Today the morning nursery children had lots of fun playing out in the rain.
Today the morning nursery children had lots of fun playing out in the rain.
Today the afternoon nursery children took part in their sports day. The children enjoyed taken part in the different races and there was even a toddler race.
Today the morning nursery children took part in their sports day. The children enjoyed taken part in the different races and there was even a toddler race.
The afternoon nursery children had a nice walk up to the Lanthorn Pond to see the cygnets even although it was raining.
It was difficult to count how many cygnets there was as some were on their mums back
This week the morning nursery children have had a lovely time turning their climbing frame in to their den using a wide range of materials, wool, ribbon and string.
This morning the children went a walk to the Froggy pond and were looking for 3d shape on the way. There are some photos of below of the shapes we found.
The children noticed lots of litter on the Waverly path going towards the Froggy pond and we talked about how we could try and stop this. They came up with making signs or putting in bins.
The children managed to observe some tadpoles from the Froggy pond even although the water was so dirty.
This afternoon the nursery children went on a 3d shape walk to the Froggy pond.  They observed lots of cuboids and cylinders.
They noticed green slime on the Froggy pond which we researched using the internet as Algae.
We have had lots of fun this week as we have had parents and grandparents for Come and Play week. They were able to join in with different aspects of nursery life and the children really enjoyed having new people to play with.
Last week the nursery children visited the local woods to look for signs of Spring where they saw one of the swans sitting on her nest.
We will keep an eye on this and let you know when there is any development.
Last week the girls and boys in the nursery were introduced to Camembear’s new friend Loulou who has come for a visit after the Easter holidays. Everyone said ‘Bonjou’ to Loulou and told her their name when asked ‘Comment tu t’appelles?’
During their holiday in France, Loulou and Camembear went to Avignon and had their photograph taken on the bridge there. We put Loulou and Camembear in the middle of a circle and danced around them singing the song ‘Sur le pont d’Avignon’.
The boys had to bow and the girls had to curtsy during the song.
Everyone had fun singing and doing the actions. Loulou and Camembear were very happy as it reminded them of their holiday.