For World Book Day the morning nursery children visited a local shop where they all purchased a book using their World Book Day voucher.
Daily Archives: March 7, 2014
World Book Day
Thursday was World Book Day and we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. We enjoyed pretending to be the characters and it was fun to see who everyone else dressed up as. We enjoyed seeing all of the costumes and hearing about books we didn’t know. Can you guess the characters in the picture?
Primary 4 update!
As it is Fair trade Fortnight, we went along to the local Sainsbury’s store for a Fair trade treasure hunt! We searched the store for as many Fair trade products as we could! We looked out for the Fair trade logo and we took a photograph of the different items we could find and added it to our list.
‘I enjoyed working together with my group.’ Beth K
‘It was really fun and it was really enjoyable as well.’ Euan
‘Our group found 14 different items with the Fair trade logo on it.’ Sommer
‘Now I know what the Fair trade logo looks like and I drew a picture of this when I went home to show my mum.’ Josh
‘My group found that Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream is Fair trade.’ Ciara
We dressed up as our favourite characters on World Book Day and we visited the Lanthorn for a special service with other primary four classes from nearby schools. We had to select a song to sing and we selected ‘Build Up.’ We also had a few speakers from our class who shared some of their favourite stories.
‘At the Lanthorn we heard that the bible has lots of stories in it.’ Deacon
‘There was a box with stuff in it and when we picked something out it reminded Rev. Hine about different stories and he told us them.’ Arran.
‘I really liked how some of the children told us about some stories we had never heard before.’ Lily
We have been learning about internet safety and this week our focus was cyber bullying. ‘If somebody annoys you online then you should tell your mum and dad.’ Sophie
‘We have started to make an internet safety pamphlet to let people know how they can stay safe online.’ Laurie-Anne
‘ We have been learning about the SMART tips for internet safety and T is for Tell. Tell a responsible adult if someone is mean.
In maths this week we have been focusing on division. We now know what the sign looks like and we have been sharing equally and recording our calculations. Our times tables can really help us here!
‘Division needs to have the big number first and then the smaller number.’ Niamh
‘To check you have the right answer you can swap it backwards using your times tables.’ Kalanah
Thank you for reading!