All posts by Mrs Lloyd

Radio Adverts Recorded by P7

After a busy couple of the days working on different aspects of their Supermarket transition project, the P7’s today worked in groups to create and then record radio adverts to promote their own new Supermarket brand.  After working on floor plans and brainstorming a suitable name and logo for their supermarket; they then wrote a script, worked on a slogan and experimented with suitable sound effects to produce a range of persuasive adverts.  Please take the time to have a listen to our adverts (simply click on the links below) and let us know which supermarket you would be persuaded to use.  Enjoy!!

Radio Advert 1 Radio Advert 2 Radio Advert 3 Radio Advert 4 Radio Advert 5 Radio Advert 6 Radio Advert 7 Radio Advert 8

Red Nose Day

Primary seven have been busy practising their weighing skills by making a variety of different cakes and biscuits in aid of red nose day.  This baking has been on sale every Tuesday and Friday over the past few weeks and has always sold out due to the fantastic support of the pupils and parents at Bankton so a big thank you to all who have sampled our tasty treats! 

Primary seven would like to thank Mrs Thomson who has worked hard and has supervised numerous groups whilst baking.  Thanks too to Mrs Balfour who gave the staff a treat with a selection of home baking in the staffroom on Friday morning.  All this baking has raised a grand total of £109.35 for comic relief.   Well done to all involved!

Also, children were invited to come to school in their pyjamas on red nose day and everyone who did made a donation.  The money raised from this is still to be totalled and will be passed onto this good cause in the near future.

Why don’t you do something funny for money and help this very worthwhile cause?!

P7 Bakers


P7 have been doing some baking to raise money for comic relief. We have made the baking with a red nose theme. We will be selling our baking for 30p at the tuck shop on Tuesdays and Fridays. We will be selling muffins, cupcakes, gingerbread men and lots of other things too!

By Kai Simpson and Kyle Williams

P7 Looking back and Looking forward

So far in P7 it has been a busy time.  Here are some of the things that we have been doing.  We’ve had science lessons with Mr Bethune and maths with Mr Sammons.  We have also been on loads of fun trips like the money museum and the book festival where we got to meet an author and get our books signed.  There has been lots of competitions including the maths challenge at JYHS and athletics competitions.  We have taken part in some open days, one was just for p7s and the other one was for the whole school. When it was the whole school we took the parents round the school.

This year, we are looking forward to our trip to Benmore, World War 2 day, our show, and starting high school.   We have been enjoying this year because it’s our last year of primary school.

We love P7 because we have been doing loads of different activites.

By Kiara Black, Kai Simpson and Allana Keanie

Athletics Festival

We arrived in Craigswood and we got split in to 3 different equal.  We went to this sporting event on the 1st of November 2012.

Team 5 started with the javelin throwing. They started by practicing their throwing by throwing an invisible javelin. Then they went on and threw a foam javelin at the wall. After that they went on and had a competition to see if they could get past the 15 mark. Abby Clinkscales , Jason Smith and Craig Thomas performed well in the javelin.

Then they went to a standing jump part. Cieran Taylor, Tom Buist and Dana Russell were all getting over the silver line that they had to. Cieran Taylor just got over the line and he said, “it looks so easy but it is really hard.”

Then they went to the foot jump. Abby and Starr just went so fast it was unbelievable! The score to beat was 60. On Star’s first turn she got 59 (so unluckyL). Mrs Lloyd had to join in cause Cieran Taylor didn’t have a partner. Tom Buist got 60 after a few turns.

They went to a running part. Mrs Lloyd had to write down their scores. They went on to a relay race and got showed how to do it properly.

Then they went to hurdles. For a bit of fun they done boys vs girls and the girls kept beating the boys.

Last of all they went to a stamina test where you had to run and get one shuttle cock out of one hula hoop and then put it in the other one

At the end our relay girls team, Dana Russell, Abby Clinkscales, Shannon Smith and Debroah Hendry and the boys relay team Harvey Stenhouse, Harrison Spence, Craig Thomas and Tom Buist performed well and did Bankton proud.  

Once all the scores were counted up, Bankton won the best school overall. 

Reported by Murray Scott & Megan-Anne

Maths Challenge

On Thursday 27th September, Primary 7 were invited up to James Young High School for the annual maths challenge.  Children worked well in their teams to solve a variety of puzzles and maths problems.  It was a busy morning which was enjoyed by all.    The children are now patiently waiting to see how well their team performed.  Watch this space!!