All posts by Miss Rae


There was a lot of excitement in the nursery this afternoon as we received a parcel addressed to the nursery saying “Urgent, Open Immediately”. When we opened it with the children they were happy to see 5 little caterpillars in 2 different tubs.



We will be watching their progress over the next few weeks and will keep you up to date of your little friends on here.

Nursery Snow Actvities

I hope you are all having a lovely time playing in the snow outside.

Here are some activities that you could do inside if are too cold after playing outside. Parents/ Carers just click on the link below.


T-T-2544364-Winter-Themed-Cutting-Skills-Activity-Sheets_ver_1 (1)


t-t-2450-how-to-make-bird-feeders_ver_4 T-T-2472-Biscuit-Recipe-Sheets_ver_1

Have fun and remember you can keep us up to date with what you are doing through your online learners journals

Clay Faces

The nursery children enjoyed participating in some art work in the outside environment at the Lanthorn woods. They made some clay faces on the trees using natural materials for the different features they found in the woods.