All posts by Miss Rae

Winter Fun

Last week the children in nursery enjoyed playing in the snow. They were also making bird cake to care for the birds. The children spotted a Pied Wagtail, House Sparrows, Magpies, Crows and Blackbirds.

Making Birdcake
Making Birdcake
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow
Snow Angels
Snow Angels
Running in the Snow
Running in the Snow

Nursery Burns Celebrations

In nursery this week we have been learning about Scottish Culture.
We have been creating tartan patterns using cars, weaving gummed paper and with paint. We have learned lots of Scottish songs and listening to Scottish stories. The children have enjoyed our Scottish music and dancing. To finish our Burns celebration we enjoyed haggis, neeps and tatties for our Burns Supper.

Our tartan patterns
Our tartan patterns
Meeting Hamish the Haggis
Meeting Hamish the Haggis







Making Scottish flags
Making Scottish flags
Practising cutting and sticking
Practising cutting and sticking
Our Burns Supper
Our Burns Supper


Nursery Christmas Fun

In the nursery we are very excited about Christmas.  We wrote invitations inviting Santa to our party and this week he wrote a letter back to us!!  He said he will try to make it but he is very busy and poor Rudolph has a cold.

We are looking forward to telling you the Christmas story at our nativity next week, don’t forget, it is on Thursday 18th December at 10am for the morning children and 2pm for the afternoon children.