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Nursery Week

We have a new member of staff, our Apprentice Nursery Janitor – Scott McFarlane . Scott comes on a Friday morning to organize our outdoor area and takes out paper waste to the recycling area. 

We are all excited about next weeks activities which start on Monday with Magic Mac.

Christmas Joke

One of the boys getting into the Christmas spirit to us this morning ” There was no room in the bin.”

Busy, Busy, busy!

Primary 2 have had a very busy week, we’ve participated in ‘Gabriel’s Big Break’ twice (as well as some last minute rehearsals), we’ve been rehearsing for next week’s Carol Service and we still found time to make our enterprise decorations and learn more about the nativity story.

We’ve finished our enterprise now and some of our parent’s have already bought our Christmas Tree Decorations.  We made them using salt dough, they are in the shape of our hands, but they are Santa!

Some of us with our Salt Dough Santa tree decorations.

December has arrived!

This week in primary four we have been working hard to get organised for our Christmas Fair. We received our order of all the materials we will need to make some more wonderful things to sell. We have started to think about the different prices each item will cost. We had a vote with P3/4 to  organise the item that we would like to make.

In maths we have been learning about rounding to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. We have also been using our rounding skills to estimate the answers to some addition calculations. We sang a little song to help us to remember whether we round up or down. Kian really enjoyed mental maths and the new game we played this week.

In our writing lesson we were looking at Roald Dahl and thinking about all of the wonderful adjectives and verbs that he uses in ‘The Twits.’ We wrote about a disgusting meal that Mr Twit could cook for Mrs Twit, as revenge for the wormy spaghetti. Sophie thinks the Twits are absolutely disgusting.

In health we have been looking at where different food comes from. Ciara is confused about where  jelly comes from and is going to research this at the weekend. We are going to be label checkers and try to find where all of our food has come from.

Mrs Lough & Primary 4

Bankton Primary Celebrates the work of our Pupil Support Workers

The 29th November marks the national day of celebration of the work of Pupil Support Workers. In Bankton Primary we are very proud of the amazing contribution made by our Pupil Support Workers and were happy to celebrate this at the end of our St. Andrew’s Day Assembly. Mrs. Smail, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. McDevitt were presented with flowers and escorted by P.6 pupils to a special tea party which had been set up in the Pupil Support base. Each class had made a card to thank the ladies for their contribution to learning in the school and these were brought along during the tea party. Thank you to all staff and pupils for helping to organise this event.

The Tea Party
P.2 Pupils arriving with their card
The Thank You Banner

Primary 4 have been busy!

This week primary 4 have been extremely busy! Please read some of our comments below about what we have been doing!

Christmas Enterprise:

‘We have been making Bouncing Snowmen.’ Lily

‘We have decorated bookmarks to sell.’ Ciara

‘We worked together with P3/4 to shop online for materials to make things to sell to our parents.’ Beth K

‘Our class has been making reindeer food and instead of sugar crystals we used glitter.’ Kian


‘We looked at what dissolves and what doesn’t dissolve.’ Robyn

‘We did a little experiment. We had two glasses of water and put sugar in one and a pea in the other. The pea didn’t dissolve.’ Kalanah

‘We learned that cocoa powder dissolves in hot water.’ Jaime  

‘In science the words soluble and insoluble. It means it can dissolve if it is soluble and insoluble means it can’t dissolve.’ Euan


‘We learned about Ebenezer Scrooge and did some writing about him. At the start he was grumpy and hated Christmas and at the end he was happy and joyful.’ Sophie

‘We remembered to think about our VCOP superheroes- Violet Vocabularly who helps with wow words, Captain Connective who makes sure that you join two short sentences and take away a full stop and add a connective. Also, you  have Dr. Punctuation who makes sure you’ve got stuff like fulls stops, capital letters and question marks when you need it. Incredible openers make sure that the start of our sentences are interesting and you don’t just use the same word all the time. ‘  Nikita

Thank you for reading!

Primary 4

Award Winning Gymnasts

On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Ferguson took two girls from bankton to Craigswood Sports Centre for a gymnastics competition. Brooke Jack, P.3/4 and Zoe Black, P.2A were proud to represent Bankton Primary school in this competition.

Brooke said:”I tried my very best and I was first. I won a gold medal and a shield for the school. I felt very proud of myself”

Zoe said: “I enjoyed the competition and I was proud of myself for winning a second place medal and a shield for the school. I am really good at my floor routine.”

Mrs. Ferguson was very excited about their win and the girls shared their news at assembly.

Well done girls!

Brooke and Zoe proudly show off their trophy.Medal Winners - Well done Bankton Girls!