On the second day of the P7 Voxter trip we hiked up a burn. A man called Steve came as our guide, he explained we were hiking up a burn, going across the top of the hill, down another burn, across a beach and back the Voxter House.
We had to get a rucksack, a helmet and a waterproof jacket (just in case it got windy or rainy).
We walked up a very steep hill and down the side of it to the burn. We had to put on our helmets then so if we fell our heads would be safe. We jumped on rocks across the burn for no practical reason just to make it fun and exciting. We took turns leading the group (anyone who wanted to) through challenging routes. Then we had to go on our own for a bit finding our own routes up the burn
When we eventually got to the top of the hill we walked across the top of it to get to the other burn, we got down to the level of the burn and FINALLY had lunch. We then carried on down the burn, just like before. When we got to the bottom we took off our helmets and walked across the beach back to Voxter to catch our bus back to school.
Overall the walk was fun or some, a bit frustrating others. But Tom, Abby and Gary would definitely do it again.
By Gary and Tom (P7)