Tag Archives: primary6

Thanks for visiting Primary 6!

Nikita loved the Open Morning as she had fun both doing the gym activity and performing in the choir.

Harry felt it was almost like a mini sports day!

Jaime particularly liked racing her grandad in the shuttle runs – Jaime won!

Amy loved singing in the choir and especially that she helped Mrs Stewart to shed a wee tear!

Beth Mc found it fun when her mum joined in with her on the step-ups- she might have sore legs tomorrow though!

Daryl liked listening to the choir but wondered when the whole school would get to hear them.

We were pleased with all the comments from the kind parents who took time out to visit us and watch us learn.


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A great first week back for Primary 6!

Wow – time flies when you are having fun! P6 have worked hard all week on lots of different activities. We are almost ready to agree and launch our Class Charter.

Here we are highlighting the Articles we think are the most important for us in Primary 6. We wonder if you will agree!


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In our reflection this week…

Laurie-Anne I loved creating our holiday news book!

Amy : I learned about different synonyms. I really enjoyed graffiting my wall!

Rachel: I’m looking forward to finishing my jigsaw puzzle that’s all about me.

Ciara: In Maths I liked using my problem-solving skills to solve the numbersearch.

Kalanah: I enjoyed the maths challenge – it was easy and hard!


What a great week!