We had a new friend join us in the nursery today. Frosty the Snowman arrived this morning and is now keeping Rudolph company. Another huge thank you to Carli’s Papa who has been busy again making this for us.
It was a fabulous surprise!
When our autumn helpers went back to the woods to see if the squirrels had found the nuts they were only able to find some of the shells left!
As this had worked so well the rest of us went out to hide more nuts in the woods yesterday.
We found lots of good places to put them.
Although we are not sure how many of the squirrels will find them as the ducks and swans were looking for them before we even left!
Today we had lots of Halloween fun in the nursery! We all dressed up and went guising around the school. Our disguises were so good that Mrs Ferguson didn’t even recognise us! We sang a Halloween song to everyone and were even rewarded with a treat from Mr Herman!
When we got back to the nursery we had worms for snack! (looked a bit like spaghetti!)
Then we enjoyed dooking for apples too!
Last week some new resources arrived in the nursery. Our favourite is our new building bricks which we used to build big towers. We were great at sharing the bricks with our friends and asked each other if we could borrow bricks to make our towers bigger when we ran out. Using careful building and counting skills we worked out that it took 16 bricks to be as tall as Kayla and 17 bricks to be as tall as Zak.
Over the last week we have enjoyed taking our learning outside. We went out to find autumn leaves in the local area and now have been using these in our art work and for sorting at our science table.
We got duck food and went to feed the ducks and swans. We noticed that the cygnets feathers are getting lighter and they were also really hungry!
In the nursery we recycled some of our yogurt pots to make bird feeders to hang in the garden. We were excited to see some of the birds eating from them when we went out to play but found out that it was very difficult to get pictures of them!