We have had another busy week in P3 and P3/2. Here are some of the things that we have been up to:
Literacy: This week our cheeky classroom elf came along and popped his picture on the mighty writer wall. We all worked so hard to create a super story about the elf. Our stories had beginnings, middles and endings. We also tried hard to include lots of adjectives and commas.
Maths: In maths this week we have been learning about weight. We know about the words light and heavy. We learned about different kinds of scales and we know that the unit of measurement is grams and kilograms. We weighed some wrapped up presents, models that we made and other things around our classroom.
Art/ RE: We learned about the 3 wise men and we created some amazing art work with them in it. Look out for our art work in the Christmas carol concert! We learned that their names are Casper, Melchior and Balthazar.
RE: On Monday it was St Nicholas day we learned all about his life and his generosity. We attended mass on the computer.
We are looking forward to another busy week next week with lots of lovely Christmas activities.