All posts by Mrs Sinclair

Fun Day Fun!

P2/3 had lots of fun today!

We had fun taking part in circus skills, super soaker, dance and fencing.

‘I loved soaking all the children’, Mrs Sinclair

‘I can’t believe you wetted me’, Cristian

‘The best day ever day’, Lucy

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P2/3: Paleontologists at work!

Today we had so much fun in our class.  Our class teacher set us a task to experience what it would be like to be a palaeontologist.

Task: Using a cocktail stick and a chocolate chip cookie (the chocolate chips being the dinosaur fossils), we had to dig out every fossil without breaking the cookie otherwise we weren’t allowed to eat the cookie. Everyone in the class managed to dig out their fossils without breaking the cookie.

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Lucy said ‘it was the best day ever’

Cristian & Joseph said ‘we loved it’

Aaron Mc, Finlay and Jamie gave it a thumbs up!

P2/3 Weekly Update

Winners – Goblet of Good Manners

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Our class were the winners of the ‘Goblet of Good Manner’s. I’m so proud of every single child in our class as they have contributed to this award.

Class Dojo Champion

Josh (photo to follow))


Superhero of the Week

Joseph (photo to follow)



P2/3 Weekly Update


We have been learning about sharing equally in maths as an introduction to division.


We have been designing posters about what carnivores and herbivores eat.

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We have been busy rehearsing our songs for our ‘Mums and Grans’ Assembly on Friday 4th March at 11.00am.

Superhero of the Week – Regan

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Dojo Champion – Ava

ava dojo champion 42

Star of the Week – Ava – for making excellent progress in her reading since the beginning of the school year.

ava star of the week

Family Learning Event – Maths Websites

Here are some of the websites that Miss Edmond & Mrs Sinclair talked about at the ‘family learning’ event. and subtracting games the button


P2/3 Weekly Update

P2/3 have had a great week and have really enjoyed their final session of ‘Tennis Tasters’.

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In Maths we have started work on multiplication by looking at sets during our teaching and practical activities.

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As part of our dinosaur topic we have been designing ‘Triassic Landscapes’ using oil pastels hot colours.

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Class Dojo Champion

aaron c dojo champion
Star of the Week

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Kayla Hornby – Successful Learner – For working so hard in maths this week with times tables and mild, hot and spicy challenge.



P2/3 Update

We have been very busy in class this week.  As part of our dinosaur topic, we worked in groups to sort facts and myths.

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We also had lots of fun during our ‘Tennis Taster’ session and Mrs Sinclair commented that felt sorry for our dogs during our ‘take our dog for a walk activity’.

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As part of our Scottish focus we drew ‘Decor Roses’ based on the style of Charles Rennie McIntosh.

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The whole class have  enjoyed our ‘mild, hot and spicy’ challenges.

Class Dojo Champion – Charles (photo to follow)

Star of the Week – Roxanne for ‘Super Art Work’. (photo to follow)

Happy New Year!

This has been a short week to start the New Year but we have had a very positive start!  We have been learning about the origins of New Year’s celebrations and we have also been writing  our New Year’s resolutions for 2016! We hope we will be successful with them.