Healthy Lunch Box Campaign

As part of West Lothian’s health promotion campaign we are trying to encourage all pupils and parents to think about healthy eating. A balanced diet , drinking water and milk help our children to learn better and prepares them to become healthy adults.

Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Ferguson are ‘spotting’ pupils in the lunch hall who have healthy lunch boxes with fruit, vegetables, yogurt and healthy sandwiches. The children are proud to show off their lunches and P.1 are already leading the way with the healthy eating message.

Congratulations to Cole Mason and Sai Bollabathula who received a healthy lunch box certificate today. Please continue to support us with health promotion in this way.

Cole's lunch looks delicious!

Mrs. Ferguson wanted to eat Sai's lunch!

Stellar Award Winners

Congratulations to Ms Allison Barr and the choir for winning the Expressive Arts category at the recent West Lothian Stellar Awards. It is through skilled teaching and committed pupils that this award was possible. Well done!

Five members of the choir were selected by Ms Barr to attend the award ceremony which took place in Howden Park Centre. Holly Gilmour, Chloe Campbell, Jack Falconer, Erin Cannon and Anna McDonald were proud to represent the choir at this special ceremony. They looked very smart in their Bankton uniform and enjoyed going up on stage to receive the trophy and certificates.

Unfortunately Ms Barr was unable to attend because of adult choir commitments, but I was glad to have the opportunity to share this evening with pupils and parents. Some of the award winners have now moved on to James Young  so the photograph used showed the choir performing at the Barbican in London.

Ms Barr has a whole programme of Choir activities planned, but we are also looking forward to our whole school carol service in the final week of term.

Five extremely smart choir members with Mrs. Stewart before the ceremony
Choir Members met Mrs. Kendall from James Young High SchoolWaiting for the ceremony to beginOn stage with the other award winners, feeling very proud!

Welcome to our New Look Blog!

Bankton primary school Blog has a new look and will be re-launched on Friday, 29th November! There are lots of exciting things happening in each of our classrooms, so teachers and pupils will use Friday mornings as weekly reflection time to share the most significant aspects of their learning each week.

Mrs. Ferguson and I look forward to reading these reflections and making encouraging comments on our learners achievements. Please take time as parents and families to make comments, as your children will be directly involved in the weekly reflection and will be able to read your comments the following week. We will also publish personal achievements on the Blog, so please keep the teachers updated with personal achievements in sport, dance, gymnastics, Beavers, Brownies etc.

Over the next few weeks it is our intention to update the Newsletter and Useful Documents pages for parents. These will include items such as the new Nursery handbook, Homework help, Permission slips etc. – So watch this space!

As a school, Bankton Primary will also be planning and preparing for winter readiness in line with West Lothian policy.

We are not planning a school closure anytime soon, however, we want to ensure that learning will continue through the BLOG if we do have to close due to severe weather.

I look forward to continued successful partnership with all of our parents and families and would actively encourage you to ‘KEEP BLOGGING!’

P3 are finding out about Livingston.

The P.3 topic this term is a local study of Livingston. We are going to find out what is needed to make a town. We have already decided that we need houses, electricity, parks, the police, ambulances, shops and swimming pools.

P3 a are also going to looking at skeletons. P3b know all about them already! We went to the Dedridge pond and burn on Tuesday to see if there was any litter. We found that there was none in the pond but there was quite lot along the burn. Before the holidays we looked at our tuck wrappers and apple cores to see if they would rot down. This part of a pollution study.

P3 children in the local schools are also studying pollution to find out what rots and what will not rot.

Homecoming Parade

 On the 18th April 2013, the soldiers from Afghanistan came home. It was amazing in every way. Primary 5, 6, and 7 pupils went to celebrate the soldiers coming home. The schools cheered and waved their Scotland and Britain flags and made the soldiers feel so proud. When the soldiers came past a whoosh of good feeling went through your body. This was a day that will always be remembered.

By Kendal and Murray

P7s World War 2 Day

On Wednesday 27th March, P7 had their World War 2 Day. P7s had various activities in each class. The activities were: ammunition factory work, build an air raid shelter, homefront board game and loads more. We were told not to bring in our tuck as we would get a wartime tuck (one triangle of a jam sandwich!) We put on a performance for the adults in the Blackout Cafe (the small hall). There were a few air raids through the day when we closed the blackout curtains and took cover. P7 had to dress up as someone from WW2. All costumes were amazing, as was the experience.

By Shannon

Radio Adverts Recorded by P7

After a busy couple of the days working on different aspects of their Supermarket transition project, the P7’s today worked in groups to create and then record radio adverts to promote their own new Supermarket brand.  After working on floor plans and brainstorming a suitable name and logo for their supermarket; they then wrote a script, worked on a slogan and experimented with suitable sound effects to produce a range of persuasive adverts.  Please take the time to have a listen to our adverts (simply click on the links below) and let us know which supermarket you would be persuaded to use.  Enjoy!!

Radio Advert 1 Radio Advert 2 Radio Advert 3 Radio Advert 4 Radio Advert 5 Radio Advert 6 Radio Advert 7 Radio Advert 8

P5 Mary Queen of Scots assembly

Primary 5 invited their parents and carers into school last week to watch their fabulous Mary Queen of Scots assembly. We showcased what we had been working on in class and the audience was treated to drama, music and singing. We left everyone in suspense wondering what would happen next  to Mary as we haven’t reached the end of this project yet.

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