All posts by Miss Rodford

Happy Mothers Day !!!

P1a have been busy practising for the Mothers Day assembly! We have also been making cards and pictures for our mums.

We have also been practising our number facts for 9 and we have been working hard on our mental maths addition strategies.     P1a have also been writing wanted posters for Goldilocks!!  She is very naughty and the police need to catch her. Can you spot our wanted posters outside our classroom?

Thursday was world book day. We celebrated this by dressing up as our favourite book characters.

‘I am Harry Potter’ – Ryan

‘I dressed up as Alisa from Frozen’ – Pooja

‘I am a Minion’ – Kian

We also read the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, and we made super pictures of Goldilocks !!

Can you spot them next to our wanted posters?

P1a wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to all the mums and grandmas.  We think you are all AWESOME !!!!!

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A busy week in P1a

P1a have been really busy this week !

On Monday, we visited the Church at the Lanthorn Centre. We went to visit a mock baptism. We saw the font and we watch the teddy getting water poured on his head!

‘ They put a cross on the babies head’ Ryan

‘The font has water in it’ Charlie

‘God is welcoming the baby’ Robbie

Miss Rodford thought we did a great job at listening.

We also did some more work on digital and analogue time! We are getting super quick at telling the time now !

In phonics, we had a go at building sentences of our own using the words cards.

We enjoyed some play time in the structured play and we made pictures of the ‘Three Little Bears’ ! Can you spot the porridge that we used to finish the pictures.

On Wednesday, We watch ‘Alice in Wonderland’ , it was a super performance and the children had great fun watching it!

‘I liked all of it’ Charlie

‘It was fun’ Savannah

Finally, well done to the four boys who have gained their first reading certificate  – Ryan, Daniel S, Kian and Charlie.

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We made houses for the three little pigs.

This week, we work in teams to build a house for the Three Little Pigs.  The houses needed to be strong so the wolf couldn’t blow them down.

We made our houses out of cardboard, paper and Lego bricks.

Then on Friday, we pretended that a hairdryer was the Big Bad Wolf and we tried to blow all the the houses down.

Some of the houses DIDN’T fall down.

We also learnt how to tell the time to o’clock and we made watches and clocks !!

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Our busy week in P1a

We have been busy learning all about our number facts to 8. We have been using cubes and our fingers to help us to work out the different ways that we can make 8.

‘You can swop the number around to make a new number fact’ Savannah.

‘I can use a numberline to find the missing numbers’ Ryan

‘I enjoyed finding different ways to make 8’ Charlie


In reading, we are working hard to sound out new words.

‘I liked book ‘pets’ it was fun’ Ava.


We have also been spending lots of time looking at our bean plants to see how they have been growing.  Lots of the beans now have a stalk and leaves.

‘My bean plant has leaves’ Ryan

‘My bean plant has lots of roots and it is sucking up the water’ Daniel S

‘My bean plant has roots’ Daniel G

In Art, we made super beanstalk pictures using beans and cotton. We think they look super !

Ziggy is going home with Savannah for the weekend and we look forward to hearing all about their adventures on Wednesday !


A fun week in P1a

This week, P1a have been learning all about the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.

We found out the Gingerbread man was a bit naughty because he kept running away from everyone!

We talked about our favourite parts of the story …

‘I liked the chicken and the dog’ Pooja

I liked it when the fox ate the gingerbread man’ Jack B

We all made a Gingerbread man and decorated him using buttons, chalk and string.

P1a also wrote a story about the Gingerbread man! Miss Rodford thought that they were super.  We had to remember our fingers spaces, full stops and capital letters.

In maths, we have been learning about our number stories to 7.

Mrs Stewart also came to speak to us about her new baby Grandson! We thought about all the things a baby needs when it is small.

To help Jack from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ , we planted some beans and over the next few weeks we will be watching them grow !IMG_1336[1] IMG_1393[1] IMG_1370[1]IMG_1393[1]IMG_1378[1]IMG_1371[1]IMG_1388[1]IMG_1396[1]IMG_1365[1]IMG_1337[1]IMG_1374[1]



P1a’s busy week

This week, P1a have been learning all about doubles.

‘2+2 is 4’ –  Chloe

6 + 6 is 12 – Fraser

We also made doubling lady birds!!! They look super!

P1a have also been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk. We found out that the Giant was a bad character because he steals the hen and the harp.

We made wanted posters to warn others about him.

We have also been practicing our Scottish poems and we learnt all about Robert Burns.  We had visitors from Macastory, who told stories and sang songs about Robert Burns ! They were really funny.IMG_1296[1]IMG_1300[1]IMG_1307[1]IMG_1312[1]IMG_1308[1]IMG_1309[1]IMG_1301[1]


P1a’s learning this week

We had a special visitor in the night to P1a’s classroom ….  A Friendly Dragon

He left us a note saying that Fairyland has disappeared and that he needs our help!

We wrote letters back saying how we were going to help him.

We have also been working hard on our subtraction within 5 and are getting super confident.

Miss Rodford’s writing group have been working hard at building and writing sentences.

Well dine P1a

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Happy New Year from P1a

P1a have had a short but busy week!

We enjoyed having a chat about our Christmas and what presents we got!

We have been busy revising our sounds and tricky words that we learnt last year!

P1a loved playing the fly swatter tricky words game.

The aim of the game is to find the word and swot it if we can read it!!!

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