Journalism First-hand!

By Jamie Skeldon

Last Tuesday, at 9.30a.m., a well known sports journalist, Mr Anderson, who works for the Edinburgh Evening News, came into class to tell us about journalism first-hand.

He told us about how you have to include who? what? when? where? and why? and also how your key points have to be in the first and second paragraphs and there were questions and answers. Mr Barry Anderson writes for the sports section every day and gave up his free time to speak to us.

Mr Anderson told us about deadlines and the difference between feature and sports writing. He also told us that if you were to choose this career you have to go to other countries and interview people and as he said, sometimes people can be very helpful and sometimes they can be arrogant and very impatient.

Just before Mr Anderson left, he signed autographs just for a laugh. He then told us if anyone would like advice on this particular career we should contact him through Dylan, his son, who is in this class. We then thanked him then he left.

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