All posts by Mrs Lloyd

P1b Visit the Church

On Monday, P1b visited the chapel along at the Lanthorn.  They were very sensible and were responsible citizens as they walked together with their partner.  The children represented Bankton really well and displayed excellent manners.  They listened really well to Darren who was teaching us all about christenings and baptism and some of the children even got the chance to act out the christening of a little teddy bear which we were pretending was a baby.  On our return to school, the children completed super pieces of work detailing what they had learned.  Well done boys and girls!

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Huffing and Puffing in P1b!

This week there was a lot of huffing and puffing in P1b and it wasn’t from the boys and girls!!  It was the big bad wolf (AKA Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer) trying to blow down the houses that the children had planned and then built in their technology groups!  Each group worked together and displayed great group skills – sharing resources, listening to each other and working together.  Some of the houses withstood the force but the big bad wolf did manage to blow down a couple!  The children really enjoyed this experience and made good predictions about which houses would stay standing and which ones would get blown down.  Afterwards they thought about what they would do better next time to improve the strength of their builds.  Good work P1b!  IMG_1006 IMG_1005 IMG_1004 IMG_1002 IMG_1013 IMG_1011 IMG_1010 IMG_1009 IMG_1008 IMG_1007


Reading Fun in the Library

Every Wednesday, P1b enjoy visiting the school library.  Children are able to take a book home each week and can return this the following week to allow them to take out a new book.  The boys and girls enjoy their weekly visit so please help them to remember to put their library books in their bags each Wednesday to avoid the disappointment of not being able to take out a new book.  Thank You.

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Budding Gymnasts!

P1b have been improving their times as they get changed into their gym kit for gymnastics with Mr Muldoon!  The children have been working on lots of different skills including forward rolls, star jumps, swinging on the ropes and landing safely.  I was very impressed when I went in for a peek this week and I know that Mr Muldoon is very pleased with the hard work and good listening skills which are enabling the children to use the equipment safely.

Well done P1b

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Text Detectives in P1b!

Today P1b worked in their reading routes groups to explore a piece of text and to highlight the parts that looked different.  The class all co-operated very well in their teams and worked together to take turns when highlighting.  They really were text detectives as they managed to spot different examples of bold and italic text.  We read the text aloud and discussed how these types of text affect how the reader reads aloud the text and thought of some ideas about why they author uses these different types of text.  Can you spot some different types of text in any of your books at home?

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Marvellous Measuring!

P1b were practising their measuring skills at the beginning of the week when they were using a variety of items to measure different objects and pictures.  We measured with paper clips, lollysticks and even straws.  We learned that you have to make sure that the items are touching and that there are no big gaps in order to measure accurately.  We even practised our estimating skills and were quite close with a lot of our estimates!  Have a look at us in action and why not have a go at using some straws or cubes to estimate and then measure some things around your house.  Let us know how you get on!

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A Busy Week in P1b!

Well done to all the children in P1b – great work with learning your Scottish poems and we all really enjoyed listening to you saying them using your big loud, clear voices.  Some of you even added in some actions to make your performance even better!

We also had some special visitors in the school this week – ‘Macastory’ who were telling us about Robert Burns and taught us some fun Scottish songs.  We were all really good audience members and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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The children also really impressed Mrs Lloyd with their R.M.E. homework and enjoyed sharing information about who decided on their names, sharing the special gifts that they recieved when they were born and discussing any special celebrations that took place.  Nathan S even brought in his special gift ‘Jingle Bunny’ to show us.  He was very cute!


The dragon has been back again and even left the children a present this time!  He complimented them on the beanstalk that they have made for the classroom and left them some castle books for them to write in so they can keep him updated on what they are working on.

More fun was had with fairyland related activities in the structured play area.


I wonder what you’ll be up to next week P1b…………………………

Fairyland Fun!

P1b have had a very exciting week.  The class were shocked to find that a friendly dragon had visited the class and left a letter and some glittery footprints!  The dragon was asking if we could help him to rebuild fairyland as it has disappeared and the dragon was feeling very sad.

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Luckily, the children were all very happy to help and they wrote back to the dragon to tell him.  After we read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, Charley suggested that we could begin turning the classroom into by Fairyland by building our own beanstalk.  The children worked with a partner to begin making the stalk and leaves and our beanstalk has been growing!  We still have a few more leaves to add but it is looking great already!

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Our structured play area has been turned into Fairyland and the children have had great fun dressing up, completing fairytale jigsaws, making castles out of construction materials and counting and making patterns with Jack’s magic beans.

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Today we had a think about what we think the friendly dragon looks like.  We discussed our ideas with a partner before we used our black pens to draw detailed pictures. Mrs Ferguson visited our classroom and said they looked fantastic.  Well done everyone.

I wonder what the dragon will be up to next week!  We’ll keep you posted!