20

Primary 1 have had another busy week working hard from home. Here is what we have been up to:

In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of subtraction and learning how a number line can help us with this. We completed 2 Sumdog challenges and made posters to show our learning.

In writing we have been learning to write a recount of a story we have heard. We know that it is important to listen carefully and check our writing to make sure the events are in the right order.

In reading we have been learning to read non-fiction passages for information. We used the information to answer questions about what we had read. Lot’s of us also managed to complete our phonics challenge on Sumdog where we were learning about the sound ‘ing’.

This week we also started a brand new exciting topic all about dinosaurs! We learned when they lived, what they ate and the names (which are tricky for us to spell) of lots of different kinds of dinosaur!

Well done Primary one, another super week!

Miss McKeown & Mrs Gardiner

Primary 1 Weekly Update!

Primary 1 have had another busy week working their way through home learning packs! Here is what we have been up to..

  • We have been writing personal stories about our favourite foods using our senses to help us. We all have our own writing targets in our jotters and have been working really hard to achieve these, even though writing is really tricky for lots of us!
  • In maths we have been learning about position, movement and direction. We have watched videos, played games and have been selecting and working through some of the activities in our position and movement grid.
  • We have been exercising to keep us healthy!
  • We have learned about the importance of prayer and were introduced to the Hail Mary as we are entering the month of our lady.

We know that learning from home is not easy and is a big adjustment for everyone but we are really proud of all our children. If they’d like us to see some of their work you can still send us this via the school email. Most importantly keep safe, enjoy some family time and have a lovely relaxing long weekend.

Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner



Primary 1 Weekly Update

In Primary 1 this week the children have enjoyed learning about:

“we were learning about the months of the year”

“I learned that spring is a season”

“In summer we have our summer holidays”

” In autumn the leaves change to red and fall off”

“In winter it is cold and you might see snow on the ground”

“This week it was Ash Wednesday, we went to mass”

“Lent is the countdown to Easter and that’s when we celebrate Jesus coming back”

” In letters we learned the sound th”

“Our group was learning the ing sound at the end of words”


P1 Update 11/10/2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 1. Here are some activities we did.


Marcel sorted all the different ways to make 2 and 3. He was working hard on his cutting skills too.


Eliza – ” we had to move the letters to sound out words”


Ava P – ” I listened to little red riding hood and then I drew a picture of the woods.”

P1 Update 4/10/2019

P1 have to complete a “star job” everyday for both literacy and numeracy. After completing their star job, the children take a picture of their work. We look at these pictures on the board at the end of each lesson.

Here are some of the pictures the children have taken

Amy- “We were finding different ways to make 6”

Marcel- “I was doing letters”

Nela- “I used yellow and purple to make a pattern. A pattern has to go in an order”

Adrian- ” We made a house”

Jenson- “It had a chimney”

John- ” Mrs Brown came along  to visit our house”

Primary One Weekly Update

This week in primary one we have been learning about:

Noah McK – “we are still learning about being healthy”

Ryan- “we used fruit and vegetables to make our pictures”

Sophie – ” we moved our bodies about to keep healthy”

Ollie- ” we learned about s, p and a”

Ava P – ” we started learning about shapes”

Igor – ” a 2d shape is flat”

Cameron- ” a 3d shape sticks out and is not flat”

Zack B – ” we learned about a cylinder”

Aariz- ” we learned about a cube”

Ava B- ” and a cone”






Community Art Trail

P4-7 Eco and Pupil council reps have been busy today contributing to a community art trail that is being created for Broxburn and Uphall! In the morning we went out to speak to some local people and shopkeepers to get their ideas on what could be created to benefit the community. We then collated these ideas and fed them back to the designers. In the afternoon we took part in a design workshop and created some lovely bags.  

Primary 3 Update

We have been very busy in P3 this week!


Things that we enjoyed doing this week:

Neve- I enjoyed finding out about the sun and the moon and making a day and night picture.

Emily – I really enjoyed learning the next joined up letters in handwriting, they were n  and m.

Aaron- I really liked performing the assembly with all of my friends.


Things we found tricky this week:


Justin- I found the division sums quite difficult this week.

Paula- I found it tricky trying to remember what animals come out at night and what ones come out during the day.

Bella-Rose- I found it tricky working on my fluency in reading because there were some words I had to sound out.


Things we would like to learn about next week:

Sam: Next week I would like to learn about where the sun and moon came from.

Mirin- I would like to find out how much big things like boxes weigh.

Ronan-I would like to find out how the sun and the moon give light to earth.


We have been practising really hard in class for our 80’s dance in the jubilee concert, can we please remind you to bring in costumes by Friday the 25th to allow us to have a dress rehearsal.


Primary 3 weekly update

We have been very busy in primary 3 this week and have started to prepare for our class assembly on Friday 11th of November. Our assembly will be about friendship and forgiveness.


Things we have learned this week :


“I have been learning more about my times tables” – Paula

” I have been learning about miming in drama and went on a walk through the rainforest” – Kamaren

“I have learned how to type capital letters in ICT” – Tatenda


Things we have found tricky this week:

” I found the 3 and 4 times tables a bit tricky this week” – Emily

” I found logging on and finding the website on the computer a bit difficult this week” – Finn

“I found the joined up letter f really hard to do in handwriting this week” – Max


Things we would like to find out about next week:


” I would like to move on to the next letter in handwriting” – Marcel

“I would like to learn how to search for  website” – Cameron

” I would like to learn about different saints in RE” – Neve


We are all looking forward to dressing up in our costumes tomorrow for halloween!

P3 Weekly Update


In maths we have been learning about money.

I enjoyed playing the purse game with the money” – Cerys p3b

I enjoyed playing the piggy bank game on the netbooks” – Ronan p3a

I found it tricky writing amounts and deciding to use the pence sign or the pound sign” -Ciaran P3b

I found it tricky in number talks to find the most efficient strategy to find the answer” – Justin p3a



In literacy this week we have been learning lots of different things.


This week I learned that you can find lots of words in the dictionary and what they mean” – Alexander P3b

I enjoyed practising our joined up writing” – Hannah P3a

I found it tricky to pick a character for my story this week“- Marcel P3a

I found it tricky finding words in the dictionary” – Harry P3b


This week we also went to church for mass. After mass Daniel (trainee priest) came into our class and told us all about St. Francis of Assisi because it was his feast day.

WOW we have been super busy this week and are ready for a restful weekend to recharge our batteries.