All posts by Mrs Sinclair

P3: Cody’s Patience Was Tested This Week!

p3 making roman armour 034The whole class were put into pairs to work together making their Roman Armour out of paper.  In order to do this they had to use lots of different skills such as problem solving, cutting, measuring and sticking as well listening and talking which is a challenge to such a ‘quiet’ class!!


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Everyone produced super diary entries about ‘A Day in the Life of a Roman Slave’ especially Liam who nearly wore out his gym shoes as Mrs Sinclair kept sending him back  to up-level his diary entry.

Samantha liked doing the Roman Mosaic with Mrs Ferguson.  Mrs Sinclair looks forward to seeing these mosaics displayed around the school.

The Roman Mystery Helmet Solved!  –  Cody finally got her answer!

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Our helmet was loaned to us from a museum for our Roman Topic.


Other News & Requests

Paint Challenge

Can you paint from one side to the other using only two primary colours and white without repetition? I couldn’t!

The whole class enjoyed doing this challenge especially Isabel who worked very hard on her mixing skills to try and achieve this challenge. Please read this post next week to find out how she got on.

In maths we are learning our times tables.  Please spend a few minutes each day asking your child 2x & 3x table questions.


P3: What’s going on in our classroom!

In Maths, Emma M has enjoyed learning the times tables and the whole class have enjoyed learning the 2x & 3x tables song except for Mrs Sinclair who kept singing the 3x table song in her sleep.

In P.E. Josh enjoyed climbing really high on the wall bars.  A big well done to Rhys who successfully climbed the box by himself after struggling for a little while.

A huge congratulations to Samantha & Amy for their recital of ‘Mince and Tatties’ and Carla for her Ally Bally Song.  We will see you all on X Factor in the future.

Our Roman topic is now up and running and the children are desperate to find out about the Roman helmet which sits  in our classroom.   We are also looking forward to looking at Matthew’s pictures on Monday.   Further updates and pictures to follow in the coming weeks.

As always we practised handwriting and a special mention goes to Ryan who enjoyed joining up his letters.




P3 – Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Many thanks for all my lovely Christmas cards and gifts.  This term our gym days will be Monday and Wednesday. Our library day will be Thursday. Homework will handed out on a Tuesday and due back the following Monday.  Please remember to bring your reading book and diary to school every day.

P3 Winter Ready Activities

Winter Ready Activities – P3

Art -How to make a 3D snowflake . Have a go!

Health and Wellbeing – Go outside and have fun creating a snow sculpture. If you can take a photograph and bring it into school to share.

Maths – Make a clock using the template.  Practise o’clock/half past/quarter to and quarter past

Literacy – Make up your own Snow Poem consisting of 2 verses or an acrostic poem.

Stars in our eyes!

The boys and girls in primary 1 to 3 wowed their parents and family friends with amazing performances in their rendition of Gabrielle’s Big Break this week.  We were so proud of them as they sang beautifully, acted out their lines with expression and remembered to come in on cue!  Both performances entertained, provided Christmas cheer and I am sure brought a tear to some eyes!  Well done, boys and girls!  You are all stars!